Terabox video link unlock (redirect to embed) JS - Redirect Terabox video links to embed links
1Fichier Redirect to FastDebrid JS - Save 1fichier link, redirect to FastDebrid and autofill the link.
Bypass some spanish link shorteners JS - Bypass some shorteners
spanish torrent sites short-link bypasser JS - Bypass some shorteners for spanish torrent sites like elitetorrent.com zonatorrent.in tomadivx.net estrenosdtl.re infomaniakos.net subtorrents.eu divxatope.net divxtotal.mov
Bypass intercambiosvirtuales.org short-link tracker JS - Bypass some shorteners
Redirect Magnet Links to Webtor.io JS - Redirect all magnet links to webtor.io.
TikTok to TikNot Redirect JS - Redirect TikTok to TikNot
Redirect Segurosdevida.site link shortener shortlink JS - Redirects link shortener shortlink segurosdevida.site for some sites including mandranime.com
Bypass sphinxanime.com link shortener JS - Bypass sphinxanime.com link shortener or short-link. It's a simple base64 decode of a parameter in the URL
cybertyrant.com -and others- link shortener auto-skipper JS - Auto-click the buttons and redirect to the download link.
maxcine.net link shortener bypass JS - Redirects to URL the destination URL bypassing the link shorteners
verpeliculasonline.org subtituladas.com link shortener bypass JS - Bypass helper for the link shortener
verpeliculasonline.org subtituladas.com link shortener auto-bypass JS - Redirects to URL the destination URL bypassing the link shorteners
Download Button for GreasyFork scripts JS - Adds a button to download the script
shareus.io auto-skip JS - Automatically click the buttons to skip to the target link
Add magnets to mOnkrus.ws JS - Extracts the magnet link from uniondht.org and adds it to the original page.
LinkSpy concatenated with clicksfly.com Bypass JS - Redirects from LinkSpy shortened URLs to the original URLs before any content is loaded.
ssrmovies.rent auto-skip JS - autoclick the buttons for the link shortener used in ssrmovies.rent
librospdfgratismundo.net replace link shorteners JS - Replace link shorteners with true download links
Markdown Table Of Contents JS - Creates a table of contents for some markdown-based websites
1337x fallback proxy when rate limited JS - Redirect the page if rate limited on 1337x.to
AudiobookBay Add Magnets Without Login JS - Add a magnet link next to the InfoHash
YouTube To Invidious Button JS - Adds a button to redirect from YouTube to an Invidious instance