Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites)

Block unwanted sites from your Google, DuckDuckGo,, Bing and Yahoo search results. v2.3.4 2025-03-15

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Опубліковано: 05.10.2017

Google Image Search

Should this userscript be able to hide results on Google image search? If so, it doesn't seem to for me.

Jefferson ScherАвтор
Опубліковано: 05.10.2017

Yes, it should work. When you load image results, your existing block list should be applied. Regular block items are faded, Perma-ban items are hidden. When you click a result and display it on the large black panel, if you want to block it, use the GHHbD button at the right end of the set of buttons.

If you do not see any of that, perhaps you have a different layout. Can you reply with a sample URL of your image results page?

Опубліковано: 19.01.2018

It broke for me when i switched to Violentmonkey on FF57. Is it still broken for anyone else?

Jefferson ScherАвтор
Опубліковано: 19.01.2018

Seems the button layout on the large black panel has changed, so the script no longer finds the spot to add the GHHbD button.

This is not pretty, but you could edit line 362:


var buttondivs = el.querySelectorAll('.irc_butc:not([ghhresult])');


var buttondivs = el.querySelectorAll('.irc_butc:not([ghhresult]), .irc_but_r:not([ghhresult])');

I'll try to do a real update over the weekend.

Jefferson ScherАвтор
Опубліковано: 20.01.2018

This should be fixed in version 1.9.2. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

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