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Hide watched videos on YouTube

Adds an ability to hide thumbnails of videos you've already watched.

< Feedback on Hide watched videos on YouTube

Değerlendirme: İyi - script çalışıyor

Gönderildi: 17.07.2023

Hope this Watched videos are now non-clickable and greyed out function have off and on to choose

Gönderildi: 20.07.2023

Thanks for the feedback!

In the current 1.3 version, I've added a way to disable greying out watched thumbnails. Unfortunately for now you'll have to do it manually by opening developer console (Ctrl + Shift + K on Firefox, Ctrl + Shift + J on Chromium and derivatives), typing localStorage.setItem("dontGreyOutWatchedThumbnails", true) then pressing Enter and reloading the page. I'll make configuring this addon easier in the future.

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