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CosmosisT's TinyChat Script (CTS V1.8.65)

Modified TinyChat - Best Scripts; prepare to be amazed.

< Feedback on CosmosisT's TinyChat Script (CTS V1.8.65)

Review: قالتىس - قوليازما ئىشلەيدۇ

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2020-05-18
تەھرىرلەنگەن ۋاقتى: 2020-05-18

mobile version mics and room users dont show up

i did not see the blue affect on ppl mics through phone would u try implement this on kiwi browser, basically is what I need

thanks in advance

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2020-05-18


يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2020-05-20

Next time I look at mobile portion of project I will see why that is.

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2020-05-21

<okay let me know when you have time for this issue

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2020-05-26


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