Selectable JS - Allows you to copy all the texts! Inspired by Chrome extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/selectable-for-fanfiction/jcidlhgdoojamkbpmhbpgldmajnobefd/related
Skip Amazon Prime Video Ads JS - This script skips Prime Video ads in English and German – adapted from Mattealex https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/393617-skip-amazon-prime-video-ads
ARD Mediathek - Smaller Subtitles CSS - Makes the subtitles on the ARD Mediathek smaller
StreamElements store - hide sold out CSS - Removes sold out items from StreamElements stores
Replace Alienware Arena Control Center Twitch links JS - Replaces the Twitch quest links to the Twitch Alienware extension link in the Alienware Arena Control Center Twitch to not require the Twitch stream to be loaded
YouTube Channel Playlist Button JS - Adds a button linking to the channel's playlist on YouTube channel pages