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GitHub Custom Hotkeys

A userscript that allows you to add custom GitHub keyboard hotkeys

22.08.2017 itibariyledir. En son verisyonu görün.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        GitHub Custom Hotkeys
// @version     1.0.7
// @description A userscript that allows you to add custom GitHub keyboard hotkeys
// @license     MIT
// @author      Rob Garrison
// @namespace
// @include*
// @include     https://**
// @run-at      document-idle
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @icon
// ==/UserScript==
(() => {
	"use strict";
	/* "g p" here overrides the GitHub default "g p" which takes you to the Pull Requests page
		"all": [
			{ "f1" : "#hotkey-settings" },
			{ "g g": "{repo}/graphs" },
			{ "g p": "{repo}/pulse" },
			{ "g u": "{user}" },
			{ "g s": "{upstream}" }
		"{repo}/issues": [
			{ "g right": "{issue+1}" },
			{ "g left" : "{issue-1}" }
		"{root}/search": [
			{ "g right": "{page+1}" },
			{ "g left" : "{page-1}" }
	let data = GM_getValue("github-hotkeys", {
			all: [{
				f1: "#hotkey-settings"
		lastHref = window.location.href;

	const openHash = "#hotkey-settings",

		templates = {
			remove: "<svg class='ghch-remove octicon' fill='currentColor' xmlns='' width='9' height='9' viewBox='0 0 9 9'><path d='M9 1L5.4 4.4 9 8 8 9 4.6 5.4 1 9 0 8l3.6-3.5L0 1l1-1 3.5 3.6L8 0l1 1z'/></svg>",
			hotkey: "Hotkey: <input type='text' class='ghch-hotkey form-control'>&nbsp; URL: <input type='text' class='ghch-url form-control'>",
			scope: "<ul><li class='ghch-hotkey-add'>+ Click to add a new hotkey</li></ul>"

		// see
		nonUser = new RegExp("(" + [
			"400", "401", "402", "403", "404", "405", "406", "407", "408", "409",
			"410", "411", "412", "413", "414", "415", "416", "417", "418", "419",
			"420", "421", "422", "423", "424", "425", "426", "427", "428", "429",
			"430", "431", "500", "501", "502", "503", "504", "505", "506", "507",
			"508", "509", "510", "511", "about", "access", "account", "admin",
			"anonymous", "api", "apps", "auth", "billing", "blog", "business",
			"cache", "categories", "changelog", "codereview", "comments", "community",
			"compare", "contact", "dashboard", "design", "developer", "docs",
			"downloads", "editor", "edu", "enterprise", "events", "explore",
			"features", "files", "gist", "gists", "graphs", "help", "home", "hosting",
			"images", "info", "integrations", "issues", "jobs", "join", "languages",
			"legal", "linux", "lists", "login", "logout", "mac", "maintenance",
			"marketplace", "mine", "mirrors", "mobile", "navigation", "network",
			"new", "news", "notifications", "oauth", "offer", "open-source",
			"organizations", "orgs", "pages", "payments", "personal", "plans",
			"plugins", "popular", "posts", "press", "pricing", "projects", "pulls",
			"readme", "releases", "repositories", "search", "security", "services",
			"sessions", "settings", "shop", "showcases", "signin", "signup", "site",
			"ssh", "staff", "stars", "static", "status", "store", "stories",
			"styleguide", "subscriptions", "support", "talks", "teams", "terms",
			"tos", "tour", "translations", "trending", "updates", "username", "users",
			"watching", "wiki", "windows", "works-with", "www1", "www2", "www3",
			"www4", "www5", "www6", "www7", "www8", "www9"
		].join("|") + ")");

	function getUrlParts() {
		const loc = window.location,
			root = "",
			parts = {
				origin: loc.origin,
				page: ""
		// me
		let tmp = $("meta[name='user-login']");
		parts.m = tmp && tmp.getAttribute("content") || ""; = ? parts.root + "/" + parts.m : "";

		// pathname "should" always start with a "/"
		tmp = loc.pathname.split("/");

		// user name
		if (nonUser.test(tmp[1] || "")) {
			// invalid user! clear out the values
			tmp = [];
		parts.u = tmp[1] || "";
		parts.user = tmp[1] ? root + "/" + tmp[1] : "";
		// repo name
		parts.r = tmp[2] || "";
		parts.repo = tmp[1] && tmp[2] ? parts.user + "/" + tmp[2] : "";
		// tab?
		parts.t = tmp[3] || ""; = tmp[3] ? parts.repo + "/" + tmp[3] : "";
		if (parts.t === "issues") {
			// issue number
			parts.issue = tmp[4] || "";
		// forked from
		tmp = $(".repohead .fork-flag a");
		parts.upstream = tmp ? tmp.getAttribute("href") : "";
		// current page
		if ([&?]q=/)) {
			tmp =[&?]p=(\d+)/); = tmp ? tmp[1] || "1" : "1";
		return parts;

	// pass true to initialize; false to remove everything
	function checkScope() {
		removeElms($("body"), ".ghch-link");
		const parts = getUrlParts();
		Object.keys(data).forEach(key => {
			const url = fixUrl(parts, key === "all" ? "{root}" : key);
			if (window.location.href.indexOf(url) > -1) {
				debug("Checking custom hotkeys for " + key);
				addHotkeys(parts, url, data[key]);

	function fixUrl(parts, url) {
		let valid = true; // use true in case a full URL is used
		url = url
			// allow {issues+#} to go inc or desc
			.replace(/\{issue([\-+]\d+)?\}/, (s, n) => {
				const val = n ? parseInt(parts.issue || "", 10) + parseInt(n, 10) : "";
				valid = val !== "" && val > 0;
				return valid ? + "/" + val : "";
			// allow {page+#} to change results page
			.replace(/\{page([\-+]\d+)?\}/, (s, n) => {
				const loc = window.location,
					val = n ? parseInt( || "", 10) + parseInt(n, 10) : "";
				let search;
				valid = val !== "" && val > 0;
				if (valid) {
					search = loc.origin + loc.pathname;
					if ([&?]p?=\d+/)) {
						search +=[&?]p=)\d+/, (s, n) => {
							return n + val;
					} else {
						// started on page 1 (no &p=1) available to replace
						search += + "&p=" + val;
				return valid ? search : "";
			// replace placeholders
			.replace(/\{\w+\}/gi, matches => {
				const val = parts[matches.replace(/[{}]/g, "")] || "";
				valid = val !== "";
				return val;
		return valid ? url : "";

	function removeElms(src, selector) {
		const links = $$(selector, src);
		let len = links.length;
		while (len--) {

	function addHotkeys(parts, scope, hotkeys) {
		// Shhh, don't tell anyone, but GitHub checks the data-hotkey attribute
		// of any link on the page, so we only need to add dummy links :P
		let indx, url, key, link;
		const len = hotkeys.length,
			body = $("body");
		for (indx = 0; indx < len; indx++) {
			key = Object.keys(hotkeys[indx])[0];
			url = fixUrl(parts, hotkeys[indx][key]);
			if (url) {
				link = document.createElement("a");
				link.className = "ghch-link";
				link.href = url;
				link.setAttribute("data-hotkey", key);
				debug("Adding '" + key + "' keyboard hotkey linked to: " + url);

	function addHotkey(el) {
		const li = document.createElement("li");
		li.className = "ghch-hotkey-set";
		li.innerHTML = templates.hotkey + templates.remove;
		el.parentNode.insertBefore(li, el);
		return li;

	function addScope(el) {
		const scope = document.createElement("fieldset");
		scope.className = "ghch-scope-custom";
		scope.innerHTML = `
				<span class="simple-box" contenteditable>Enter Scope</span>&nbsp;
		el.parentNode.insertBefore(scope, el);
		return scope;

	function addMenu() {
			#ghch-open-menu { cursor:pointer; }
			#ghch-menu { position:fixed; z-index: 65535; top:0; bottom:0; left:0; right:0; opacity:0; visibility:hidden; }
			#ghch-menu.ghch-open { opacity:1; visibility:visible; background:rgba(0,0,0,.5); }
			#ghch-settings-inner { position:fixed; left:50%; top:50%; transform:translate(-50%,-50%); width:25rem; box-shadow:0 .5rem 1rem #111; }
			#ghch-settings-inner h3 .btn { float:right; font-size:.8em; padding:0 6px 2px 6px; margin-left:3px; }
			.ghch-remove, .ghch-remove svg, #ghch-settings-inner .ghch-close svg { vertical-align:middle; cursor:pointer; }
			.ghch-menu-inner { max-height:60vh; overflow-y:auto; }
			.ghch-menu-inner ul { list-style:none; }
			.ghch-menu-inner li { margin-bottom:4px; }
			.ghch-scope-all, .ghch-scope-add, .ghch-scope-custom { width:100%; border:2px solid rgba(85,85,85,0.5); border-radius:4px; padding:10px; margin:0; }
			.ghch-scope-add, .ghch-hotkey-add { border:2px dashed #555; border-radius:4px; opacity:0.6; text-align:center; cursor:pointer; margin-top:10px; }
			.ghch-scope-add:hover, .ghch-hotkey-add:hover { opacity:1;  }
			.ghch-menu-inner legend span { padding:0 6px; min-width:30px; border:0; }
			.ghch-hotkey { width:60px; }
			.ghch-menu-inner li .ghch-remove { margin-left:10px; }
			.ghch-menu-inner li .ghch-remove:hover, .ghch-menu-inner legend .ghch-remove:hover { color:#800; }
			.ghch-json-code { display:none; font-family:Menlo, Inconsolata, 'Droid Mono', monospace; font-size:1em; }
			.ghch-json-code.ghch-open { position:absolute; top:37px; bottom:0; left:2px; right:2px; z-index:0; width:396px; max-width:396px; max-height:calc(100% - 37px); display:block; }

		// add menu
		let menu = document.createElement("div"); = "ghch-menu";
		menu.innerHTML = `
			<div id="ghch-settings-inner" class="boxed-group">
					GitHub Custom Hotkey Settings
					<button type="button" class="btn btn-sm ghch-close tooltipped tooltipped-n" aria-label="Close";>
					<button type="button" class="ghch-code btn btn-sm tooltipped tooltipped-n" aria-label="Toggle JSON data view">{ }</button>
					<a href="" class="ghch-help btn btn-sm tooltipped tooltipped-n" aria-label="Get Help">?</a>
				<div class="ghch-menu-inner boxed-group-inner">
					<fieldset class="ghch-scope-all">
							<span class="simple-box" data-scope="all">All of GitHub &amp; subdomains</span>
					<div class="ghch-scope-add">+ Click to add a new scope</div>
					<textarea class="ghch-json-code"></textarea>
		// Create our menu entry
		menu = document.createElement("a"); = "ghch-open-menu";
		menu.className = "dropdown-item";
		menu.innerHTML = "GitHub Hotkey Settings";

		const els = $$(`
			.header .dropdown-item[href="/settings/profile"],
			.header .dropdown-item[data-ga-click*="go to profile"],
			.Header .dropdown-item[href="/settings/profile"],
			.Header .dropdown-item[data-ga-click*="go to profile"]
		if (els.length) {
			els[els.length - 1].parentNode.insertBefore(menu, els[els.length - 1].nextSibling);

	function openPanel() {
		return false;

	function closePanel() {
		const menu = $("#ghch-menu");
		if (menu.classList.contains("ghch-open")) {
			// update data in case a "change" event didn't fire
			$(".ghch-json-code", menu).classList.remove("ghch-open");
			window.location.hash = "";
			return false;

	function addJSON() {
		const textarea = $(".ghch-json-code");
		textarea.value = JSON
			.stringify(data, null, 2)
			// compress JSON a little
			.replace(/\n\s{4}\}/g, " }")
			.replace(/\{\n\s{6}/g, "{ ");

	function processJSON() {
		let val;
		const textarea = $(".ghch-json-code");
		try {
			val = JSON.parse(textarea.value);
			data = val;
		} catch (err) {}

	function updateMenu() {
		const menu = $(".ghch-menu-inner");
		removeElms(menu, ".ghch-scope-custom");
		removeElms($(".ghch-scope-all ul", menu), ".ghch-hotkey-set");
		let scope, selector;
		// Add scopes
		Object.keys(data).forEach(key => {
			if (key === "all") {
				selector = "all";
				scope = $(".ghch-scope-all .ghch-hotkey-add", menu);
			} else if (key !== selector) {
				selector = key;
				scope = addScope($(".ghch-scope-add"));
				$("legend span", scope).innerHTML = key;
				scope = $(".ghch-hotkey-add", scope);
			// add hotkey entries
			// eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func
			data[key].forEach(val => {
				const target = addHotkey(scope),
					tmp = Object.keys(val)[0];
				$(".ghch-hotkey", target).value = tmp;
				$(".ghch-url", target).value = val[tmp];

	function refreshData() {
		data = {};
		let tmp, scope, sIndx, hotkeys, scIndx, scLen, val;
		const menu = $(".ghch-menu-inner"),
			scopes = $$("fieldset", menu),
			sLen = scopes.length;
		for (sIndx = 0; sIndx < sLen; sIndx++) {
			tmp = $("legend span", scopes[sIndx]);
			if (tmp) {
				scope = tmp.getAttribute("data-scope") || tmp.textContent.trim();
				hotkeys = $$(".ghch-hotkey-set", scopes[sIndx]);
				scLen = hotkeys.length;
				data[scope] = [];
				for (scIndx = 0; scIndx < scLen; scIndx++) {
					tmp = $$("input", hotkeys[scIndx]);
					val = (tmp[0] && tmp[0].value) || "";
					if (val) {
						data[scope][scIndx] = {};
						data[scope][scIndx][val] = tmp[1].value || "";
		GM_setValue("github-hotkeys", data);
		debug("Data refreshed", data);

	function addBindings() {
		let tmp;
		const menu = $("#ghch-menu");

		// open menu
		on($("#ghch-open-menu"), "click", openPanel);
		// close menu
		on(menu, "click", closePanel);
		on($("body"), "keydown", event => {
			if (event.which === 27) {
		// stop propagation
		on($("#ghch-settings-inner", menu), "keydown", event => {
		on($("#ghch-settings-inner", menu), "click", event => {
			let target =;
			// add hotkey
			if (target.classList.contains("ghch-hotkey-add")) {
			} else if (target.classList.contains("ghch-scope-add")) {
			// svg & path nodeName may be lowercase
			tmp = target.nodeName.toLowerCase();
			if (tmp === "path") {
				target = target.parentNode;
			// target should now point at svg
			if (target.classList.contains("ghch-remove")) {
				tmp = target.parentNode;
				// remove fieldset
				if (tmp.nodeName === "LEGEND") {
					tmp = tmp.parentNode;
				// remove li; but not the button in the header
				if (tmp.nodeName !== "BUTTON") {
		on(menu, "change", refreshData);
		// contenteditable scope title
		on(menu, "input", event => {
			if ("simple-box")) {
		on($("button.ghch-close", menu), "click", closePanel);
		// open JSON code textarea
		on($(".ghch-code", menu), "click", () => {
			$(".ghch-json-code", menu).classList.toggle("ghch-open");
		// close JSON code textarea
		tmp = $(".ghch-json-code", menu);
		on(tmp, "focus", () => {;
		on(tmp, "paste", () => {
			setTimeout(() => {
			}, 200);

		// This is crazy! But changes do not fire the
		// "popstate" or "hashchange" event, so we're stuck with a setInterval
		setInterval(() => {
			const loc = window.location;
			if (lastHref !== loc.href) {
				lastHref = loc.href;
				// open panel via hash
				if (loc.hash === openHash) {
		}, 1000);

	function $(str, el) {
		return (el || document).querySelector(str);

	function $$(str, el) {
		return Array.from((el || document).querySelectorAll(str));

	function on(els, name, callback) {
		els = Array.isArray(els) ? els : [els];
		const events = name.split(/\s+/);
		els.forEach(el => {
			if (el) {
				events.forEach(ev => {
					el.addEventListener(ev, callback);

	// include a "debug" anywhere in the browser URL (search parameter) to enable debugging
	function debug() {
		if (/debug/.test( {
			console.log.apply(console, arguments);

	// initialize