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TwitterImg Downloader

Add download button to Twitter image, and click to download the original image named by format.

< Відгуки до TwitterImg Downloader

Відгук: Добре - скрипт працює добре

Опубліковано: 23.12.2019
Edited: 25.01.2020

Hot keys support?

Any hot keys or short cut support for this script ? such as crt+"any key" or in gallery mod press "any key"

because I sometime find the script not working properly in certain resolution, or different window size, it will either not download the image, or direct the page to the post, or exit out from the large picture view mode。 so maybe adding some short cut will indirectly solve the problem and provide better experience when using the script。

Опубліковано: 23.12.2019

Oh I also forgot to mention the problem of clicking the download button started to increase after twitter change the way of viewing multiple picture in "large picture viewing mode" (or gallery mode ?) when clicking to the right edge of the picture, the download button will not trigger, instead the next picture will show up.

HY NanoАвтор
Опубліковано: 25.12.2019
Edited: 25.12.2019

Great idea, download shortcut key in gallery mode have been added in version 0.9. Bug of download button will be solved in a later version.

Опубліковано: 28.12.2019

I again forgot to say I'm also using other script, which is "mouse over popup image viewer " so i don't if these is the thing that cause the bug

Опубліковано: 28.12.2019

btw the hot key work like a charm!

Опубліковано: 25.01.2020
Edited: 07.02.2020

The shortcut is not working from the home page ad profile page timeline, it will definitely work on the the top right corner of profile page picture though

update2/7: i find out this does not work on single picture on the twitter timeline, but if there is more then one picture, the shortcut will work

HY NanoАвтор
Опубліковано: 15.02.2020
Edited: 15.02.2020

The bug has been solved in version 0.10, thanks for feedback!

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