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Emby/Jellyfin 调用外部本地播放器,并回传播放记录。适配 Plex。
< Feedback on embyToLocalPlayer
大佬,配置好.ini后双击进入.bat会直接闪退提示was unexpected at this time. 文件夹中python显示 unable to create process, system can not find file spescified. 三个文件夹都是一样的报错请问有办法解决吗?感谢
下载便携版,并解压到 C:\etlp,然后用命令行运行以下命令 C:\etlp\python_embed\python.exe "C:\etlp\"
C:\etlp\python_embed\python.exe "C:\etlp\"
جاۋاب قايتۇرۇش ئۈچۈن كىرىش.
大佬,配置好.ini后双击进入.bat会直接闪退提示was unexpected at this time. 文件夹中python显示 unable to create process, system can not find file spescified. 三个文件夹都是一样的报错请问有办法解决吗?感谢