- // ==UserScript==
- // @name WaniKani Lesson User Synonyms
- // @namespace https://www.wanikani.com
- // @description adds User Synonyms to the lesson page. adds User Synonyms and Notes to unlearned item pages.
- // @version 0.1.2
- // @include https://www.wanikani.com/lesson/session
- // @include https://www.wanikani.com/*radicals/*
- // @include https://www.wanikani.com/*kanji/*
- // @include https://www.wanikani.com/*vocabulary/*
- // @run-at document-end
- // @grant none
- // ==/UserScript==
- /*jslint browser: true, plusplus: true*/
- /*global $, console, Notes */
- /*
- A large portion of this code has been extracted from the WaniKani Review page.
- It has been reformatted for improved readability and slightly edited.
- Synonyms and notes cannot be read from the WK server until lesson quiz completion, so they are stored in jStorage.
- Entries should be auto-deleted from jStorage after lesson quiz completion as they can then be retrieved from the WK server.
- jStorage keys need an expiration TTL so they are auto-deleted if they are lost track of.
- For example if you make a User Synonym and then complete the lesson on another browser or computer it would not be deleted on completion.
- The TTL is set to renew on viewing as well as changing Notes and User Synonyms.
- With the default set below data will be deleted after 180-days of not looking at it.
- It will still exist on the WK server, but will be invisible until after lesson quiz completion.
- jStorage has a ~5MB size limit for WK on chrome and firefox
- If you really want to disable TTL for this UserScript, set keyTTL=0
- */
- (function () {
- 'use strict';
- var managedNotes = [], UserSynonyms = {},
- keyTTL = 180 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // expire 180-days after last read
- function addManagedNote(key) {
- managedNotes = $.grep(managedNotes, function (item) {
- return item !== key;
- });
- managedNotes.push(key);
- }
- function flushManagedNotes() {
- managedNotes = [];
- }
- function checkManagedNote(key) {
- return managedNotes.indexOf(key) >= 0;
- }
- function getTypeChar(item) {
- var type = 'x';
- if (item.rad) {
- type = 'r';
- } else if (item.kan) {
- type = 'k';
- } else if (item.voc) {
- type = 'v';
- }
- return type;
- }
- function getSynKeyItem(item) {
- return 'l/syn/' + getTypeChar(item) + item.id;
- }
- function getSynKey(type, id) {
- return 'l/syn/' + type.substring(0, 1) + id;
- }
- function getSynList(type, id) {
- var synKey = getSynKey(type, id);
- $.jStorage.setTTL(synKey, keyTTL); // extend TTL on read. setting TTL on non-existant keys seems fine.
- return $.jStorage.get(synKey) || [];
- }
- function getSynListItem(item) {
- var synKey = getSynKeyItem(item);
- $.jStorage.setTTL(synKey, keyTTL); // extend TTL on read. setting TTL on non-existant keys seems fine.
- return $.jStorage.get(synKey) || [];
- }
- function setSynList(type, id, syn, add) {
- var synKey, synList;
- synKey = getSynKey(type, id);
- synList = $.jStorage.get(synKey) || [];
- synList = $.grep(synList, function (item) {
- return item !== syn;
- });
- if (add) {
- synList.push(syn);
- }
- if (synList.length > 0) {
- $.jStorage.set(synKey, synList);
- $.jStorage.setTTL(synKey, keyTTL);
- } else {
- $.jStorage.deleteKey(synKey);
- }
- }
- UserSynonyms.load = function (itemType, userSynStr, itemId, element) {
- UserSynonyms.generateList(element, userSynStr);
- UserSynonyms.addOption(itemType, itemId);
- UserSynonyms.removeOption(itemType, itemId);
- };
- UserSynonyms.addOption = function (itemType, itemId) {
- var btnAdd, wrapper;
- btnAdd = $('.user-synonyms-add-btn');
- wrapper = UserSynonyms.wrapper();
- btnAdd.off('click');
- btnAdd.on('click', function () {
- var inputBtnRemove, inputBtnAdd, inputLi, inputForm, inputInput;
- $(this).hide();
- inputLi = $('<li></li>', {
- 'class': 'user-synonyms-add-form'
- }).appendTo(wrapper);
- inputForm = $('<form></form>').appendTo(inputLi);
- inputInput = $('<input></input>', {
- type: 'text',
- autocapitalize: 'off',
- autocomplete: 'off',
- autocorrect: 'off'
- }).appendTo(inputForm).focus();
- inputInput.keyup(function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); }); // prevent hotkeys while typing
- inputBtnAdd = $('<button></button>', {
- type: 'submit',
- text: 'Add'
- }).appendTo(inputForm);
- inputBtnRemove = $('<button></button>', {
- type: 'button',
- html: '<i class="icon-remove"></i>'
- }).appendTo(inputForm);
- inputBtnAdd.off('click');
- inputBtnAdd.on('click', function (event) {
- var newSynText, synLiElems, newLen;
- event.preventDefault();
- event.stopPropagation();
- newSynText = inputInput.val();
- // fake accept duplicate, but don't send to server (server doesn't check?)
- if (getSynList(itemType, itemId).indexOf(newSynText.toLowerCase()) >= 0) {
- // delay for key events to be caught
- setTimeout(function () {
- inputLi.remove();
- btnAdd.show();
- }, 100);
- return;
- }
- synLiElems = wrapper.find('li');
- newLen = newSynText.length + synLiElems.slice(0, synLiElems.size() - 1).text().length;
- if (newLen > 255) {
- inputBtnAdd.attr('disabled', 'disabled').text('Exceeded Synonym Limit');
- } else if (newSynText.trim().length !== 0) {
- $.ajax({
- type: 'POST',
- url: '/user_synonym/create/',
- contentType: 'application/json',
- data: JSON.stringify({
- item_type: itemType,
- item_id: itemId,
- synonym: newSynText
- })
- }).success(function (data) {
- var newSynElem;
- setSynList(itemType, itemId, data.user_synonym, true);
- newSynElem = $('<li></li>', {
- text: data.user_synonym
- });
- wrapper.find('li:last').prev().before(newSynElem);
- inputLi.remove();
- btnAdd.show();
- UserSynonyms.removeOption(itemType, itemId);
- });
- }
- });
- inputBtnRemove.off('click');
- inputBtnRemove.on('click', function (event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- inputLi.remove();
- btnAdd.show();
- });
- });
- };
- UserSynonyms.generateList = function (element, userSynStr) {
- var wrapper, i, userSyn;
- $('.user-synonyms ul').remove();
- element.append($('<ul></ul>'));
- wrapper = UserSynonyms.wrapper();
- if (!userSynStr) {
- userSynStr = '';
- }
- userSyn = UserSynonyms.stringToArray(userSynStr);
- for (i = 0; i < userSyn.length; i++) {
- $('<li></li>', {
- text: userSyn[i],
- title: 'Click to remove synonym'
- }).appendTo(wrapper);
- }
- $('<li></li>', {
- html: ' ',
- title: 'Add your own synonym',
- 'class': 'user-synonyms-add-btn'
- }).appendTo(wrapper);
- };
- UserSynonyms.removeOption = function (itemType, itemId) {
- var synElems = UserSynonyms.wrapper().find('li:not(.user-synonyms-add-btn):not(.user-synonyms-add-form)');
- synElems.off('click');
- synElems.on('click', function () {
- var clickedSynElem = $(this);
- $.ajax({
- type: 'DELETE',
- url: '/user_synonym/destroy/',
- contentType: 'application/json',
- data: JSON.stringify({
- item_type: itemType,
- item_id: itemId,
- synonym: clickedSynElem.text()
- })
- }).success(function (data) {
- setSynList(itemType, itemId, data.user_synonym_destroyed, false);
- clickedSynElem.remove();
- });
- });
- };
- UserSynonyms.stringToArray = function (str) {
- if (str.length === 0) {
- return [];
- }
- return str.split(',');
- };
- UserSynonyms.wrapper = function () {
- return $('.user-synonyms ul');
- };
- // from: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/arantius/3123124/raw/grant-none-shim.js
- function addStyle(aCss) {
- var head, style;
- head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
- if (head) {
- style = document.createElement('style');
- style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
- style.textContent = aCss;
- head.appendChild(style);
- return style;
- }
- return null;
- }
- function loadNoteHooks() {
- var add, keyName;
- if (typeof Notes === 'object' && typeof Notes.add === 'function') {
- add = Notes.add;
- Notes.add = function (type, readMeaning, id, note, container) {
- keyName = 'l/note/' + type.substring(0, 3) + '/' + readMeaning.substring(0, 1) + '/' + id;
- addManagedNote(keyName); // add to managed list
- $.jStorage.setTTL(keyName, keyTTL); // update TTL on read
- add(type, readMeaning, id, note, container);
- };
- }
- $.jStorage.listenKeyChange('*', function (key, action) {
- // only for keys this page is managing. otherwise it messes with other tabs and extends TTL for learned items.
- if (action === 'updated' && key.substr(0, 7) === 'l/note/' && checkManagedNote(key)) {
- setTimeout(function () {
- if ($.jStorage.get(key)) {
- $.jStorage.setTTL(key, keyTTL); // update TTL on write
- console.log('set TTL for key ', key);
- } else {
- // notes code writes empty keys if you delete a note. cleanup.
- $.jStorage.deleteKey(key);
- console.log('deleted empty key ', key);
- }
- }, 1000);
- }
- });
- }
- if (document.location.pathname === '/lesson/session') {
- // this is a lesson page
- loadNoteHooks();
- // add base display elements
- $('#supplement-rad-name-mne').after('<h2>User Synonyms</h2><section class="user-synonyms user-synonyms-radical"></section>');
- $('#supplement-kan-meaning .col1 div').after('<h2>User Synonyms</h2><section class="user-synonyms user-synonyms-kanji"></section>');
- $('#supplement-voc-synonyms').after('<h2>User Synonyms</h2><section class="user-synonyms user-synonyms-vocabulary"></section>');
- // update the data when looking at different lessons
- $.jStorage.listenKeyChange('l/currentLesson', function (key, action) {
- if (action === 'updated') {
- // this listenKeyChange should always get registered before the main application's
- // so it should get called first and then Notes.add hook after to register new notes
- flushManagedNotes();
- var currentLesson = $.jStorage.get(key);
- if (currentLesson.rad) {
- UserSynonyms.load('radical', getSynListItem(currentLesson).join(), currentLesson.id, $('.user-synonyms-radical'));
- } else if (currentLesson.kan) {
- UserSynonyms.load('kanji', getSynListItem(currentLesson).join(), currentLesson.id, $('.user-synonyms-kanji'));
- } else if (currentLesson.voc) {
- UserSynonyms.load('vocabulary', getSynListItem(currentLesson).join(), currentLesson.id, $('.user-synonyms-vocabulary'));
- }
- }
- });
- // copy user synonyms into the answers list for quiz
- $.jStorage.listenKeyChange('l/currentQuizItem', function (key, action) {
- if (action === 'updated') {
- var currentQuizItem = $.jStorage.get(key);
- if (!currentQuizItem.synAdded) {
- currentQuizItem.synAdded = true;
- currentQuizItem.en = currentQuizItem.en.concat(getSynListItem(currentQuizItem));
- $.jStorage.set(key, currentQuizItem);
- }
- }
- });
- // watch for completed items. completed items should be safe to delete local storage...
- (function () {
- var lastCompleted = 0;
- $.jStorage.listenKeyChange('l/count/completed', function (key, action) {
- var completed, currentQuizItem, synKey;
- if (action === 'updated') {
- completed = $.jStorage.get(key);
- if (completed > lastCompleted) {
- currentQuizItem = $.jStorage.get('l/currentQuizItem');
- synKey = getSynKeyItem(currentQuizItem);
- $.jStorage.deleteKey(synKey); // harmless to delete non-existant keys
- // delete keys for notes
- if (currentQuizItem.rad) {
- $.jStorage.deleteKey('l/note/rad/m/' + currentQuizItem.id);
- } else if (currentQuizItem.kan) {
- $.jStorage.deleteKey('l/note/kan/m/' + currentQuizItem.id);
- $.jStorage.deleteKey('l/note/kan/r/' + currentQuizItem.id);
- } else if (currentQuizItem.voc) {
- $.jStorage.deleteKey('l/note/voc/m/' + currentQuizItem.id);
- $.jStorage.deleteKey('l/note/voc/r/' + currentQuizItem.id);
- }
- }
- lastCompleted = completed;
- }
- });
- }());
- // this is style extracted from the wanikani review page
- addStyle('\n' +
- '.user-synonyms ul {\n' +
- ' margin: 0;\n' +
- ' padding: 0;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '.user-synonyms ul li {\n' +
- ' display: inline-block;\n' +
- ' line-height: 1.5em;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '.user-synonyms ul li:not(.user-synonyms-add-btn):not(.user-synonyms-add-form) {\n' +
- ' cursor: pointer;\n' +
- ' vertical-align: middle;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '.user-synonyms ul li:not(.user-synonyms-add-btn):not(.user-synonyms-add-form):after {\n' +
- ' background-color: #EEEEEE;\n' +
- ' border-radius: 3px;\n' +
- ' color: #A2A2A2;\n' +
- ' content: "\\f00d";\n' +
- ' font-family: FontAwesome;\n' +
- ' font-size: 0.5em;\n' +
- ' margin-left: 0.5em;\n' +
- ' margin-right: 1.5em;\n' +
- ' padding: 0.15em 0.3em;\n' +
- ' transition: background-color 0.3s linear 0s, color 0.3s linear 0s;\n' +
- ' vertical-align: middle;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '.user-synonyms ul li:hover:not(.user-synonyms-add-btn):not(.user-synonyms-add-form):after {\n' +
- ' background-color: #FF0033;\n' +
- ' color: #FFFFFF;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '.user-synonyms ul li.user-synonyms-add-btn {\n' +
- ' cursor: pointer;\n' +
- ' display: block;\n' +
- ' font-size: 0.75em;\n' +
- ' margin-top: 0.25em;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '.user-synonyms ul li.user-synonyms-add-btn:after {\n' +
- ' content: "";\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '.user-synonyms ul li.user-synonyms-add-btn:before {\n' +
- ' background-color: #EEEEEE;\n' +
- ' border-radius: 3px;\n' +
- ' color: #A2A2A2;\n' +
- ' content: "+ ADD SYNONYM";\n' +
- ' margin-right: 0.5em;\n' +
- ' padding: 0.15em 0.3em;\n' +
- ' transition: background-color 0.3s linear 0s, color 0.3s linear 0s;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '.user-synonyms ul li.user-synonyms-add-btn:hover:before {\n' +
- ' background-color: #A2A2A2;\n' +
- ' color: #FFFFFF;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '.user-synonyms ul li.user-synonyms-add-form {\n' +
- ' display: block;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '.user-synonyms ul li.user-synonyms-add-form form {\n' +
- ' display: block;\n' +
- ' margin: 0;\n' +
- ' padding: 0;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '.user-synonyms ul li.user-synonyms-add-form form input, .user-synonyms ul li.user-synonyms-add-form form button {\n' +
- ' line-height: 1em;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '.user-synonyms ul li.user-synonyms-add-form form input {\n' +
- ' -moz-border-bottom-colors: none;\n' +
- ' -moz-border-left-colors: none;\n' +
- ' -moz-border-right-colors: none;\n' +
- ' -moz-border-top-colors: none;\n' +
- ' border-color: -moz-use-text-color -moz-use-text-color #A2A2A2;\n' +
- ' border-image: none;\n' +
- ' border-style: none none solid;\n' +
- ' border-width: 0 0 1px;\n' +
- ' display: block;\n' +
- ' margin: 0;\n' +
- ' outline: medium none;\n' +
- ' padding: 0;\n' +
- ' width: 100%;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '.user-synonyms ul li.user-synonyms-add-form form button {\n' +
- ' background-color: #EEEEEE;\n' +
- ' border: medium none;\n' +
- ' border-radius: 3px;\n' +
- ' color: #A2A2A2;\n' +
- ' font-size: 0.75em;\n' +
- ' outline: medium none;\n' +
- ' transition: background-color 0.3s linear 0s, color 0.3s linear 0s;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '.user-synonyms ul li.user-synonyms-add-form form button:hover {\n' +
- ' background-color: #A2A2A2;\n' +
- ' color: #FFFFFF;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '.user-synonyms ul li.user-synonyms-add-form form button:disabled {\n' +
- ' background-color: #FF0000;\n' +
- ' color: #FFFFFF;\n' +
- ' cursor: default;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '.user-synonyms ul li.user-synonyms-add-form form button[type="button"] {\n' +
- ' margin-left: 0.25em;\n' +
- ' padding-left: 0.3em;\n' +
- ' padding-right: 0.3em;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '.user-synonyms ul li.user-synonyms-add-form form button[type="button"]:hover {\n' +
- ' background-color: #FF0000;\n' +
- ' color: #FFFFFF;\n' +
- '}\n');
- } else {
- // this is an item page
- (function () { // add a hide event to jQuery's hide function
- var hide = $.fn.hide;
- $.fn.hide = function () {
- var ret = hide.apply(this, arguments);
- this.trigger('hide');
- return ret;
- };
- }());
- (function () {
- var match, itemInfo = {}, text, script = $('div script:last-of-type');
- if (script) {
- text = script.html();
- match = text.match("UserSynonyms.load\\('(.*)', (.*), (.*), (.*)\\);");
- if (match) {
- itemInfo.type = match[1];
- itemInfo.id = match[3];
- itemInfo.learned = text.match('Stats for item does not exist') ? false : true;
- }
- }
- if (itemInfo && itemInfo.learned === false) {
- // this is an unlearned/lesson item
- loadNoteHooks();
- $('.user-synonyms').one('hide', function () { // trigger right after elements get hidden
- $('#note-meaning, #note-reading, .user-synonyms').show();
- UserSynonyms.load(itemInfo.type, getSynList(itemInfo.type, itemInfo.id).join(), itemInfo.id, $('.user-synonyms'));
- Notes.add(itemInfo.type, 'meaning', itemInfo.id, $.jStorage.get('l/note/' + itemInfo.type.substring(0, 3) + '/m/' + itemInfo.id), $('#note-meaning'));
- if (itemInfo.type === 'kanji' || itemInfo.type === 'vocabulary') {
- Notes.add(itemInfo.type, 'reading', itemInfo.id, $.jStorage.get('l/note/' + itemInfo.type.substring(0, 3) + '/r/' + itemInfo.id), $('#note-reading'));
- }
- });
- // this is a workaround for the hide event not getting triggered on chrome (due to a race condition)
- setTimeout(function () {
- if( $('.user-synonyms').is(':hidden') ) {
- $('.user-synonyms').trigger('hide');
- }
- }, 100);
- }
- }());
- }
- console.log('WaniKani Lesson User Synonyms: script load end');
- }());