Tarih Moderatör Öğe Eylem Sebep
27.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: Fitness Ket Ban
27.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: cnk123456y Ban
personal attacks
27.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: lygxbzg Ban
personal attacks
27.07.2024 woxxom Script: 海角社区破解全能版~ Delete and lock
27.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: khv56 Ban
27.07.2024 woxxom Script: Fake Review Detection Delete and lock
troll script + promotion via spambots
27.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: Deleted user 1324384 Ban
troll script + promotion via spambots
27.07.2024 woxxom Script: Fake Review Detection Delete and lock
troll script + promotion via spambots
27.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: neosculpt Ban
27.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: KOUSHIK BASAVASAI REDDY Ban
27.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: JohneAllene Ban
27.07.2024 StephenP Kullanıcı: BillyeWeaveri Ban
27.07.2024 StephenP Kullanıcı: Stephanie Cassell Ban
27.07.2024 StephenP Script: Pure Bing Delete and lock
27.07.2024 JasonBarnabe Script: 海角社区破解全能版 Delete and lock
This script is not allowed
27.07.2024 JasonBarnabe Script: 海角社区破解全能版 Delete and lock
This script is not allowed
27.07.2024 JasonBarnabe Script: 海角社区破解全能版l Delete and lock
This script is not allowed
27.07.2024 JasonBarnabe Script: 海角社区破解全能版1 Delete and lock
This script is not allowed
27.07.2024 JasonBarnabe Script: 海角社区破解全能版 Delete and lock
This script is not allowed
27.07.2024 JasonBarnabe Script: 海角社区破解全能版1 Delete and lock
This script is not allowed
27.07.2024 JasonBarnabe Script: 海角社区破解全能版l Delete and lock
This script is not allowed
27.07.2024 JasonBarnabe Script: 海角社区破解全能版l Delete and lock
This script is not allowed
27.07.2024 JasonBarnabe Script: 海角社区破解全能版 Delete and lock
This script is not allowed
27.07.2024 JasonBarnabe Kullanıcı: ksos18 Ban
This script is not allowed
27.07.2024 JasonBarnabe Script: 海角社区破解全能版 Delete and lock
This script is not allowed
27.07.2024 JasonBarnabe Kullanıcı: cyc0710 Ban
26.07.2024 JasonBarnabe Kullanıcı: doramarion Ban
26.07.2024 JasonBarnabe Kullanıcı: eentt Ban
26.07.2024 woxxom Script: 谦晨网课通助手[全网题库][通用智能适配答题][刷课]【开平台请联系作者微信:Qcwk01】 Delete and lock
dupe of 477942
26.07.2024 woxxom Script: Auto-Responder for Dating Site Delete and lock
26.07.2024 StephenP Kullanıcı: Sanmu96 Ban
26.07.2024 woxxom Script: 2024年暑假教师研修|国家智慧教育公共服务平台|国家中小学智慧教育平台|自动刷视频【无法使用请联系作者微信:Qcwk01】 Delete and lock
Report #66940
26.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: Capsiplex Burn Trim Ban
26.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: Толя Мендус Ban
26.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: Francislox Ban
26.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: Franciswrith Ban
26.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: monkas Ban
26.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: fitnessketo Ban
26.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: JimyFife Ban
26.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: heiditaylorsu Ban
26.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: capsiplex532 Ban
26.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: feiyufeiyufeiyu Ban
26.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: TYTYTYTY Ban
26.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: 鱼鱼鱼鱼鱼鱼 Ban
26.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: woxxom恶意灌水,刷好评 Ban
harassing mods
26.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: NigeMoor Ban
26.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: Deleted user 1048976 Ban
personal attacks
26.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: Darlene Dugan Ban
26.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: SB油小猴🐒 Ban
26.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: sb油小猴草泥马 Ban
26.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: 油小猴SBcnm🐒🐶 Ban
26.07.2024 woxxom Script: Camwhores.tv Private Vids Delete and lock
26.07.2024 woxxom Script: 2024年暑假教师研修|国家智慧教育公共服务平台|国家中小学智慧教育平台|自动刷视频【购买软件请联系作者微信:Qcwk01】 Delete and lock
26.07.2024 woxxom Script: YouTube add block breaker Delete and lock
26.07.2024 JasonBarnabe Kullanıcı: peter9963 Ban
25.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: KaseyThomas Ban
25.07.2024 JasonBarnabe Kullanıcı: keli88888 Ban
25.07.2024 JasonBarnabe Kullanıcı: keli8888 Ban
25.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: ManUp Mal Ban
25.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: capsiplex Ban
25.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: 无梦旅人 Ban
25.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: keishadiehl Ban
25.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: Melokyrid Lee Ban
25.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: JoelRomeroe Ban
25.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: Raymond Ralston Ban
25.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: faisbeam Ban
25.07.2024 JasonBarnabe Kullanıcı: qbhn666 Ban
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 新【学习公社】|大学生网络党校|中小学网络党校|中国教育干部网络学院|全自动看课无人值守|提前看试卷|在线题库95分以上|使用文档:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/xxgs/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: 1632 Ban
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 🥇新版本广东省干部培训网络学院|使用说明:自动看课https://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/gdgb/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: zhanfk7 Ban
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 🥇 河南省执(从)业药师继续教育网络学习平台|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/hnszyyx/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 🥇职腾|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/zhitent/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 🥇江苏省执业药师协会|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/jsys/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 🥇 【云奕通】【付费】|绎通云|广州开放大学成人教育学院|广州华商职业学院|全自动刷完所有课程|视频秒过|自动作业完成|使用文档:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/yyt/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 🥇贵州省建筑业企业综合服务平台解除读卡器限制|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/gzsjzy/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 🥇华医网|自动答题|秒过|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/hyw/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 双卫网|使用文档:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/sww/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 辽宁职业药师继续教育平台|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/lnzyys/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 中医药继续教育网|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/zyyjxjyw/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 气象远程教育网|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/qxycjyw/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 【旧版智慧树】兴义民族师范学院专业技术人员在线学习平台|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/xymzsfxy/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 轻松在线学习平台 |使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/qszxxx/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Kullanıcı: 163_6 Ban
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 广东省教育双融双创智慧共享社区 |使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/gdsrsc/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 【融学APP】四川专技|巴中市专业技术人员继续教育平台|自动播放|自动下一集|自动换课程|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/sczj/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 湖南开放大学|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/hnkfdx/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 重庆市法治理论知识考试平台|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/cqspfks/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 博思云|博学BX|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/bx/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 湖南农业大学自动看课|自动下一集|自动播放|微信:zhanyc_cn 备用微信:zhanfengkuo 个人网站:http://jb.zhanyc.cn Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 网梯科技cms平台网课|福建教育学院|昌江县2023年中小学(园)教师全员网络研修培训项目|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/wtkjcms/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 常州市专业技术人员继续教育网|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/czsjxjyw/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 华夏大地教育网|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/hxdd/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 东财在线|甘肃省专业技术人员继续教育培训|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/dczx/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 上海师范大学继续教育学院|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/shsf/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 贵州省建筑业协会答题|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/gzsjzyxh/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 🥇教师发展在线|全国高校教师网络培训中心|使用说明:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/jsfzzx/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 广理工在线学习平台|使用文档:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/glgzxxxpt/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 禧课教育|使用文档:http://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/xkjy/ Delete and lock
Report #67034
24.07.2024 woxxom Script: 巨量千川助手|价格保护|防止误操作 Delete and lock
Report #67034