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Could someone please create a script to remove censorship from

Опубліковано: 04.11.2024

The site implemented recently a draconic censorship in its ai image generation models. But apparently the original image appears for an instant before being replaced by a warning picture. If a script could preserve the image, avoiding it to be replaced by the warning picture, it would be great. is a great tool, especially the realtime painting model: With such censorship almost anything with some girls showing some skin is being replaced by the warning pic. Please uncensor!

Опубліковано: 05.12.2024

i just tried, but it stopped generating any images after one warning, before i could even start the script

Опубліковано: 05.12.2024
Опубліковано: 06.12.2024

^^^ hacker09 has dun it.

Опубліковано: 06.12.2024

i noticed, its after i posted that.

Опубліковано: 07.12.2024

Great! It works! Thanks!! But it only offers the option to download the pic, it doesn't really uncensor the live paint editor. Is there a way to automatically replace the censorship image with the rendered image, so one can continue painting without being stopped by the damn bear?

Опубліковано: 07.12.2024
Edited: 07.12.2024

It uncensors the live paint editor because you can download the censored image.
The bear breaks it, so after you generate something bad, generate something normal (like a single letter or digit), or the bear will keep blocking you.

I could do that where the script doesn't download anything, simply replaces the bear with the image, but actually, the bear would still be there hidden, blocking the next bad prompts anyway, so there's no point in doing it.

Опубліковано: 12.01.2025

@hacker09 what about the bear in this other page? This one is not dynamic, it is generated/updated only once:

Is it possible to decensor those, or at least be able to download the generated picture with a link or button?

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