- // ==UserScript==
- // @name 链接助手
- // @namespace https://github.com/oneNorth7
- // @include *
- // @version 1.7.8
- // @author 一个北七
- // @run-at document-body
- // @description 大部分主流网盘和小众网盘自动填写密码; 跳转页面自动跳转; 文本转链接; 净化跳转链接; 维基百科及镜像、开发者文档、谷歌商店自动切换中文, 维基百科、谷歌开发者、谷歌商店链接转为镜像链接; 新标签打开链接; (外部)链接净化直达
- // @icon https://gitee.com/oneNorth7/pics/raw/master/picgo/link-helper.png
- // @compatible chrome 69+
- // @compatible firefox 78+
- // @compatible edge Latest
- // @noframes
- // @license GPL-3.0 License
- // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
- // @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand
- // @grant GM_notification
- // @grant GM_info
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_deleteValue
- // @grant GM_openInTab
- // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @require https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js
- // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/sweetalert2@10.15.5/dist/sweetalert2.all.min.js
- // @created 2021年3月19日 09:48:14
- // ==/UserScript==
- $(function () {
- "use strict";
- const scriptInfo = GM_info.script,
- locHost = location.host,
- locHref = location.href,
- locHash = location.hash,
- locPath = location.pathname;
- let t = {
- showNotice(msg) {
- GM_notification({
- text: msg,
- title: scriptInfo.name,
- image: scriptInfo.icon,
- highlight: false,
- silent: false,
- timeout: 1500,
- });
- },
- clog() {
- console.group('[链接助手]');
- for (let m of arguments) {
- if (void 0 !== m) console.log(m);
- }
- console.groupEnd();
- },
- get(name, def) {
- return GM_getValue(name, def);
- },
- set(name, value) {
- GM_setValue(name, value);
- },
- delete(name) {
- GM_deleteValue(name);
- },
- registerMenu(title, func) {
- return GM_registerMenuCommand(title, func);
- },
- unregisterMenu(menuID) {
- GM_unregisterMenuCommand(menuID);
- },
- open(url, options = { active: true, insert: true, setParent :true }) {
- GM_openInTab(url, options);
- },
- http(link, s = false) {
- return link.startsWith("http")
- ? link
- : (s ? "https://" : "http://") + link;
- },
- title(a, mark='') {
- if (a.title)
- a.title += "\n" + mark + decodeURIComponent(a.href);
- else a.title = mark + decodeURIComponent(a.href);
- },
- hashcode(l=location) {
- return l.hash.slice(1);
- },
- search(l=location, p = 'password') {
- let args = l.search.slice(1).split('&');
- for (let a of args) {
- if (a.includes(p + '='))
- return a.replace(p + '=', '');
- }
- return '';
- },
- clean(src, str) {
- for (let s of str) {
- src = src.replace(s, "");
- }
- return src;
- },
- loop(func, times) {
- let tid = setInterval(() => {
- if (times <= 0) clearInterval(tid);
- func();
- this.clog(times);
- times--;
- }, 100);
- },
- confirm(title, yes, no, deny) {
- let option = {
- toast: true,
- showCancelButton: true,
- position: 'center',
- title,
- confirmButtonText: '是',
- cancelButtonText: '否',
- showDenyButton: deny,
- denyButtonText: '取消',
- // customClass
- };
- return Swal.fire(option).then((res) => {
- if (res.isConfirmed) yes();
- else if (res.isDismissed) no();
- else if (res.isDenied) deny();
- });
- },
- increase() {
- success_times = +this.get("success_times") + 1;
- this.set("success_times", success_times);
- },
- subscribe() {
- let isFollowed = t.get('isFollowed', false), least_times = t.get('least_times', 50);
- success_times = +this.get("success_times");
- if (success_times > least_times && !isFollowed) {
- Swal.fire({
- title: '\u5173\u6ce8\u516c\u4f17\u53f7\uff0c\u4e0d\u8ff7\u8def\uff01',
- html: $(
- `<div><img style="width: 300px;margin: 5px auto;" src="https://gitee.com/oneNorth7/pics/raw/master/picgo/oneNorth7.png"><p style="font-size: 16px;color: red;">\u7b2c\u4e00\u65f6\u95f4\u83b7\u53d6<span style="color: gray;font-weight: 800;">\u3010\u94fe\u63a5\u52a9\u624b\u3011</span>\u66f4\u65b0\u63a8\u9001\uff01</p></div>`
- )[0],
- showCancelButton: true,
- allowOutsideClick: false,
- confirmButtonColor: '#d33',
- confirmButtonText: '\u5df2\u5173\u6ce8\uff0c\u4e0d\u518d\u63d0\u9192\uff01',
- cancelButtonColor: '#3085d6',
- cancelButtonText: '\u7a0d\u540e\u5173\u6ce8',
- }).then((result) => {
- if (result.isConfirmed) {
- Swal.fire({
- position: 'center',
- icon: 'success',
- title: '\u611f\u8c22\u5173\u6ce8\uff01\uff01\uff01',
- text: '\u4e00\u4e2a\u5317\u4e03\u4f1a\u7ee7\u7eed\u4e0d\u9057\u4f59\u529b\u5730\u521b\u4f5c\u66f4\u591a\u5b9e\u7528\u5de5\u5177',
- showConfirmButton: false,
- timer: 2000
- });
- t.set('isFollowed', true);
- } else t.set('least_times', least_times + 50);
- });
- }
- },
- update(name, value) {
- if (this.get('updated_version', '') != scriptInfo.version) {
- let data = this.get(name, false);
- if (data) {
- for (let v of value) {
- if (!data.some(d => d == v)) {
- data.push(v);
- }
- }
- this.set('updated_version', scriptInfo.version);
- this.set(name, data);
- }
- }
- },
- };
- let url_re_str = "((?<![.@])\\w(?:[\\w._-])+@\\w[\\w\\._-]+\\.(?:com|cn|org|net|info|tv|cc|gov|edu|nz|me)|(?:https?:\\/\\/|www\\.)[\\w_\\-\\.~\\/\\=\\?&#%\\+:!*\\u4e00-\\u9fa5]+|(?<!@)(?:\\w[\\w._-]+\\.(?:com|cn|org|net|info|tv|cc|gov|edu|nz|me))(?:\\/[\\w_\\-\\.~\\/\\=\\?&#%\\+:!*\\u4e00-\\u9fa5]*)?)",
- url_regexp = new RegExp(url_re_str, "i");
- let Preprocess = {
- "www.38hack.com": function () {
- if (/http:\/\/www\.38hack\.com\/\d+\.html/.test(locHref)) {
- let lines = $("div.down-line");
- if (lines.length)
- lines.last().append(lines.first().prev().prev());
- }
- },
- "www.mikuclub.xyz": function () {
- if (/https:\/\/www\.mikuclub\.xyz\/\d+/.test(locHref)) {
- let password = $(".password1"),
- link = $("a.download");
- if (password.length && link.length)
- link[0].hash = password[0].value;
- }
- },
- "www.acggw.com": function () {
- if (/https:\/\/www\.acggw\.com\/\d+\.html/.test(locHref)) {
- let paragraphs = $(".single-content>p"),
- weiyun = null,
- mega = null;
- for (let p of paragraphs) {
- let text = $(p).text();
- if (text.startsWith("链接:")) weiyun = $(p);
- if (weiyun && text.startsWith("密码:"))
- weiyun.text(
- weiyun.text() + "#" + text.replace("密码:", "")
- );
- if (mega && text.startsWith("国外M盘:"))
- mega.text(
- mega.text() + "#" + text.replace("国外M盘:", "")
- );
- if (text.startsWith("国外M盘:http")) mega = $(p);
- }
- }
- },
- "www.olecn.com": function () {
- if (
- /http:\/\/www\.olecn\.com\/download\.php\?id=\d+/.test(locHref)
- ) {
- let link = $("div.panel-body a"),
- pass = $("div.plus_l li:eq(3)");
- if (link.length && pass.length)
- link[0].hash = pass
- .text()
- .trim()
- .replace("网盘提取码 :", "");
- }
- },
- "www.qiuziyuan.net": function () {
- if (
- /https:\/\/www\.qiuziyuan\.net\/(?:pcrj\/|Android\/\d+\.html)/.test(
- locHref
- )
- ) {
- let filetit = $("div.filetit:first");
- for (let child of filetit.children()) {
- if (child.href) {
- let result = url_regexp.exec(child.innerHTML);
- if (result) child.href = t.http(result[1]);
- }
- if (
- child.innerHTML.startsWith("90网盘:") ||
- child.innerHTML.includes("90pan")
- ) {
- let dom = filetit.next().next(),
- result = /(?:90网盘:|\/\s*)(\d+)/.exec(dom.html());
- if (result) child.href += "#" + result[1];
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "www.gopojie.net": function () {
- if (/https:\/\/www\.gopojie\.net\/download\?post_id=/.test(locHref)) {
- setTimeout(() => {
- let a = $('a.empty.button'), url = a.prop('href'), code = $('#tq').attr('data-clipboard-text');
- if (url) a.prop('href', url + '#' + code);
- }, 1000);
- }
- },
- };
- if (Preprocess[locHost]) Preprocess[locHost]();
- let YunDisk = {
- sites: {
- "pan.baidu.com": {
- // 百度云
- inputSelector: "#accessCode",
- buttonSelector: "#submitBtn",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{4}",
- },
- "eyun.baidu.com": {
- // 百度企业网盘
- inputSelector: "input.share-access-code",
- buttonSelector: "a.g-button",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{4}",
- },
- "cloud.189.cn": {
- // 天翼云
- inputSelector: "#code_txt",
- buttonSelector: "a.btn-primary",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{4}",
- clickTimeout: 500,
- },
- "lanzou.com": {
- // 蓝奏云
- inputSelector: "#pwd",
- buttonSelector: "#sub, .passwddiv-btn",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{2,10}",
- redirect: true,
- },
- "ct.ghpym.com": {
- // 果核城通网盘
- inputSelector: "#passcode",
- buttonSelector: "button.btn-primary",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{4,6}",
- timeout: 200, // >=125
- },
- "www.90pan.com": {
- // 90网盘
- inputSelector: "#code",
- buttonSelector: "button.btn-info",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{4,6}",
- },
- "vdisk.weibo.com": {
- // 微盘
- inputSelector: "#keypass",
- buttonSelector: "div.search_btn_wrap>a",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{4}",
- },
- "pan.xunlei.com": {
- // 迅雷云盘
- inputSelector: "#__nuxt input.td-input__inner",
- buttonSelector: "#__nuxt button.td-button",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{4}",
- timeout: 1200,
- store: true,
- inputEvent: true,
- },
- "share.weiyun.com": {
- // 微云
- inputSelector: "input.input-txt",
- buttonSelector: "button.btn-main",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{4,6}",
- timeout: 500,
- inputEvent: true,
- },
- "115.com": {
- // 115网盘
- inputSelector: "input.text",
- buttonSelector: "a.btn-large",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{4}",
- timeout: 500,
- password: true,
- },
- "quqi.com": {
- // 曲奇云
- inputSelector: "div.webix_el_box>input",
- buttonSelector: "button.webixtype_base",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{6}",
- timeout: 800,
- },
- "caiyun.139.com": {
- // 和彩云
- inputSelector: "input",
- buttonSelector: "a.btn-token",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{4}",
- timeout: 100,
- clickTimeout: 10,
- inputEvent: true,
- store: true,
- },
- "mo.own-cloud.cn": {
- // 小麦魔方
- inputSelector: "#pwd",
- buttonSelector: "button.MuiButton-root",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d\\u4e00-\\u9fa5]{2,8}",
- timeout: 500,
- password: true,
- },
- "moecloud.cn": {
- // 萌云
- inputSelector: "#pwd",
- buttonSelector: "button.MuiButton-root",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{4,8}",
- timeout: 500,
- password: true,
- },
- "www.wenshushu.cn": {
- // 文叔叔
- inputSelector: "input.ivu-input",
- buttonSelector: "button.m-mg_t40",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{4}",
- timeout: 1000,
- inputEvent: true,
- },
- "mega.nz": {
- regStr: "[a-z\\d\\-_]{22}",
- },
- "gofile.me": {
- inputSelector: "#login_passwd",
- buttonSelector: 'button[aria-label="进入"]',
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{4}",
- clickTimeout: 1000,
- store: true,
- },
- "www.jianguoyun.com": {
- // 坚果云
- inputSelector: "#access-pwd",
- buttonSelector: "button.action-button",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{6}",
- },
- "yunpan.360.cn": {
- // 360安全云盘
- inputSelector: "input.pwd-input",
- buttonSelector: "input.submit-btn",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{4}",
- },
- "pan-yz.chaoxing.com": {
- // 超星云盘
- inputSelector: "input.tqInp",
- buttonSelector: "a.blueBgBtn",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{6}",
- },
- "shandianpan.com": {
- // 闪电盘
- inputSelector: 'input[placeholder="请输入文件密码"]',
- buttonSelector: "div.btn",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{4}",
- timeout: 200,
- inputEvent: true,
- store: true,
- },
- "drive.dnxshare.cn": {}, // 电脑小分享
- "my.sharepoint.com": {
- // OneDrive
- inputSelector: '#txtPassword',
- buttonSelector: "#btnSubmitPassword",
- regStr: "[a-z\\d]{4}",
- },
- "disk.yandex.com": {}, // YandexDisk
- },
- pans: [
- "cowtransfer.com", // 奶牛快传
- "www.mediafire.com", // MediaFire
- "drive.google.com", // GoogleDrive
- "down.52pojie.cn", // 爱盘
- "www.yunzhongzhuan.com", // 云中转
- "yiqixie.qingque.cn", // 一起写
- "www.androiddownload.net",
- "www.dropbox.com", // Dropbox
- "www.kufile.net", // 库云
- "www.kdocs.cn", // 金山文档
- ],
- mapHost(host) {
- return host
- .replace('yun.baidu.com', 'pan.baidu.com')
- .replace(/.*lanzou[isx]?.com/, 'lanzou.com')
- .replace(/^(?:[a-z]\d{3}|\d{3}[a-z])\.com$/, 'ct.ghpym.com')
- .replace(/quqi\.\w+\.com/, 'quqi.com')
- .replace('feixin.10086.cn', '139.com')
- .replace('ws28.cn', 'www.wenshushu.cn')
- .replace('zb.my.to:5000', 'gofile.me')
- .replace('cloud.dnxshare.cn', 'drive.dnxshare.cn')
- .replace(/\w+\-my\.sharepoint\.(?:com|cn)/, 'my.sharepoint.com')
- .replace(/\w{6}.link.yunpan.360.cn|yunpan.cn/, 'yunpan.360.cn')
- .replace('mofile.own-cloud.cn', 'mo.own-cloud.cn')
- .replace('cloud.qingstore.cn', 'moecloud.cn')
- .replace('pan.mebk.org', 'moecloud.cn')
- .replace('cncncloud.com', 'moecloud.cn')
- .replace('ilolita945.softether.net:5212', 'moecloud.cn')
- .replace('my-file.cn', 'moecloud.cn')
- .replace('pan.bilnn.com', 'moecloud.cn')
- .replace('yadi.sk', 'disk.yandex.com');
- },
- autoFill(host) {
- let site = this.sites[host];
- if (site.timeout) setTimeout(fillOnce, site.timeout);
- else fillOnce();
- function fillOnce() {
- if (site.inputSelector) {
- let input = $(site.inputSelector),
- button = $(site.buttonSelector),
- code = null;
- function click() {
- if (site.clickTimeout)
- setTimeout(() => {
- button = $(site.buttonSelector);
- button[0].click();
- }, site.clickTimeout);
- else button[0].click();
- }
- if (input.length) {
- if (site.store) code = t.get(host);
- else if (site.password) code = decodeURIComponent(t.search());
- else code = t.hashcode();
- if (code) {
- let codeRe = RegExp("^" + site.regStr + "$", "i");
- if (codeRe.test(code)) {
- if (site.inputEvent) {
- let tid = setInterval(() => {
- input.val(code);
- if (input.val() !== "") {
- if (InputEvent) {
- input[0].dispatchEvent(
- new InputEvent("input")
- );
- } else if (KeyboardEvent) {
- input[0].dispatchEvent(
- new KeyboardEvent("input")
- );
- }
- clearInterval(tid);
- click();
- }
- }, 1000);
- } else if (site.password) {
- click();
- } else {
- input.val(code);
- click();
- }
- t.increase();
- t.subscribe();
- } else {
- t.clog("未找到合适的提取码!");
- }
- } else {
- t.clog("未找到提取码!");
- }
- } else {
- t.clog("无需填写密码!");
- }
- }
- }
- },
- addCode(a) {
- let mapped = this.mapHost(a.host),
- site = this.sites[mapped],
- codeRe = new RegExp("^" + site.regStr + "$", "i");
- if (site.password) {
- let result = a.hash && /#(\/s\/\w{6})/.exec(a.hash);
- if (result)
- if (a.pathname == '/') {
- a.pathname = result[1];
- a.hash = '';
- }
- } else if (site.redirect) {
- a.host = a.host.replace('lanzous', 'lanzoux');
- }
- if (!codeRe.test(t.hashcode(a)) && !codeRe.test(t.search(a))) {
- let reg = new RegExp(
- "\\s*(?:提[取示]|访问|查阅|密\\s*|艾|Extracted-code|key|password|pwd)[码碼]?\\s*[:: ((]?\\s*(" +
- site.regStr +
- ")|^[码碼]?\\s*[::【\\[ ((]?\\s*(" +
- site.regStr +
- ")[】\\]]?$",
- "i"
- ),
- code = reg.exec($(a).text().trim());
- outloop: for (
- let i = 10, current = a;
- current && !code && i > 0;
- i--, current = current.parentElement
- ) {
- let next = current;
- while (!code) {
- next = next.nextSibling;
- if (!next) break;
- else if ((node => {
- if (node.href) return true;
- else if (node.innerHTML)
- if (/<a.*href=.*/i.test(node.innerHTML))
- return true;
- })(next)) break outloop;
- else code = reg.exec($(next).text().trim());
- }
- }
- if (code) {
- let c = code[1] || code[2];
- if (site.store) t.set(mapped, c);
- else if (site.password) {
- if (!t.search(a))
- a.search = a.search ? a.search + '&' + 'password=' + encodeURIComponent(c) : 'password=' + encodeURIComponent(c);
- } else a.hash = c;
- } else {
- if (site.store) t.delete(mapped);
- t.clog("找不到code!");
- }
- }
- },
- };
- let success_times = t.get("success_times");
- if (!success_times) t.set("success_times", 0);
- let dealedHost = YunDisk.mapHost(locHost);
- if (YunDisk.sites[dealedHost]) YunDisk.autoFill(dealedHost);
- else {
- let RedirectPage = {
- sites: {
- "show.bookmarkearth.com": {
- // 书签地球
- include: "http://show.bookmarkearth.com/view/",
- selector: "a.open-in-new-window",
- },
- "t.cn": {
- // 微博
- include: "http://t.cn/",
- selector: "a.m-btn-orange",
- },
- "sunbox.cc": {
- // 阳光盒子
- include:
- "https://sunbox.cc/wp-content/themes/begin/go.php?url=",
- selector: "a.alert-btn",
- },
- "www.itdaan.com": {
- // 开发者知识库
- include: "https://www.itdaan.com/link/",
- selector: "a.c-footer-a1",
- },
- "to.redircdn.com": {
- include:
- "https://to.redircdn.com/?action=image&url=",
- selector: "a.bglink",
- },
- "link.csdn.net": {
- // CSDN
- include: "https://link.csdn.net/?target=",
- selector: "a.loading-btn",
- timeout: 100,
- },
- "niao.su": {
- // 不死鸟
- include: "https://niao.su/go/",
- selector: "a.c-footer-a1",
- },
- "support.qq.com": {
- include: "support.qq.com/products/",
- selector: "span.link_url",
- },
- "www.imaybes.cc": {
- // 也许吧
- include: "www.imaybes.cc/wl?url=",
- selector: "a.button"
- },
- },
- redirect(host) {
- let site = this.sites[host];
- if (locHref.includes(site.include)) {
- if (site.timeout) setTimeout(redirect, site.timeout);
- else redirect();
- function redirect() {
- let target = $(site.selector);
- if (target.length) location.replace(target[0].href || target[0].innerText);
- else t.clog('找不到跳转目标!');
- t.increase();
- }
- }
- },
- wiki() {
- let isZh = locHost.includes("zh"),
- jumpToZh = t.get("jumpToZh", true),
- a = $("a.interlanguage-link-target[lang='zh']");
- if (!isZh && jumpToZh) {
- history.pushState(null, null, locHref);
- if (a.length) location.replace(a[0].href);
- else t.showNotice("没有找到中文页面!");
- }
- let menuID = t.registerMenu(
- `${jumpToZh ? "[✔]" : "[✖]"}自动切换中文`,
- autoJump
- );
- function autoJump() {
- jumpToZh = !jumpToZh;
- t.set("jumpToZh", jumpToZh);
- t.unregisterMenu(menuID);
- menuID = t.registerMenu(
- `${jumpToZh ? "[✔]" : "[✖]"}自动切换中文`,
- autoJump
- );
- if (!isZh && jumpToZh) {
- history.pushState(null, null, locHref);
- if (a.length) location.replace(a[0].href);
- else t.showNotice("没有找到中文页面!");
- }// else history.back();
- }
- },
- mozilla() {
- let isZh = locPath.includes("zh-CN"),
- jumpToZh = t.get("jumpToZh", true);
- jump();
- function jump() {
- if (!isZh && jumpToZh) {
- let result = /developer\.mozilla\.org\/(.+?)\//.exec(
- locHref
- ), options = $("#language-selector").children(), flag = false;
- if (result) {
- for (let i = options.length; i > 0; i--) {
- if (options[i - 1].value === "zh-CN") {
- flag = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (flag) {
- let zh_url = locHref.replace(result[1], "zh-CN");
- history.pushState(null, null, locHref);
- location.replace(zh_url);
- }
- else t.showNotice("没有找到中文页面!");
- }
- }
- }
- let menuID = t.registerMenu(
- `${jumpToZh ? "[✔]" : "[✖]"}自动切换中文`,
- autoJump
- );
- function autoJump() {
- jumpToZh = !jumpToZh;
- t.set("jumpToZh", jumpToZh);
- t.unregisterMenu(menuID);
- menuID = t.registerMenu(
- `${jumpToZh ? "[✔]" : "[✖]"}自动切换中文`,
- autoJump
- );
- jump();
- }
- },
- MSDocs() {
- let isZh = locPath.includes("zh-cn"),
- jumpToZh = t.get("jumpToZh", true);
- if (!isZh && jumpToZh) {
- history.pushState(null, null, locHref);
- location.replace(locHref.replace(/docs.microsoft.com\/[a-z\-]{5}\//i, 'docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/'));
- }
- let menuID = t.registerMenu(
- `${jumpToZh ? "[✔]" : "[✖]"}自动切换中文`,
- autoJump
- );
- function autoJump() {
- jumpToZh = !jumpToZh;
- t.set("jumpToZh", jumpToZh);
- t.unregisterMenu(menuID);
- menuID = t.registerMenu(
- `${jumpToZh ? "[✔]" : "[✖]"}自动切换中文`,
- autoJump
- );
- if (!isZh && jumpToZh) {
- history.pushState(null, null, locHref);
- location.replace(locHref.replace(/docs.microsoft.com\/[a-z\-]{5}\//i, 'docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/'));
- }
- }
- },
- chrome() {
- let isZh = location.search.includes('hl=zh-CN'),
- jumpToZh = t.get("jumpToZh", true);
- if (!isZh && jumpToZh) {
- history.pushState(null, null, locHref);
- location.search = location.search.replace(/hl=[a-zA-Z]{2}-[a-zA-Z]{2}/, 'hl=zh-CN');
- }
- let menuID = t.registerMenu(
- `${jumpToZh ? "[✔]" : "[✖]"}自动切换中文`,
- autoJump
- );
- function autoJump() {
- jumpToZh = !jumpToZh;
- t.set("jumpToZh", jumpToZh);
- t.unregisterMenu(menuID);
- menuID = t.registerMenu(
- `${jumpToZh ? "[✔]" : "[✖]"}自动切换中文`,
- autoJump
- );
- if (!isZh && jumpToZh) {
- history.pushState(null, null, locHref);
- location.search = location.search.replace(/hl=[a-zA-Z]{2}-[a-zA-Z]{2}/, 'hl=zh-CN');
- }
- }
- },
- };
- if (locHost.match(/.+wiki(?:\.sxisa|pedia)\.org/))
- RedirectPage.wiki();
- else if (locHost == 'chrome.google.com')
- RedirectPage.chrome();
- else {
- if (locHost === "developer.mozilla.org") RedirectPage.mozilla();
- else if (locHost === "docs.microsoft.com") RedirectPage.MSDocs();
- let isChromium = navigator.appVersion.includes('Chrome');
- $(document).on("mouseup", (obj) => listener(obj));
- if (isChromium && locHost == 'www.52pojie.cn')
- $(document).on("selectstart", (obj) => listener(obj));
- if (locHost.includes('blog.csdn.net'))
- document.body.addEventListener('click', function (obj) {
- let e = obj.target;
- if (e.nodeName.toLocaleLowerCase() === 'a') {
- obj.stopImmediatePropagation();
- window.open(e.href);
- obj.preventDefault();
- }
- }, true);
- async function listener(obj) {
- let e = obj.originalEvent.explicitOriginalTarget || obj.originalEvent.target,
- isTextToLink = false, isInput = false;
- if (e && !e.href) {
- let flag = true,
- selectNode = null;
- for (
- let current = e, limit = 5;
- current.localName !== "html" && current.localName !== "body" && limit > 0;
- current = current.parentElement, limit--
- ) {
- if (current.localName === "a") {
- e = current;
- break;
- } else if (
- ["code", "pre"].some(
- (tag) => tag === current.localName
- )
- ) {
- let selection = getSelection(),
- text = selection.toString();
- if (url_regexp.test(text))
- selectNode =
- selection.anchorNode || selection.focusNode;
- else flag = false;
- break;
- } else if (['input', 'textarea'].some((tag) => tag === current.localName) && current.className == 'direct-input') {
- let text = t.clean(current.value, [/[\u4e00-\u9fa5\u3002\uff1b\uff0c\uff1a\u201c\u201d\uff08\uff09\u3001\uff1f\u300a\u300b]+/g, /^[::]/, /App.*$/]),
- result = url_regexp.exec(text);
- if (result) {
- selectNode = document.createTextNode(text);
- isInput = true;
- }
- else flag = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (e.localName !== "a" && flag) {
- let node = selectNode || e;
- if (node && node.nodeValue) e = text2Link(node);
- else e = textToLink(e);
- if (e)
- isTextToLink = true;
- }
- }
- if (e && e.localName === "a" && e.href) {
- let a = e, isPrevent = false;
- if (locHref.includes("mod.3dmgame.com/mod/"))
- a.search = "3dmgame.com";
- if (locHost == "bbs.nga.cn" || locHost == "nga.178.com" || locHost == "ngabbs.com") {
- if (!(a.host == "bbs.nga.cn" || a.host == "nga.178.com" || a.host == "ngabbs.com"))
- if (a.attributes.onclick && a.attributes.onclick.nodeValue.startsWith("ubbcode.showUrlAlert(event,this)"))
- a.onclick = null;
- }
- if (locHost == "twitter.com" && a.host == "t.co") a.href = t.http(a.innerText, true);
- if (locHost == "www.youtube.com" && a.href.includes("www.youtube.com/redirect?")) {
- if (!a.style.padding) {
- $("#secondary-links.ytd-c4-tabbed-header-renderer a.ytd-c4-tabbed-header-renderer").css({padding: "10px 10px 10px 2px", lineHeight: 0, display: "inline-block"});
- $("#secondary-links.ytd-c4-tabbed-header-renderer a.ytd-c4-tabbed-header-renderer:first-child").css("padding-left", "10px");
- }
- a.classList.remove("yt-simple-endpoint");
- }
- if (locHost == "www.facebook.com") {
- a.onclick = function() { return false; };
- t.open(a.href);
- }
- if (!cleanRedirectLink(a) && RegExp("^" + url_re_str + "$", "i").test(a.innerText)) {
- if (isLinkText(a)) {
- t.title(a, '【替换】');
- a.href = t.http(a.innerText, true);
- t.increase();
- }
- else if (!isTextToLink && !a.parentElement.className.includes('text2Link') && !a.parentElement.className.includes('textToLink') && locHost != 'blog.csdn.net' && isDifferent(a)) {
- a.onclick = function() { return false; };
- isPrevent = true;
- await t.confirm("是否使用链接文本替换目标链接后打开?",
- () => {
- // 是
- let linkTextPrefixes = t.get("linkTextPrefixes", []),
- reg = /(?:http|https|\/|\%2F).*?\?.+?=|.*?\?/,
- result = reg.exec(a.href);
- if (result) {
- linkTextPrefixes.push(result[0]);
- t.set("linkTextPrefixes", linkTextPrefixes);
- }
- t.title(a, '【替换】');
- a.href = t.http(a.innerText, true);
- t.increase();
- },
- () => {
- // 否
- },
- () => {
- // 取消
- isPrevent = false;
- a.onclick = null;
- });
- }
- }
- if (jumpToMirror) {
- if (a.host.includes("wikipedia.org")) {
- // 维基百科
- if (!locHost == "www.bing.com" || !locHost.includes("www.google."))
- a.href = a.href.replace(
- "wikipedia.org",
- "wiki.sxisa.org"
- );
- } else if (a.host.includes("developers.google.com")) {
- // 谷歌开发者
- if (!locHost == "developers.google.com")
- a.href = a.href.replace(
- "developers.google.com",
- "developers.google.cn"
- );
- } else if (a.host.includes("chrome.google.com")) {
- // 谷歌应用商店
- if (isChromium) {
- a.onclick = function() { return false; };
- isPrevent = true;
- await t.confirm('是否跳转到【crx4chrome】镜像站?',
- () => {
- // 是
- t.title(a);
- a.href = a.href.replace(/chrome\.google\.com\/webstore\/detail[\/\w\-%]*(?=\w{32})/i, 'www.crx4chrome.com/extensions/');
- },
- () => {
- // 否
- },
- () => {
- // 取消
- isPrevent = false;
- a.onclick = null;
- });
- }
- }
- }
- let pan = YunDisk.sites[YunDisk.mapHost(a.host)];
- if (pan) YunDisk.addCode(a);
- if (isTextToLink) {
- let isClicked = false;
- if (pan || t.get("autoClickSites", []).concat(YunDisk.pans).some(h => h == a.host)) {
- a.click();
- isClicked = true;
- }
- if (isInput) {
- if (!isClicked) a.click();
- $('#L_DirectInput').val('');
- }
- }
- add_blank(a);
- if (isPrevent) {
- a.onclick = null;
- t.open(a.href);
- }
- }
- }
- // 注册菜单项添加文本转链接后自动跳转域名
- t.registerMenu('添加自动跳转域名', addAutoClick);
- function addAutoClick() {
- let autoClickSites = t.get("autoClickSites", []), input = prompt("输入的域名的链接文本转链接后会自动跳转", locHost);
- if (input) {
- if (/[\w]+(\.[\w]+)+/.test(input)) {
- if (!autoClickSites.some((s) => s.includes(input))) {
- autoClickSites.push(input);
- t.set("autoClickSites", autoClickSites);
- } else t.showNotice(`域名 <${input}> 已存在!!!`);
- } else t.showNotice(`<${input}> 不是有效域名!!!`);
- }
- }
- // 注册菜单项自动切换镜像
- let jumpToMirror = t.get("jumpToMirror", true);
- let menuID = t.registerMenu(
- `${jumpToMirror ? "[✔]" : "[✖]"}自动切换镜像`,
- autoJump
- );
- function autoJump() {
- jumpToMirror = !jumpToMirror;
- t.set("jumpToMirror", jumpToMirror);
- t.unregisterMenu(menuID);
- menuID = t.registerMenu(
- `${jumpToMirror ? "[✔]" : "[✖]"}自动切换镜像`,
- autoJump
- );
- }
- if (RedirectPage.sites[locHost]) RedirectPage.redirect(locHost);
- let textLength = t.get("textLength", 200);
- // t.registerMenu(
- // `设置文本字数限制(${textLength})`,
- // limitText
- // );
- // function limitText() {
- // let input = prompt(
- // "请输入文本字数限制: ",
- // t.get("textLength", 200)
- // );
- // }
- let url_regexp_g = new RegExp(
- "\\b(" + url_re_str +
- "|" +
- "ed2k:\\/\\/\\|file\\|[^\\|]+\\|\\d+\\|\\w{32}\\|(?:h=\\w{32}\\|)?\\/" +
- "|" +
- "magnet:\\?xt=urn:btih:\\w{40}(&[\\w\\s]+)?" +
- ")",
- "ig"
- );
- function textToLink(e) {
- if (
- !["body", "code", "pre", "select", "main", "input", "textarea"].some(
- (tag) => tag === e.localName
- ) &&
- !["www.google."].some((h) => locHost.includes(h))
- ) {
- let span = null,
- count = 0;
- if (e.childNodes.length < 10)
- for (
- let i = e.childNodes.length - 1;
- i >= 0;
- i--
- ) {
- let child = e.childNodes[i];
- if (
- !["a", "br", "code", "pre", "img", "script", "option", "input", "textarea"].some(
- (tag) => tag === child.localName
- ) &&
- child.className !== "textToLink" &&
- child.textContent.length < textLength
- ) {
- let text = child.textContent,
- result = url_regexp_g.test(text);
- if (result) {
- span = $("<span class='textToLink'></span>");
- span.html(
- text.replace(url_regexp_g, function ($1) {
- count++;
- if ($1.includes("@")) return `<a href="mailto:${$1}">${$1}</a>`;
- return $1.startsWith("http") ||
- $1.includes("magnet") ||
- $1.includes("ed2k")
- ? `<a href="${$1}" target="_blank">${$1}</a>`
- : `<a href="https://${$1}" target="_blank">${$1}</a>`;
- })
- );
- $(child).replaceWith(span);
- }
- }
- }
- if (count) t.increase();
- return count == 1 && span && span.children()[0];
- }
- }
- function text2Link(node) {
- if (node.nodeValue.length < textLength) {
- let text = node.nodeValue,
- result = url_regexp_g.test(text),
- span = null,
- count = 0;
- if (result) {
- span = $("<span class='text2Link'></span>");
- span.html(
- text.replace(url_regexp_g, function ($1) {
- count++;
- if ($1.includes("@")) return `<a href="mailto:${$1}">${$1}</a>`;
- return $1.startsWith("http") ||
- $1.includes("magnet") ||
- $1.includes("ed2k")
- ? `<a href="${$1}" target="_blank">${$1}</a>`
- : `<a href="https://${$1}" target="_blank">${$1}</a>`;
- }).replace(/点/g, '.')
- );
- $(node).replaceWith(span);
- }
- if (count) t.increase();
- return count == 1 && span && span.children()[0];
- }
- }
- function isLinkText(a) {
- let keywords = [
- "niao.su/go",
- "www.sunweihu.com/go/?url=",
- "jump.bdimg.com/safecheck/index?url=",
- "jump2.bdimg.com/safecheck/index?url=",
- "zhouxiaoben.info/wp-content/themes/begin/go.php?url=",
- "www.423down.com/wp-content/plugins/momgo/go.php?url=",
- "www.423down.com/go.php?url=",
- "www.ccava.net/xc_url/?url=",
- "www.imaybes.cc/wl?url=",
- ],
- linkTextPrefixes = t.get("linkTextPrefixes", []);
- return keywords.some((k) => a.href.includes(k)) || linkTextPrefixes.some((k) => a.href.includes(k));
- }
- function isDifferent(a) {
- if (/(?:http|https|\/|\%2F).*?\?.+?=|.*?\?/.test(a.href)) {
- let hash = a.hash, search = a.search, password = t.search(a);
- a.hash = "";
- if (password) a.search = "";
- let text = decodeURIComponent(a.innerText).toLowerCase().replace(/^https?:\/\/|\/$/, ''), href = decodeURIComponent(a.href).toLowerCase().replace(/^https?:\/\/|\/$/, '');
- a.hash = hash;
- if (password) a.search = search;
- return !(text.includes('...') || !text.includes('/') || text == href);
- }
- return false;
- }
- let excludeSites = [
- "v.qq.com",
- "v.youku.com",
- "blog.csdn.net",
- "cloud.tencent.com",
- "translate.google.com",
- "domains.live.com",
- "passport.yandex.ru",
- "www.iconfont.cn",
- "www.kdocs.cn",
- "help.aliyun.com",
- "cn.bing.com",
- "service.weibo.com",
- "zhannei.baidu.com",
- "pc.woozooo.com",
- "play.google.com",
- ];
- t.update('excludeSites', excludeSites);
- excludeSites = t.get("excludeSites", excludeSites);
- t.registerMenu("添加例外域名", addExcludeSite);
- // 添加例外域名
- function addExcludeSite() {
- let input = prompt("输入的域名下的链接不会被净化: ", locHost);
- if (input) {
- if (/[\w]+(\.[\w]+)+/.test(input)) {
- if (!excludeSites.some((s) => s.includes(input))) {
- excludeSites.push(input);
- t.set("excludeSites", excludeSites);
- } else t.showNotice(`例外域名 <${input}> 已存在!!!`);
- } else t.showNotice(`<${input}> 不是有效域名!!!`);
- }
- }
- function cleanRedirectLink(a) {
- // 小众软件
- if (locHost == 'www.appinn.com' && (a.search.includes('ref=appinn') || a.hash.includes('ref=appinn'))) {
- t.title(a, '【净化】');
- a.search = a.search.replace(/[?&]ref=appinn$/, '');
- a.hash = a.hash.replace(/[#&]ref=appinn$/, '');
- t.increase();
- return true;
- }
- // 净化跳转链接
- let hosts = ['dalao.ru', 'niao.su', 'iao.su', 'nicelinks.site', 'www.appinn.com', 'support.qq.com', locHost];
- for (let h of hosts) {
- let reg = RegExp(`\\?(?:utm_source=)?${h}$`), result = reg.exec(a.href);
- if (result) {
- t.title(a, '【净化】');
- a.href = a.href.replace(result[0], '');
- t.increase();
- }
- }
- let reg = new RegExp('((?:http|https|\\/|\\%2F)(?:.*?[?&].+?=|.*?[?&]))' + url_re_str, "i"),
- result = reg.exec(decodeURIComponent(a.href));
- if (result) {
- let temp = decodeURIComponent(
- decodeURIComponent(result[2])
- ).replace(/https?:\/\//, '');
- if (
- !(
- decodeURIComponent(locHref).replace(/https?:\/\//, '').includes(
- temp.split("&")[0]
- ) || ['login', 'oauth'].some(k => locHref.includes(k)) || a.innerText.includes('登录') ||
- excludeSites.some((s) => result[1].includes(s)) ||
- YunDisk.sites[YunDisk.mapHost(a.host)]
- )
- ) {
- if (!/t\d+\.html/i.test(temp)) {
- let href = decodeURIComponent(
- decodeURIComponent(
- result[3]
- ? "http://" + result[3]
- : result[2].startsWith("http")
- ? result[2]
- : location.origin + result[2]
- )
- );
- t.title(a, '【净化】');
- if (["c.pc.qq.com","mail.qq.com", "m.sogou.com", "www.douban.com", "www.google.com", "txt.guoqiangti.ga", "g.luciaz.me"].some((h) => a.host == h))
- a.href = href.split("&")[0];
- else a.href = href.replace(/______/g, '.');
- }
- t.increase();
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- let defaultTargetSites = t.get("defaultTargetSites", ['shuax.com', 'app.infinityfree.net']);
- let isAddBlank = t.get("isAddBlank", false);
- let isDefault = defaultTargetSites.some((s) => s == location.host);
- // 注册菜单项该站链接保持默认打开方式
- if (!isDefault) {
- let menuID2 = t.registerMenu(
- "该站链接保持默认打开方式",
- function () {
- defaultTargetSites.push(location.host);
- t.set("defaultTargetSites", defaultTargetSites);
- isDefault = defaultTargetSites.some(
- (s) => s == location.host
- );
- t.unregisterMenu(menuID2);
- t.unregisterMenu(menuID);
- }
- );
- // 注册菜单项启停在新标签打开链接
- let menuID = t.registerMenu(
- `${isAddBlank ? "[✔]" : "[✖]"}在新标签打开链接`,
- addBlank
- );
- // 启停在新标签打开链接
- function addBlank() {
- isAddBlank = !isAddBlank;
- t.set("isAddBlank", isAddBlank);
- t.unregisterMenu(menuID);
- menuID = t.registerMenu(
- `${isAddBlank ? "[✔]" : "[✖]"}在新标签打开链接`,
- addBlank
- );
- }
- }
- // 给链接添加[target="_blank"]属性
- function add_blank(a) {
- if (isAddBlank && !isDefault) {
- let result =
- a.href == "" || a.target == "_blank" ||
- /javascript[\w:;()]+/.test(a.href) ||
- /\/\w+-\d+-\d+\.html|.+page\/\d+|category-\d+_?\d*/.test(
- a.href
- ) ||
- /[前后上下首末].+[页篇张]|^\.*\s*\d+\s*\.*$|^next$|^previous$/i.test(
- a.innerText
- ) ||
- ["prev", "next"].some(
- (r) =>
- r == a.attributes.rel &&
- a.attributes.rel.nodeValue
- ) ||
- ["prev", "next", "nxt"].some((r) =>
- a.className.includes(r)
- ) ||
- a.href == location.origin + "/" ||
- a.href.endsWith(".user.js"),
- relative = t.get("relative", false);
- if (!relative)
- result =
- result ||
- !/^(?:https?|\/\/).+/.test(
- a.attributes.href && a.attributes.href.nodeValue
- );
- if (!result) a.target = "_blank";
- }
- }
- // 添加链接直达输入框
- let addDirectTo = t.get('addDirectTo', true);
- if (addDirectTo) add_direct();
- let menuID2 = t.registerMenu(`${addDirectTo ? "[✔]" : "[✖]"}显示链接直达输入框`, directToMenu);
- function directToMenu() {
- addDirectTo = !addDirectTo;
- t.set('addDirectTo', addDirectTo);
- t.unregisterMenu(menuID2);
- menuID2 = t.registerMenu(`${addDirectTo ? "[✔]" : "[✖]"}显示链接直达输入框`, directToMenu);
- if (addDirectTo) add_direct();
- else if ($('#L_DirectTo').length) $('#L_DirectTo').remove();
- }
- function add_direct() {
- $('body').append(`<div id="L_DirectTo" class="l-direct-to">
- <input type="image" src="" alt="直达" id="L_DirectButton" class="direct-button" />
- <span title="粘贴或输入包含单链接的文本后点击输入框直达链接">
- <input type="text" id="L_DirectInput" class="direct-input" placeholder="粘贴或输入链接" />
- </span>
- </div>`);
- GM_addStyle(`#L_DirectTo input {
- outline: none;
- }
- #L_DirectTo {
- position: fixed;
- left: 0;
- top: 25%;
- }
- #L_DirectButton {
- width: 30px;
- height: 30px;
- position: absolute;
- z-index: 1;
- left: -16px;
- }
- #L_DirectInput {
- width: 300px;
- height: 22px;
- position: absolute;
- left: -350px;
- border: 3px solid #b52bff;
- border-radius: 20px;
- background-color: #99adf7;
- padding-left: 10px;
- box-sizing: content-box;
- }
- `);
- let direct = $('#L_DirectTo'),
- input = $('#L_DirectInput'),
- button = $('#L_DirectButton');
- input.on('click', obj => listener(obj));
- input.on('paste', () => {
- setTimeout(() => input[0].click(), 500);
- });
- // 清空输入框文本内容
- input.val('');
- button.on('click', () => {
- if (button.hasClass('open')) {
- input.animate({ left: '-350px' }).val('').blur();
- button.removeClass('open');
- button.prop('title', '点击展开输入框');
- } else {
- button.addClass('open');
- input.focus().animate({ left: '28px' });
- button.prop('title', '点击收起输入框');
- }
- })
- .on('mouseover', () => {
- button.animate({ left: 0 });
- if (!button.hasClass('open')) button.click();
- })
- .on('mouseout', () => {
- if (!button.hasClass('open'))
- button.animate({ left: '-16px' });
- });
- let timeId = null;
- direct.on('mouseout', () => {
- timeId = setTimeout(() => {
- if (button.hasClass('open')) {
- button.click();
- button.animate({ left: '-16px' });
- }
- }, 5000);
- })
- .on('mouseover', () => {
- if (timeId) clearTimeout(timeId);
- });
- }
- }
- }
- });