YouTube.com quality change buttons (Mobile / Desktop) JS - Adds quality change buttons below the video (144p, 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p...) works on mobile (m.youtube.com) and on desktop.
YouTube.com seek buttons (Mobile / Desktop) JS - Adds +-30sec +-1min +-5min buttons below the video. Works on mobile, tablet (m.youtube.com) and on desktop.
m.YouTube.com auto fullscreen on rotate JS - Switches the video to full-screen mode when you rotate your smart device
m.YouTube.com allow background play TEST SCRIPT JS - Allows m.YouTube.com background play, especially useful for iPhone users
YouTube.com add PIP picture in picture pop-out button (Mobile / Desktop) JS - Adds a pop out to PIP button below the video. Works on mobile, tablet (m.youtube.com) and on desktop.
YouTube.com audio only mode buttons (Mobile / Desktop) JS - Adds buttons below video to play media in audio only mode. Works on mobile (m.youtube.com) and on desktop.