Blur on inactivity Extended JS - https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/466065-blur-on-inactivity with additional features
GOG-Games.net Extra Info JS - Adds more information about the current game you are checking out
Hover Zoom Revamped JS - Basic userscript implementation of the Imagus Hoverzoom extension
Nexus Mods - Download Mod Faster - Improved UX (All Games) JS - Improves the user experience for nexusmods.com visitors by adding Insta-DL buttons in various places like |1) categories mod tiles |2) mod description/file page
Clear all cookies JS - Tries to recreate going into incognito mode for a website without actually opening an incognito tab
FunctionHooker.js JS (ئامبار) - Hook most functions on runtime via the function name
TetteLib JS (ئامبار) - A library containing several functions i use often in my other scripts