- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Resize YT To Window Size
- // @description Moves the YouTube video to the top of the website and fill the window with the video player.
- // @author Chris H (Zren / Shade)
- // @license MIT
- // @icon https://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/favicon_32-vflOogEID.png
- // @homepageURL https://github.com/Zren/ResizeYoutubePlayerToWindowSize/
- // @namespace http://xshade.ca
- // @version 132
- // @include http*://*.youtube.com/*
- // @include http*://youtube.com/*
- // @include http*://*.youtu.be/*
- // @include http*://youtu.be/*
- // @grant none
- // ==/UserScript==
- // Github: https://github.com/Zren/ResizeYoutubePlayerToWindowSize
- // GreasyFork: https://greasyfork.org/scripts/811-resize-yt-to-window-size
- // OpenUserJS.org: https://openuserjs.org/scripts/zren/Resize_YT_To_Window_Size
- // Userscripts.org: http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/show/153699
- (function (window) {
- "use strict";
- //--- Settings
- var playerHeight = '100vh';
- var enableOnLoad = true;
- var scriptToggleKey = 'w';
- //--- Imported Globals
- // yt
- // ytcenter
- // html5Patched (Youtube+)
- // ytplayer
- var uw = window;
- //--- Already Loaded?
- // GreaseMonkey loads this script twice for some reason.
- if (uw.ytwp) return;
- //--- Is iframe?
- function inIframe () {
- try {
- return window.self !== window.top;
- } catch (e) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- if (inIframe()) return;
- //--- Utils
- function isStringType(obj) { return typeof obj === 'string'; }
- function isArrayType(obj) { return obj instanceof Array; }
- function isObjectType(obj) { return typeof obj === 'object'; }
- function isUndefined(obj) { return typeof obj === 'undefined'; }
- function buildVenderPropertyDict(propertyNames, value) {
- var d = {};
- for (var i in propertyNames)
- d[propertyNames[i]] = value;
- return d;
- }
- function observe(selector, config, callback) {
- var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
- mutations.forEach(function(mutation){
- callback(mutation);
- });
- });
- var target = document.querySelector(selector);
- if (!target) {
- return null;
- }
- observer.observe(target, config);
- return observer;
- }
- //--- Stylesheet
- var JSStyleSheet = function(id) {
- this.id = id;
- this.stylesheet = '';
- };
- JSStyleSheet.prototype.buildRule = function(selector, styles) {
- var s = "";
- for (var key in styles) {
- s += "\t" + key + ": " + styles[key] + ";\n";
- }
- return selector + " {\n" + s + "}\n";
- };
- JSStyleSheet.prototype.appendRule = function(selector, k, v) {
- if (isArrayType(selector))
- selector = selector.join(',\n');
- var newStyle;
- if (!isUndefined(k) && !isUndefined(v) && isStringType(k)) { // v can be any type (as we stringify it).
- var d = {};
- d[k] = v;
- newStyle = this.buildRule(selector, d);
- } else if (!isUndefined(k) && isUndefined(v) && isObjectType(k)) {
- newStyle = this.buildRule(selector, k);
- } else {
- // Invalid Arguments
- console.log('Illegal arguments', arguments);
- return;
- }
- this.stylesheet += newStyle;
- };
- JSStyleSheet.injectIntoHeader = function(injectedStyleId, stylesheet) {
- var styleElement = document.getElementById(injectedStyleId);
- if (!styleElement) {
- styleElement = document.createElement('style');
- styleElement.type = 'text/css';
- styleElement.id = injectedStyleId;
- document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(styleElement);
- }
- styleElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(stylesheet));
- };
- JSStyleSheet.prototype.injectIntoHeader = function(injectedStyleId, stylesheet) {
- JSStyleSheet.injectIntoHeader(this.id, this.stylesheet);
- };
- //--- History
- var HistoryEvent = function() {}
- HistoryEvent.listeners = []
- HistoryEvent.dispatch = function(state, title, url) {
- var stack = this.listeners
- for (var i = 0, l = stack.length; i < l; i++) {
- stack[i].call(this, state, title, url)
- }
- }
- HistoryEvent.onPushState = function(state, title, url) {
- HistoryEvent.dispatch(state, title, url)
- return HistoryEvent.origPushState.apply(window.history, arguments)
- }
- HistoryEvent.onReplaceState = function(state, title, url) {
- HistoryEvent.dispatch(state, title, url)
- return HistoryEvent.origReplaceState.apply(window.history, arguments)
- }
- HistoryEvent.inject = function() {
- if (!HistoryEvent.injected) {
- HistoryEvent.origPushState = window.history.pushState
- HistoryEvent.origReplaceState = window.history.replaceState
- window.history.pushState = HistoryEvent.onPushState
- window.history.replaceState = HistoryEvent.onReplaceState
- HistoryEvent.injected = true
- }
- }
- HistoryEvent.timerId = 0
- HistoryEvent.onTick = function() {
- var currentPage = window.location.pathname + window.location.search
- if (HistoryEvent.lastPage != currentPage) {
- HistoryEvent.dispatch({}, document.title, window.location.href)
- HistoryEvent.lastPage = currentPage
- }
- }
- HistoryEvent.startTimer = function() {
- HistoryEvent.lastPage = window.location.pathname + window.location.search
- HistoryEvent.timerId = setInterval(HistoryEvent.onTick, 500)
- }
- HistoryEvent.stopTimer = function() {
- clearInterval(HistoryEvent.timerId)
- }
- window.ytwpHistoryEvent = HistoryEvent
- //--- Constants
- var scriptShortName = 'ytwp'; // YT Window Player
- var scriptStyleId = scriptShortName + '-style'; // ytwp-style
- var scriptBodyClassId = scriptShortName + '-window-player'; // .ytwp-window-player
- var viewingVideoClassId = scriptShortName + '-viewing-video'; // .ytwp-viewing-video
- var topOfPageClassId = scriptShortName + '-scrolltop'; // .ytwp-scrolltop
- var scriptHtmlSelector = 'html:not([fullscreen="true"])';
- var scriptBodySelector = 'body.' + scriptBodyClassId; // body.ytwp-window-player
- scriptBodySelector += ':not(.enhancer-for-youtube-pinned-player)'; // Support "Enhancer for Youtube" (Pull Request #51)
- var scriptSelector = scriptHtmlSelector + ' ' + scriptBodySelector;
- var videoContainerId = 'player';
- var videoContainerPlacemarkerId = scriptShortName + '-placemarker'; // ytwp-placemarker
- var transitionProperties = ["transition", "-ms-transition", "-moz-transition", "-webkit-transition", "-o-transition"];
- var transformProperties = ["transform", "-ms-transform", "-moz-transform", "-webkit-transform", "-o-transform"];
- //--- YTWP
- var ytwp = uw.ytwp = {
- scriptShortName: scriptShortName, // YT Window Player
- log_: function(logger, args) { logger.apply(console, ['[' + this.scriptShortName + '] '].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(args))); return 1; },
- log: function() { return this.log_(console.log, arguments); },
- error: function() { return this.log_(console.error, arguments); },
- initialized: false,
- pageReady: false,
- isWatchPage: false,
- };
- ytwp.isWatchUrl = function (url) {
- if (!url)
- url = uw.location.href;
- if (url.match(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?youtube.com\/(c|channel|user)\/[^\/]+\/live/)) {
- if (document.querySelector('ytd-browse')) {
- return false
- } else {
- return true
- }
- }
- return url.match(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?youtube.com\/watch\?/);
- };
- ytwp.setTheaterMode = function(enable) {
- // ytwp.log('setTheaterMode', enable)
- var watchElement = document.querySelector('ytd-watch:not([hidden])') || document.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy:not([hidden])')
- if (watchElement) {
- var isTheater = watchElement.hasAttribute('theater')
- if (enable != isTheater) {
- // Note: (Issue #75) ytd-watch-flexy watchElement.querySelector() will find
- // Nothing for some reason. We need to query from the document scope.
- var sizeButton = document.querySelector(watchElement.tagName + ':not([hidden]) button.ytp-size-button')
- if (!sizeButton) {
- var screenModeButtons = document.querySelectorAll(watchElement.tagName + ':not([hidden]) button.ytp-screen-mode-settings-button')
- sizeButton = screenModeButtons[1] // 2nd button is "Theater mode (t)"
- }
- if (sizeButton) {
- sizeButton.click()
- }
- }
- watchElement.canFitTheater_ = true // When it's too small, it disables the theater mode.
- } else if (watchElement = document.querySelector('#page.watch')) {
- var isTheater = watchElement.classList.contains('watch-stage-mode')
- if (enable != isTheater) {
- var sizeButton = watchElement.querySelector('button.ytp-size-button')
- if (sizeButton) {
- sizeButton.click()
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ytwp.enterTheaterMode = function() {
- // ytwp.log('enterTheaterMode')
- if (!document.body.classList.contains(scriptBodyClassId)) {
- return
- }
- ytwp.setTheaterMode(true)
- }
- ytwp.enterTheaterMode();
- uw.addEventListener('resize', ytwp.enterTheaterMode);
- ytwp.detectPlayerUnavailable = function() {
- if (document.querySelector('[player-unavailable]')) {
- ytwp.event.removeBodyClass()
- }
- }
- ytwp.init = function() {
- ytwp.log('init');
- if (!ytwp.initialized) {
- ytwp.isWatchPage = ytwp.isWatchUrl();
- if (ytwp.isWatchPage) {
- ytwp.removeSearchAutofocus();
- if (!document.getElementById(scriptStyleId)) {
- ytwp.event.initStyle();
- }
- ytwp.initScroller();
- ytwp.initialized = true;
- ytwp.pageReady = false;
- }
- }
- ytwp.event.onWatchInit();
- if (ytwp.isWatchPage) {
- ytwp.html5PlayerFix();
- }
- }
- ytwp.initScroller = function() {
- // Register listener & Call it now.
- uw.addEventListener('scroll', ytwp.onScroll, false);
- uw.addEventListener('resize', ytwp.onScroll, false);
- ytwp.onScroll();
- }
- ytwp.onScroll = function() {
- var viewportHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
- // topOfPageClassId
- if (ytwp.isWatchPage && uw.scrollY == 0) {
- document.body.classList.add(topOfPageClassId);
- //var player = document.getElementById('movie_player');
- //if (player)
- // player.focus();
- } else {
- document.body.classList.remove(topOfPageClassId);
- }
- // viewingVideoClassId
- if (ytwp.isWatchPage && uw.scrollY <= viewportHeight) {
- document.body.classList.add(viewingVideoClassId);
- } else {
- document.body.classList.remove(viewingVideoClassId);
- }
- }
- ytwp.event = {
- initStyle: function() {
- ytwp.log('initStyle');
- ytwp.style = new JSStyleSheet(scriptStyleId);
- ytwp.event.buildStylesheet();
- // Duplicate stylesheet targeting data-spf-name if enabled.
- if (uw.spf) {
- var temp = scriptBodySelector;
- scriptBodySelector = 'body[data-spf-name="watch"]';
- scriptSelector = scriptHtmlSelector + ' ' + scriptBodySelector
- ytwp.event.buildStylesheet();
- ytwp.style.appendRule('body[data-spf-name="watch"]:not(.ytwp-window-player) #masthead-positioner', {
- 'position': 'absolute',
- 'top': playerHeight + ' !important'
- });
- }
- ytwp.style.injectIntoHeader();
- },
- buildStylesheet: function() {
- ytwp.log('buildStylesheet');
- //--- Browser Scrollbar
- // Chrome/Webkit
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptBodySelector + '::-webkit-scrollbar', {
- 'width': '0 !important',
- 'height': '0 !important',
- });
- // Firefox/Gecko
- // Requires about:config flag to be toggled as of FireFox v63
- // https://github.com/Zren/ResizeYoutubePlayerToWindowSize/issues/42
- ytwp.style.appendRule('html', {
- 'scrollbar-width': 'none',
- });
- //--- Video Player
- var d;
- d = buildVenderPropertyDict(transitionProperties, 'left 0s linear, padding-left 0s linear');
- d['padding'] = '0 !important';
- d['margin'] = '0 !important';
- ytwp.style.appendRule([
- scriptBodySelector + ' #player',
- scriptBodySelector + '.ytcenter-site-center.ytcenter-non-resize.ytcenter-guide-visible #player',
- scriptBodySelector + '.ltr.ytcenter-site-center.ytcenter-non-resize.ytcenter-guide-visible.guide-collapsed #player',
- scriptBodySelector + '.ltr.ytcenter-site-center.ytcenter-non-resize.ytcenter-guide-visible.guide-collapsed #player-legacy',
- scriptBodySelector + '.ltr.ytcenter-site-center.ytcenter-non-resize.ytcenter-guide-visible.guide-collapsed #watch7-main-container',
- ], d);
- //
- d = buildVenderPropertyDict(transitionProperties, 'width 0s linear, left 0s linear');
- // Bugfix for Firefox
- // Parts of the header (search box) are hidden under the player.
- // Firefox doesn't seem to be using the fixed header+guide yet.
- d['float'] = 'initial';
- // Skinny mode
- d['left'] = 0;
- d['margin-left'] = 0;
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptBodySelector + ' #player-api', d);
- // Theater mode
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptBodySelector + ' .watch-stage-mode #player .player-api', {
- 'left': 'initial !important',
- 'margin-left': 'initial !important',
- });
- // Hide the cinema/wide mode button since it's useless.
- //ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptBodySelector + ' #movie_player .ytp-size-button', 'display', 'none');
- // !important is mainly for simplicity, but is needed to override the !important styling when the Guide is open due to:
- // .sidebar-collapsed #watch7-video, .sidebar-collapsed #watch7-main, .sidebar-collapsed .watch7-playlist { width: 945px!important; }
- // Also, Youtube Center resizes #player at element level.
- // Don't resize if Youtube+'s html.floater is detected.
- // Dont' resize if Youtube+ (Iridium/Material)'s html.iri-always-visible is detected.
- ytwp.style.appendRule(
- [
- scriptSelector + ' #player',
- scriptSelector + ' #player-wrap',
- scriptSelector + ' #player-api',
- scriptHtmlSelector + ':not(.floater):not(.iri-always-visible) ' + scriptBodySelector + ' #movie_player',
- scriptSelector + ' #player-mole-container',
- scriptHtmlSelector + ':not(.floater):not(.iri-always-visible) ' + scriptBodySelector + ' .html5-video-container',
- scriptHtmlSelector + ':not(.floater):not(.iri-always-visible) ' + scriptBodySelector + ' .html5-main-video',
- scriptSelector + ' ytd-watch-flexy[theater] #player-theater-container.ytd-watch-flexy',
- scriptSelector + ' ytd-watch-flexy[flexy] #player-container-outer.ytd-watch-flexy',
- scriptSelector + ' ytd-watch-flexy[flexy] #player-container-inner.ytd-watch-flexy',
- scriptSelector + ' ytd-watch-flexy[flexy] #player-container.ytd-watch-flexy',
- ],
- {
- 'width': '100% !important',
- 'min-width': '100% !important',
- 'max-width': '100% !important',
- 'height': playerHeight + ' !important',
- 'min-height': playerHeight + ' !important',
- 'max-height': playerHeight + ' !important',
- }
- );
- ytwp.style.appendRule(
- [
- scriptSelector + ' #player',
- scriptSelector + ' .html5-main-video',
- ],
- {
- 'top': '0 !important',
- 'right': '0 !important',
- 'bottom': '0 !important',
- 'left': '0 !important',
- }
- );
- // Resize #player-unavailable, #player-api
- // Using min/max width/height will keep
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' #player .player-width', 'width', '100% !important');
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' #player .player-height', 'height', '100% !important');
- // Fix video overlays
- ytwp.style.appendRule([
- scriptSelector + ' .html5-video-player .ad-container-single-media-element-annotations', // Ad
- scriptSelector + ' .html5-video-player .ytp-upnext', // Autoplay Next Video
- ], 'top', '0');
- // Fix video cropping (object-fit: cover) (Issue #70)
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' .ytp-fit-cover-video .html5-main-video', 'object-fit', 'contain !important');
- // Thumbnail cropping
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' .ytp-cued-thumbnail-overlay-image', {
- 'background-size': 'contain !important',
- '-moz-background-size': 'contain !important',
- '-webkit-background-size': 'contain !important',
- });
- //--- Video Container Background
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' #movie_player', 'background-color', '#000000');
- //--- Move Video Player
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' #player', {
- 'position': 'absolute',
- // Already top:0; left: 0;
- });
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector, { // body
- 'margin-top': playerHeight,
- });
- // Fix the top right avatar button
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' button.ytp-button.ytp-cards-button', 'top', '0');
- //--- Sidebar
- // Remove the transition delay as you can see it moving on page load.
- d = buildVenderPropertyDict(transitionProperties, 'margin-top 0s linear, padding-top 0s linear');
- d['margin-top'] = '0 !important';
- d['top'] = '0 !important';
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' #watch7-sidebar', d);
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + '.cardified-page #watch7-sidebar-contents', 'padding-top', '0');
- //--- Absolutely position the fixed header.
- // Masthead
- ytwp.style.appendRule('#skip-navigation.ytd-masthead', 'top', '-150vh'); // Normally -1000px can be shorter than screen (Issue #77)
- d = buildVenderPropertyDict(transitionProperties, 'top 0s linear !important');
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + '.hide-header-transition #masthead-positioner', d);
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + '.' + viewingVideoClassId + ' #masthead-positioner', {
- 'position': 'absolute',
- 'top': playerHeight + ' !important'
- });
- // Lower masthead below Youtube+'s html.floater
- ytwp.style.appendRule('html.floater ' + scriptBodySelector + '.' + viewingVideoClassId + ' #masthead-positioner', {
- 'z-index': '5',
- });
- // Autocomplete popup
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' .sbdd_a', {
- 'top': '56px',
- });
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + '.' + viewingVideoClassId + ' .sbdd_a', {
- 'top': 'calc(' + playerHeight + ' + 56px) !important',
- 'position': 'absolute !important',
- });
- // Guide
- // When watching the video, we need to line it up with the masthead.
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + '.' + viewingVideoClassId + ' #appbar-guide-menu', {
- 'display': 'initial',
- 'position': 'absolute',
- 'top': '100% !important' // Masthead height
- });
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + '.' + viewingVideoClassId + ' #page.watch #guide', {
- 'display': 'initial',
- 'margin': '0',
- 'position': 'initial'
- });
- // When the guide is open, it adds body{top:-1200px} which messes with the top position.
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + '.lock-scrollbar', {
- 'top': '0 !important',
- 'position': 'static !important',
- });
- //---
- // MiniPlayer-Bar
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' #miniplayer-bar #player', {
- 'position': 'static',
- });
- ytwp.style.appendRule(
- [
- scriptSelector + ' #miniplayer-bar #player',
- scriptSelector + ' #miniplayer-bar #player-api',
- scriptHtmlSelector + ':not(.floater):not(.iri-always-visible) ' + scriptBodySelector + ' #miniplayer-bar #movie_player',
- scriptSelector + ' #player-mole-container',
- scriptSelector + ':not(.floater):not(.iri-always-visible) ' + scriptBodySelector + ' #miniplayer-bar .html5-video-container',
- scriptSelector + ':not(.floater):not(.iri-always-visible) ' + scriptBodySelector + ' #miniplayer-bar .html5-main-video',
- ],
- {
- 'width': '252px !important',
- 'min-width': '252px !important',
- 'max-width': '252px !important',
- 'height': '142px !important',
- 'min-height': '142px !important',
- 'max-height': '142px !important',
- }
- );
- // Override inline style (caused by a JS animation) that breaks the miniplayer video
- // https://github.com/Zren/ResizeYoutubePlayerToWindowSize/issues/41#issuecomment-439710130
- ytwp.style.appendRule('.video-stream.html5-main-video', {
- 'top': '0 !important',
- });
- //---
- // Hide Scrollbars
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + '.' + topOfPageClassId, 'overflow-x', 'hidden');
- //--- Fix Other Possible Style Issues
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' #placeholder-player', 'display', 'none');
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' #watch-sidebar-spacer', 'display', 'none');
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' .skip-nav', 'display', 'none');
- //--- Whitespace Leftover From Moving The Video
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' #page.watch', 'padding-top', '0');
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' .player-branded-banner', 'height', '0');
- //--- Youtube+ Compatiblity
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' #body-container', 'position', 'static');
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptHtmlSelector + '.part_static_size:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) ' + scriptBodySelector + ' .watch-non-stage-mode #player-playlist', 'width', '1066px');
- //--- Playlist Bar
- ytwp.style.appendRule([
- scriptSelector + ' #placeholder-playlist',
- scriptSelector + ' #player .player-height#watch-appbar-playlist',
- ], {
- 'height': '540px !important',
- 'max-height': '540px !important',
- });
- d = buildVenderPropertyDict(transitionProperties, 'transform 0s linear');
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' #watch-appbar-playlist', d);
- d = buildVenderPropertyDict(transformProperties, 'translateY(0px)');
- d['margin-left'] = '0';
- d['top'] = 'calc(' + playerHeight + ' + 60px)';
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' #player .player-height#watch-appbar-playlist', d);
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' .playlist-videos-list', {
- 'max-height': '470px !important',
- 'height': 'initial !important',
- });
- // Old layout `&disable_polymer=true`
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' #player .player-height#watch-appbar-playlist', {
- 'left': 'calc((100vw - 1066px)/2 + 640px + 10px)',
- 'width': '416px',
- });
- ytwp.style.stylesheet += '@media screen and (min-height: 630px) and (min-width: 1294px) {\n';
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' #player .player-height#watch-appbar-playlist', {
- 'left': 'calc((100vw - 1280px)/2 + 854px + 10px)',
- });
- ytwp.style.stylesheet += '}\n @media screen and (min-width: 1720px) and (min-height:980px) {\n';
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' #player .player-height#watch-appbar-playlist', {
- 'left': 'calc((100vw - 1706px)/2 + 1280px + 10px)',
- });
- ytwp.style.stylesheet += '}\n';
- //---
- // Material UI
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + '.ytwp-scrolltop #extra-buttons', 'display', 'none !important');
- // ytwp.style.appendRule('body > #player:not(.ytd-watch)', 'display', 'none');
- // ytwp.style.appendRule('body.ytwp-viewing-video #content:not(app-header-layout) ytd-page-manager', 'margin-top', '0 !important');
- // ytwp.style.appendRule('.ytd-watch-0 #content-separator.ytd-watch', 'margin-top', '0');
- ytwp.style.appendRule('ytd-app', 'position', 'static !important');
- ytwp.style.appendRule('ytd-watch #top', 'margin-top', '71px !important'); // 56px (topnav height) + 15px (margin)
- ytwp.style.appendRule('ytd-watch #container', 'margin-top', '0 !important');
- ytwp.style.appendRule('ytd-watch #content-separator', 'margin-top', '0 !important');
- // Note: Container is now relative since 2023 June (Issue #77)
- ytwp.style.appendRule([
- scriptSelector + ' ytd-watch-flexy[theater] #player-wide-container.ytd-watch-flexy',
- scriptSelector + ' ytd-watch-flexy[fullscreen] #player-wide-container.ytd-watch-flexy',
- ], {
- 'position': 'static',
- 'height': 0,
- 'min-height': 0,
- });
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + '.ytwp-viewing-video ytd-app #masthead-container.ytd-app', {
- 'position': 'absolute',
- 'top': playerHeight,
- 'z-index': 0,
- });
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + '.ytwp-viewing-video ytd-watch #masthead-positioner', {
- 'top': playerHeight + ' !important',
- });
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' .ytp-cued-thumbnail-overlay', 'z-index', '10');
- //---
- // Flexy UI
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' ytd-watch-flexy[theater] #player-theater-container.ytd-watch-flexy', {
- 'position': 'absolute',
- 'top': '0',
- });
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' ytd-watch-flexy', 'padding-top', '71px'); // 56px (topnav height) + 15px (margin)
- ytwp.style.appendRule(scriptSelector + ' #error-screen', 'z-index', '11');
- },
- onWatchInit: function() {
- ytwp.log('onWatchInit');
- if (!ytwp.initialized) return;
- if (ytwp.pageReady) return;
- if (enableOnLoad) {
- ytwp.event.addBodyClass();
- }
- ytwp.pageReady = true;
- },
- onDispose: function() {
- ytwp.log('onDispose');
- ytwp.initialized = false;
- ytwp.pageReady = false;
- ytwp.isWatchPage = false;
- },
- addBodyClass: function() {
- // Insert CSS Into the body so people can style around the effects of this script.
- document.body.classList.add(scriptBodyClassId);
- ytwp.log('Applied ' + scriptBodySelector);
- },
- removeBodyClass: function() {
- document.body.classList.remove(scriptBodyClassId);
- ytwp.log('Removed ' + scriptBodySelector);
- },
- };
- ytwp.html5PlayerFix = function() {
- ytwp.log('html5PlayerFix');
- return;
- try {
- if (!uw.ytcenter // Youtube Center
- && !uw.html5Patched // Youtube+
- && (!ytwp.html5.app)
- && (uw.ytplayer && uw.ytplayer.config)
- && (uw.yt && uw.yt.player && uw.yt.player.Application && uw.yt.player.Application.create)
- ) {
- ytwp.html5.app = ytwp.html5.getPlayerInstance();
- }
- ytwp.html5.update();
- ytwp.html5.autohideControls();
- } catch (e) {
- ytwp.error(e);
- }
- }
- ytwp.fixMasthead = function() {
- ytwp.log('fixMasthead');
- var el = document.querySelector('#masthead-positioner-height-offset');
- if (el) {
- ytwp.fixMastheadElement(el);
- }
- }
- ytwp.fixMastheadElement = function(el) {
- ytwp.log('fixMastheadElement', el);
- if (el.style.height) { // != ""
- setTimeout(function(){
- el.style.height = ""
- document.querySelector('#appbar-guide-menu').style.marginTop = "";
- }, 0);
- }
- }
- JSStyleSheet.injectIntoHeader(scriptStyleId + '-focusfix', 'input#search[autofocus] { display: none; }');
- ytwp.removeSearchAutofocus = function() {
- var e = document.querySelector('input#search');
- // ytwp.log('removeSearchAutofocus', e)
- if (e) {
- e.removeAttribute('autofocus')
- }
- }
- ytwp.registerMastheadFix = function() {
- ytwp.log('registerMastheadFix');
- // Fix the offset when closing the Share widget (element.style.height = ~275px).
- observe('#masthead-positioner-height-offset', {
- attributes: true,
- }, function(mutation) {
- console.log(mutation.type, mutation)
- if (mutation.attributeName === 'style') {
- var el = mutation.target;
- if (el.style.height) { // != ""
- setTimeout(function(){
- el.style.height = ""
- document.querySelector('#appbar-guide-menu').style.marginTop = "";
- }, 0);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- //--- Material UI
- ytwp.materialPageTransition = function() {
- ytwp.log('materialPageTransition')
- ytwp.init();
- if (ytwp.isWatchUrl()) {
- ytwp.removeSearchAutofocus();
- if (enableOnLoad) {
- ytwp.event.addBodyClass();
- }
- // if (!ytwp.html5.app) {
- if (!ytwp.initialized) {
- ytwp.log('materialPageTransition !ytwp.html5.app', ytwp.html5.app)
- setTimeout(ytwp.materialPageTransition, 100);
- }
- var playerApi = document.querySelector('#player-api')
- if (playerApi) {
- playerApi.click()
- }
- } else {
- ytwp.event.onDispose();
- document.body.classList.remove(scriptBodyClassId);
- }
- ytwp.onScroll();
- ytwp.fixMasthead();
- ytwp.attemptToUpdatePlayer();
- };
- //--- Listeners
- ytwp.registerListeners = function() {
- ytwp.registerMaterialListeners();
- ytwp.registerMastheadFix();
- };
- ytwp.registerMaterialListeners = function() {
- // For Material UI
- // HistoryEvent.listeners.push(ytwp.materialPageTransition);
- // HistoryEvent.startTimer();
- // HistoryEvent.inject();
- // HistoryEvent.listeners.push(console.log.bind(console));
- window.addEventListener('yt-navigate-start', function(e) {
- console.log('yt-navigate-start', e)
- console.log('window.location.href', window.location.href)
- ytwp.materialPageTransition()
- })
- window.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', function(e) {
- console.log('yt-navigate-finish', e)
- console.log('window.location.href', window.location.href)
- })
- };
- ytwp.main = function() {
- ytwp.registerListeners();
- ytwp.init();
- ytwp.fixMasthead();
- };
- ytwp.main();
- // ytwp.updatePlayerTimerId = 0;
- ytwp.updatePlayerAttempts = -1;
- ytwp.updatePlayerMaxAttempts = 150; // 60fps = 2.5sec
- ytwp.attemptToUpdatePlayer = function() {
- // console.log('ytwp.attemptToUpdatePlayer')
- if (0 <= ytwp.updatePlayerAttempts && ytwp.updatePlayerAttempts < ytwp.updatePlayerMaxAttempts) {
- ytwp.updatePlayerAttempts = 0;
- } else {
- ytwp.updatePlayerAttempts = 0;
- ytwp.attemptToUpdatePlayerTick();
- }
- // setTimeout(ytwp.updatePlayer, 10000); /// Just in case it's not caught
- }
- ytwp.attemptToUpdatePlayerTick = function() {
- // console.log('ytwp.attemptToUpdatePlayerTick', ytwp.updatePlayerAttempts)
- if (ytwp.updatePlayerAttempts < ytwp.updatePlayerMaxAttempts) {
- ytwp.updatePlayerAttempts += 1;
- ytwp.updatePlayer();
- // ytwp.updatePlayerTimerId = setTimeout(ytwp.attemptToUpdatePlayerTick, 200);
- requestAnimationFrame(ytwp.attemptToUpdatePlayerTick);
- }
- }
- ytwp.updatePlayer = function() {
- ytwp.removeSearchAutofocus();
- ytwp.enterTheaterMode();
- ytwp.detectPlayerUnavailable();
- }
- ytwp.toggleExtension = function() {
- document.body.classList.toggle('ytwp-window-player')
- ytwp.setTheaterMode(document.body.classList.contains('ytwp-window-player'))
- }
- //--- Main
- ytwp.materialPageTransition()
- setInterval(ytwp.updatePlayer, 2500);
- //--- Keyboard Shortcut
- function childOf(child, ancestor) {
- var parent = child.parentNode
- while (parent) {
- if (parent == ancestor) {
- return true
- }
- parent = parent.parentNode
- }
- return false
- }
- window.addEventListener('keypress', function(e){
- var isKey = e.key === scriptToggleKey
- var validTarget = (
- e.target === document.body
- || e.target.id === 'player-api'
- || e.target.id === 'movie_player'
- || childOf(e.target, document.querySelector('#movie_player'))
- )
- if (validTarget && isKey) {
- e.preventDefault()
- ytwp.toggleExtension()
- }
- })
- //--- Browser Extension
- if (typeof browser !== "undefined") {
- browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(request => {
- if (request.id == "toggle") {
- ytwp.toggleExtension()
- return Promise.resolve({
- enabled: document.body.classList.contains('ytwp-window-player'),
- })
- } else {
- return Promise.reject(new Error('Unreconized message.id'))
- }
- });
- }
- })(window);