Greasy Fork is available in English.


⭐Append the next page content to the bottom seamlessly (like a waterfall, Unlimited scrolling, no need to manually click on the next page) ⭐, support various forums, social networking, games, comics, novels, academics, search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo...) and other websites~

< Feedback on AutoPager

Değerlendirme: İyi - script çalışıyor

Gönderildi: 30.06.2024

申请适配台湾的ptt论坛 ,页面示例,谢谢

Gönderildi: 01.07.2024

复制粘贴到脚本 自定义翻页规则 默认的 { } 中间保存(浏览器右上角 Tampermonkey 扩展图标内的脚本菜单)

    "": {
        "host": "",
        "url": "/^\\/bbs\\/.+\\/index/",
        "blank": 3,
        "pager": {
            "nextL": "//a[@class='btn wide'][contains(text(),'‹')]",
            "pageE": ".r-ent",
            "replaceE": ".btn-group-paging"

blank 是让该论坛的帖子列表页的帖子链接在新标签页打开,可以提高使用体验,如果实在不喜欢可以去掉。

Gönderildi: 03.07.2024


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