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Login reminder popup remover (developement ceased - not up to date)

Removes the nagging login popups and banners from mobile and desktop versions of Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, Quora, VK, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitch and from the mobile versions of Youtube and TikTok.

< Відгуки до Login reminder popup remover (developement ceased - not up to date)

Відгук: OK - script works, but has bugs

Опубліковано: 15.07.2023

This no longer works for Twitter. I see that this is no longer being developed. Are there alternatives?

Опубліковано: 17.07.2023

Hi, these two scripts are the only ones I could find:
but they are even older than mine.
Unfortunately no one at the moment wanted to continue the developement of my script.

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