WME Simple Alert Messages JS - changes the styling of the segment and venue messages
WME Zoom Limit JS - limits how far out you can zoom
WME COL Basemap JS - Adds aerials from the COL GIS as a basemap for WME
WME Auto Update URL JS - updates the url as the map is moved
ArcGIS Server Fields to GIS-L JS - copies field names in a format to paste into the GIS-L spreadsheet
YouTube Speed Changer JS - Use a url parameter to change the video speed
Messages for Web Location Linker JS - Converts locations in messages to a link to maps
Realtor WELS Church Locator JS - Adds distance to nearest WELS church on the search results
WME Google Traffic Layer JS - Adds Google Maps traffic layer as an overlay to the Waze Map Editor
Azure DevOps Commit Compare JS - Compare commits like pull requests
Rental Utils JS - cleans up the unnecessary junk off the end of urls and links location to vrbo
Image Grabber JS - grab images from pages that you can't right click on images
Realtor Addons JS - Provides additional functionality to Realtor.com and other real estate sites, adding crime map overlay, distance to HEB, and closest WELS/ELS church
TxDOT ITS Addons JS - Adds the ability to use url parameters to move the map
WME Custom Managed Area Names JS - allows for editing managed area names
Shorts Reminder JS - Get reminders to take a break from watching shorts (default every 15 minutes)
WME Beta UR Links JS - Open UR links in Beta WME
Crime Map Churches Layer Data JS (ئامبار) - adds churches layer to the crime map
HEB Store Locations JS (ئامبار) - A json array of HEB store addresses and coordinates