Tartışmalar » Greasy Fork Geri Bildirimi

How to get the word out?

Gönderildi: 21.04.2014
Düzenlendi: 21.04.2014

How to get the word out?

Hey guys, love the website. I just wanted to say that I think we need to get the word out. Does anyone have any ideas? What has been dont on userscripts.org to get other authors to migrate?

Gönderildi: 23.04.2014
Düzenlendi: 23.04.2014
if you have some favourite scripts on USO you can suggest the author to also host them here?

I have already done that... but I get the response that it is too early... or I get no response at all.

Why no link here ? http://userstyles.org/
Can you not send out a mass PM to all users/authors of userstyles.org and forum.userstyles.org?
Because many that upload to userstyles never visit the userstylesforum and therefore not necessarily aware of greasyforks.

JoeSimmons (never visits forum.userstyles.org)

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