modification /\ ANTI AD /\ DarK Mod /\ BIOM Map /\ Big Store /\ Game Music

Game Music, BIOM Map(also funny 2 Maps), NO ADs, Dark Mod!!, Midddle big Store / Big Store , PRESS F8 TO HIDE MANAGE PREFERENCES(THIS BLUE THING THATS SUCKS(FOR FULL MAP)) , AutoReload Website if disconnected(sometimes its doesn´t work)

02.04.2021 itibariyledir. En son verisyonu görün.

// ==UserScript==
// @name modification  /\ ANTI AD /\ DarK Mod /\ BIOM Map /\ Big Store /\ Game Music
// @version      1.2
// @description  Game Music, BIOM Map(also funny 2 Maps), NO ADs, Dark Mod!!, Midddle big Store / Big Store , PRESS F8 TO HIDE MANAGE PREFERENCES(THIS BLUE THING THATS SUCKS(FOR FULL MAP)) , AutoReload Website if disconnected(sometimes its doesn´t work)
// @author       BiG_King
// @match        *://*
// @match        *://*
// @match        *://*
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==


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        setTimeout(function () {document.title = "Moo Moo";}, 1000)
}, 50);


document.title = ' MooMoo Modification by BiG_KinG';

document.getElementById('loadingText').innerHTML = ' Your Game is loading... ';

setInterval(() => {
    setTimeout(() => {
        document.getElementById('chatBox').placeholder = "writing";
        setTimeout(() => {
            document.getElementById('chatBox').placeholder = "writing.";
            setTimeout(() => {
                document.getElementById('chatBox').placeholder = "writing..";
                setTimeout(() => {
                    document.getElementById('chatBox').placeholder = "writing...";
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var music1link = ""
var music1 = new Audio(music1link);

var Music = document.querySelector("#Music")

Music.addEventListener('change', function() {
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var checkbox = document.querySelector("#MaP")

checkbox.addEventListener('change', function() {
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var checkbox5 = document.querySelector("#Big_store")

checkbox5.addEventListener('change', function() {
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checkbox6.addEventListener('change', function() {
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window.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
case 119:
setInterval(() => window.follmoo && follmoo(), 10);
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