WK But No Cigar JS - Stops Wanikani from marking answers that are 'a bit off' as correct, makes you try again until you are right or wrong.
WK Auto Wrap-Up JS - deletes the review queue forcing WK to do reviews in batches of 10 and make get requests every 10 reviews
WK no idle JS - Deletes the timeout element (If it causes problems I don't know about them)
WK Font Sizer JS - change font size of reviews
WK Never Wrong JS - Never get a review wrong again* (*even if you do)
WK FiddleSettings JS - enter something useful
WK Double Check JS - Toggle the mark given by WaniKani
WaniKani Quick Info JS - Shows available information while waiting for the server response
WK Do You Even Kana? JS - check that the okurigana matches the answer.
WaniKani Nippongrammar Extension JS - Svg Canvas used to draw Kanji on reviews and lessons, using website code.
WK Voice Recognition Experiment JS - enter something useful
Wanikani Self-Study Plus RC JS - Adds an option to add and review your own custom vocabulary
WK Overlay JS - Overlays component information on reviews when show info is pressed.
Wrap Up More JS - Increase the number of Wrap Up items in reviews
WK KanaMatrix JS - On script enabled mobile phones (touchscreen devices) creates a kana matrix input
WK Enhanced Search JS - Enhance WaniKani's Subject Search Results
MIDI output for Online Sequencer JS - Output sequences to a MIDI device. (This is WIP so it's not pretty)
dmak JS (Kitaplık) - Draw Me a Kanji
kanjirender JS (Kitaplık) - Kanji render functions