Tartışmalar » Greasy Fork Geri Bildirimi

Does anyone else ever see PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR accessing this site?

Gönderildi: 04.03.2021

I get that once in a while, but it works again after a few seconds. Does anyone else have this issue?

Gönderildi: 04.03.2021

I've never seen that error, but loading https://greasyfork.org/en/discussions/no-scripts is extremely slow. The whole site is also slow sometimes and shows some connection error messages.

Gönderildi: 04.03.2021

Can you post what connection errors you're getting?

Gönderildi: 04.03.2021

I don't get them very very often, but when I get them I will try to remember to print and post here.

Gönderildi: 12.03.2021

Got ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED when trying to update a comment after a 5 minutes timeout

Gönderildi: 12.03.2021

Occasionally I get those on Waterfox Classic (after refresh site usually works again):

alt text

Week ago one user reported that he couldn't download script because "502 Bad Gateway" errors.

Gönderildi: 18.03.2021

I have too many similar problems with Quantum and Waterfox Classic...
And refresh (sometime many) solve the problem.

Gönderildi: 19.03.2021

I'm trying to work with the host to figure this out...

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