// ==UserScript==
// @name Markdown-A-Textarea
// @namespace wdssmq
// @version 1.0.3
// @author 沉冰浮水
// @description 在需要的地方启用 MarkDown 语法,添加格式帮助链接及 Markdown 工具栏
// @link https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/29203
// @null ----------------------------
// @contributionURL https://github.com/wdssmq#%E4%BA%8C%E7%BB%B4%E7%A0%81
// @contributionAmount 5.93
// @null ----------------------------
// @link https://github.com/wdssmq/userscript
// @link https://afdian.net/@wdssmq
// @link https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/users/6865-wdssmq
// @null ----------------------------
// @contributor JixunMoe
// @contributor wOxxOm
// @license MIT License
// @include https://*
// @include http://*
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
/* eslint no-useless-escape: 0 */
/* global GM_addStyle */
/* jshint multistr:true */
function $n(e) {
return document.querySelector(e);
function $na(e) {
return document.querySelectorAll(e);
function xml2md(xml) {
var md = xml;
if (xml.indexOf("isXML") > -1) {
// 移除isXML
md = md.replace(/\n?<!--isXML-->/g, "");
// 行内
// 链接
md = md.replace(/<a href="([^"]+)" title="([^"]+)"\s*([^>]*)>(.+)<\/a>/g,"[$4]($1 \"$2\"){$3}");
// 图片
md = md.replace(/<img src="([^"]+)" alt="([^"]+)"[^>]*>/g,"");
// 段落
md = md.replace(/<p>/g, "");
md = md.replace(/<\/p>/g, "\n\n");
// h1-h6
md = md.replace(/<h6>(.+?)<\/h6>/g, "###### $1\n\n");
md = md.replace(/<h5>(.+?)<\/h5>/g, "##### $1\n\n");
md = md.replace(/<h4>(.+?)<\/h4>/g, "#### $1\n\n");
md = md.replace(/<h3>(.+?)<\/h3>/g, "### $1\n\n");
md = md.replace(/<h2>(.+?)<\/h2>/g, "## $1\n\n");
md = md.replace(/<h1>(.+?)<\/h1>/g, "# $1\n\n");
// 格式化换行
md = md.replace(/\n\n+/g, "\n\n");
md = md.replace(/\n+$/g, "");
// 修正
md = md.replace(/\){}/g, ")");
return md;
function md2xml(md) {
var xml = md;
if (md.indexOf("isXML") == -1) {
// 格式化换行
xml = xml.replace(/\n\n+/g, "\n\n");
xml = xml.replace(/\n+$/g, "");
// h1-h6
xml = xml.replace(/(^|\n)######\s*([^\n]+)/g, "$1<h6>$2</h6>");
xml = xml.replace(/(^|\n)#####\s*([^\n]+)/g, "$1<h5>$2</h5>");
xml = xml.replace(/(^|\n)####\s*([^\n]+)/g, "$1<h4>$2</h4>");
xml = xml.replace(/(^|\n)###\s*([^\n]+)/g, "$1<h3>$2</h3>");
xml = xml.replace(/(^|\n)##\s*([^\n]+)/g, "$1<h2>$2</h2>");
xml = xml.replace(/(^|\n)#\s*([^\n]+)/g, "$1<h1>$2</h1>");
// 段落
xml = xml.replace(/^(?!(<h|<p|<div))/g, "<p>");
xml = xml.replace(/\n+(<h|<p|<div)/g, "</p>\n$1");
xml = xml.replace(/\n\n/g, "</p>\n<p>");
xml = xml.replace(/(p>|h\d>|div>)<\/p>/g, "$1");
xml = xml.replace(/<p>$/g, "");
xml = xml.replace(/<p>(?!<\/p>)(.+)$/g, "<p>$1</p>");
// 行内标记
xml = xml.replace(/([^\*]*)\*\*(.*)\*\*/g, "$1<b>$2</b>");
xml = xml.replace(/([^\*]*)\*(.*)\*/g, "$1<i>$2</i>");
// 图片
xml = xml.replace(/!\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^\s\)]+)[^\)]*\)/g, "<img src=\"$2\" alt=\"$1\" title=\"$1\">");
// 链接
xml = xml.replace(/\[(.+)\]\(([^\s\)]+)\s*"?([^"]+)*"?\)(?:{([^}]+)})?/g, "<a href=\"$2\" title=\"$3\" $4>$1</a>");
xml = xml.replace(/title=""/g,"title=\"点击链接查看\"");
// xml = xml.replace(/\[(.+)\]\(([^\s\)]+)\)/g, '<a href="$2">$1</a>');
// 修正
xml = xml.replace(/\s>/g,">");
xml = xml.replace(/2xml/g,"");
// 添加 isXML
xml += "\n<!--isXML-->";
return xml;
window.addEventListener("load", function (e) {
var domTxa = $n("textarea.md-needed");
if (!domTxa){
domTxa.addEventListener("keyup", function () {
if(domTxa.value.indexOf("2xml") > -1){
domTxa.value = md2xml(domTxa.value);
$n("input[type=submit]").addEventListener("mouseenter", function () {
domTxa.value = md2xml(domTxa.value);
$n("input[type=submit]").addEventListener("mouseout", function () {
domTxa.value = xml2md(domTxa.value);
$n(".md-toolbar").innerHTML = "<i style=\"clear:both;display: table;\"></i>";
// 添加工具栏
.md-button {\
display: inline-block;\
cursor: pointer;\
margin: 0 1px;\
font-size: 12px;\
line-height: 1;\
font-weight: bold;\
padding: 4px 6px;\
background: #eee;\
border: 1px solid #999;\
border-radius: 2px;\
white-space: nowrap;\
text-shadow: 0px 1px 0px #FFF;\
box-shadow: 0px 1px 0px #FFF inset, 0px -1px 2px #BBB inset;\
color: #333;}\
.md-toolbar {\
clear: both;\
padding: 0;\
margin: 1px 1px 3px;\
function addFeatures(n) {
if (!n){
// add buttons
// btnMake(n, '<b>Test</b>', "test", function (e) {
// n.value = md2xml(n.value)
// });
btnMake(n, "<b>" + __("B") + "</b>", __("Bold"), "**");
btnMake(n, "<i>" + __("I") + "</i>", __("Italic"), "*");
btnMake(n, "<u>" + __("U") + "</u>", __("Underline"), "<u>", "</u>");
btnMake(n, "<s>" + __("S") + "</s>", __("Strikethrough"), "<s>", "</s>");
btnMake(n, "<br>", __("Force line break"), "<br>", "", true);
btnMake(n, "---", __("Horizontal line"), "\n\n---\n\n", "", true);
btnMake(n, __("URL"), __("Add URL to selected text"),
function (e) {
try {
edWrapInTag("[", "](" + prompt(__("URL") + ":") + ")", edInit(e.target));
} catch (ex) {
btnMake(n, __("Image (https)"), __("Convert selected https://url to inline image"), "");
btnMake(n, __("Table"), __("Insert table template"), __("\n| head1 | head2 |\n|-------|-------|\n| cell1 | cell2 |\n| cell3 | cell4 |\n"), "", true);
btnMake(n, __("Code"), __("Apply CODE markdown to selected text"),
function (e) {
var ed = edInit(e.target);
if (ed.sel.indexOf("\n") < 0){
edWrapInTag("`", "`", ed);
edWrapInTag(((ed.sel1 === 0) || (ed.text.charAt(ed.sel1 - 1) == "\n") ? "" : "\n") + "```" + (ed.sel.charAt(0) == "\n" ? "" : "\n"),
(ed.sel.substr(-1) == "\n" ? "" : "\n") + "```" + (ed.text.substr(ed.sel2, 1) == "\n" ? "" : "\n"),
function btnMake(elTxa, label, title, tag1_or_cb, tag2, noWrap) {
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.className = "md-button";
a.innerHTML = label;
a.title = title;
a.style.setProperty("float", "right");
typeof(tag1_or_cb) == "function" ? tag1_or_cb
: noWrap ? function (e) {
edInsertText(tag1_or_cb, edInit(e.target));
: function (e) {
edWrapInTag(tag1_or_cb, tag2, edInit(e.target));
var elToolbar = elTxa.parentNode.querySelector(".md-toolbar");
// console.log(elToolbar);
a.textAreaNode = elTxa;
elToolbar.insertBefore(a, elToolbar.firstElementChild);
function edInit(btn) {
var ed = {
node: btn.textAreaNode,
ed.sel1 = ed.node.selectionStart;
ed.sel2 = ed.node.selectionEnd;
ed.text = ed.node.value;
ed.sel = ed.text.substring(ed.sel1, ed.sel2);
return ed;
function edWrapInTag(tag1, tag2, ed) {
ed.node.value = ed.text.substr(0, ed.sel1) + tag1 + ed.sel + (tag2 ? tag2 : tag1) + ed.text.substr(ed.sel2);
ed.node.setSelectionRange(ed.sel1 + tag1.length, ed.sel1 + tag1.length + ed.sel.length);
function edInsertText(text, ed) {
ed.node.value = ed.text.substr(0, ed.sel2) + text + ed.text.substr(ed.sel2);
ed.node.setSelectionRange(ed.sel2 + text.length, ed.sel2 + text.length);
var __ = (function (l, langs) {
var lang = langs[l] || langs[l.replace(/-.+/, "")];
return lang ? function (text) {
return lang[text] || text;
: function (text) {
return text;
}; // No matching language, fallback to english
})("zh-CN", {
// Can be full name, or just the beginning part.
"zh-CN": {
"Bold": "粗体",
"Italic": "斜体",
"Underline": "下划线",
"Strikethrough": "删除线",
"Force line break": "强制换行",
"Horizontal line": "水平分割线",
"URL": "链接",
"Add URL to selected text": "为所选文字添加链接",
"Image (https)": "图片 (https)",
"Convert selected https://url to inline image": "将所选地址转换为行内图片",
"image": "图片描述", // Default image alt value
"Table": "表格",
"Insert table template": "插入表格模板",
"Code": "代码",
"Apply CODE markdown to selected text": "将选中代码围起来",
"\n| head1 | head2 |\n|-------|-------|\n| cell1 | cell2 |\n| cell3 | cell4 |\n":
"\n| 表头 1 | 表头 2 |\n|-------|-------|\n| 表格 1 | 表格 2 |\n| 表格 3 | 表格 4 |\n",
"ru": {
"B": "Ж",
"I": "К",
"U": "Ч",
"S": "П",
"Bold": "Жирный",
"Italic": "Курсив",
"Underline": "Подчеркнутый",
"Strikethrough": "Перечеркнутый",
"Force line break": "Новая строка",
"Horizontal line": "Горизонтальная линия",
"URL": "ссылка",
"Add URL to selected text": "Добавить ссылку к выделенному тексту",
"Image (https)": "Картинка (https)",
"Convert selected https://url to inline image": "Преобразовать выделенный https:// адрес в картинку",
"image": "картинка", // Default image alt value
"Table": "Таблица",
"Insert table template": "Вставить шаблон таблицы",
"Code": "Код",
"Apply CODE markdown to selected text": "Пометить выделенный фрагмент как программный код",
"\n| head1 | head2 |\n|-------|-------|\n| cell1 | cell2 |\n| cell3 | cell4 |\n":
"\n| заголовок1 | заголовок2 |\n|-------|-------|\n| ячейка1 | ячейка2 |\n| ячейка3 | ячейка4 |\n",
"fr": {
"B": "G",
"I": "I",
"U": "S",
"S": "B",
"Bold": "Gras",
"Italic": "Italique",
"Underline": "Souligné",
"Strikethrough": "Barré",
"Force line break": "Forcer le saut de ligne",
"Horizontal line": "Ligne horizontale",
"URL": "URL",
"Add URL to selected text": "Ajouter URL au texte sélectionné",
"Image (https)": "Image (https)",
"Convert selected https://url to inline image": "Convertir https://url sélectionnés en images",
"image": "image", // Default image alt value
"Table": "Tableau",
"Insert table template": "Insérer un modèle de table",
"Code": "Code",
"Apply CODE markdown to selected text": "Appliquer CODE markdown au texte sélectionné",
"\n| head1 | head2 |\n|-------|-------|\n| cell1 | cell2 |\n| cell3 | cell4 |\n":
"\n| En-tête 1 | En-tête 2 |\n|-------|-------|\n| cellule 1 | cellule 2 |\n| cellule 3 | cellule 4 |\n",