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AO3 author+tags quick-search

Generates quick links from AO3 fics to more by the same author in the same fandom (or character/pairing/any other tag).

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Adds extra links to the tags section of AO3 fic header to give you filtered results for any tag and the author of the fic you just read. Or in other words, an easier way to find everything else the author of the fic you just read has written for the same fandom/character/pairing/trope/etc.

For 'important' tags (currently fandom, character and pairing) the script will also display how many times times the author has used that tag, so you can see at a glance whether there's more to read (counts > 1 will appear in bold text). As this requires the script to pre-load results pages for each tag, it does increase time taken for the page to finish loading (which is why we don’t do this for every other tag as well). If loading times become an issue, you can disable this feature by setting the printCounts variable to 'false'.

The search results page is a bit of a hack — the checkbox for the tag should usually select correctly in the right menu, but for the cases where it doesn't (non-canonical freeform tags, etc), I've left in a title to clarify what tag you're filtering by (results should look something like this when all is working correctly). You can also set the script to automatically sort results by Date, Kudos or Word Count using the autoSortResultsBy variable.

A handful of variables at the top of the script are intended to be user-editable without needing to understand the rest of the code:

  • printCounts — Set this to 'false' to skip pre-loading tag count results, which should make the page load faster. Set to 'true' to reactivate.
  • importantTags — The script counts uses of any tags in these categories. By default, this is ["fandom","relationship","character"], but you can trim that down to make it load faster.
  • quickSearchText — If you'd rather see something other than the default *'s in the link text, enter it here. This won't affect tags where the count is shown.
  • autoSortResultsBy — Can be set to "Kudos", "Word Count" or "Date" to automatically sort your search results by that parameter.

The script should work for fic with multiple authors, authors with pseudonyms, and for both chapters and works. To report bugs or with any other questions, you can leave feedback here, or reach me on tumblr or AO3 under the same username.