Greasy Fork is available in English.

Hack from version

you can: see players through walls, x-rey, aim bot and much more

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Hack from version
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  you can: see players through walls, x-rey, aim bot and much more
// @author       Lor1x (Lor1x)
// @match        *://*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// @antifeature  ads
// @require[email protected]/build/three.min.js
// @require[email protected]
// ==/UserScript==

const THREE = window.THREE;
delete window.THREE;

const settings = {
	showPlayers: true,
	showPlayerNames: false,
	showItems: false,
	showItemNames: false,
	showBlocks: false,
	showLines: true,
	showOres: false,
	worldWireframe: false,
	aimbotEnabled: false,
	aimbotOnRightMouse: false,
	aimBehindWalls: false,
	aimHeight: 0.9,
	autoFire: true,
	aimAtEveryone: false,
	createdBy: 'Lor1x',
	editAimbotBlacklist() {

		const currList = Object.keys( aimbotBlacklist ).join( ', ' );
		const string = prompt( 'Enter usernames of players for whom aimbot should be disabled.\nSeparated by single comma:', currList );

		if ( string !== null ) {

			aimbotBlacklist = {};
			string.split( ',' )
				.map( name => name.trim().toLowerCase() )
				.filter( name => name.length > 0 )
				.forEach( name => ( aimbotBlacklist[ name ] = true ) );



	showHelp() { = === '' ? 'none' : '';


const keyToSetting = {
	'KeyV': 'showPlayers',
	'KeyI': 'showItems',
	'KeyN': 'showItemNames',
	'KeyL': 'showBlocks',
	'KeyB': 'aimbotEnabled',
	'KeyT': 'aimbotOnRightMouse',
	'KeyK': 'autoFire',
	'Semicolon': 'worldWireframe',
	'Comma': 'showOres'

let aimbotBlacklist = {
	'Zertalious': true,
	'Zert': true

function updateBlacklistBtn() {

	let name = 'Edit Aimbot Blacklist';

	const n = Object.keys( aimbotBlacklist ).length;
	if ( n > 0 ) name = `${name} (${n} user${n === 1 ? '' : 's'})`; name );


const shadowHost = document.createElement( 'div' );
Object.assign(, {
	position: 'absolute',
	top: 0,
	left: 0,
	width: '100%',
	height: '100%',
	pointerEvents: 'none'
} );
const shadow = shadowHost.attachShadow( { mode: 'open' } );

let enableDocumentOverride = false;

function setDocumentOverride( prop, value ) {

	const old = document[ prop ];

	Object.defineProperty( document, prop, {
		get() {

			return enableDocumentOverride ? value : old;

		writeable: true,
		configurable: true
	} );


let gui;
let controllers;

function initGui() {

	const settingToKey = {};
	for ( const key in keyToSetting ) {

		settingToKey[ keyToSetting[ key ] ] = key;


	const keyOverride = {
		'Semicolon': ';',
		'Comma': ','

	setDocumentOverride( 'body', shadow );
	setDocumentOverride( 'head', shadow );
	setDocumentOverride( 'querySelector', () => null );

	enableDocumentOverride = true;
	gui = new lil.GUI();
	enableDocumentOverride = false;

	controllers = {};
	for ( const key in settings ) {

		let name = fromCamel( key );
		let shortKey = settingToKey[ key ];

		if ( shortKey ) {

			if ( keyOverride[ shortKey ] ) shortKey = keyOverride[ shortKey ];
			else if ( shortKey.startsWith( 'Key' ) ) shortKey = shortKey.slice( 3 );
			name = `[${shortKey}] ${name}`;


		controllers[ key ] = gui.add( settings, key ).name( name ).listen();


	controllers.aimHeight.min( 0 ).max( 1.5 );
	addDescription( controllers.aimAtEveryone, 'Enable this to make aimbot work in Survival mode.' );

	const titleEl = gui.domElement.querySelector( '.title' );
	titleEl.innerText = `[/] Controls`;


function addDescription( controller, text ) {

	const div = document.createElement( 'div' );
	div.className = 'my-lil-gui-desc';
	div.innerText = text;
	controller.domElement.querySelector( '.name' ).appendChild( div );


function fromCamel( text ) {

	const result = text.replace( /([A-Z])/g, ' $1' );
	return result.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + result.slice( 1 );


let isRightDown = false;
window.addEventListener( 'mousedown', event => {

	if ( event.button === 2 ) isRightDown = true;

} );
window.addEventListener( 'mouseup', event => {

	if ( event.button === 2 ) isRightDown = false;

} );

const geometry = new THREE.EdgesGeometry( new THREE.BoxGeometry( 1, 1, 1 ).translate( 0, 0.5, 0 ) );

const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000 );

const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( {
	alpha: true,
	antialias: true
} );

renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight ); = 'overlayCanvas';

window.addEventListener( 'resize', () => {

	renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );

} );

const colors = {
	enemy: 'red',
	team: 'blue',
	block: 'green',
	item: 'gold'
for ( const key in colors ) {

	const color = new THREE.Color( colors[ key ] );
	color.rawColor = colors[ key ];
	colors[ key ] = color;


function MyMaterial( color ) {

	return new THREE.RawShaderMaterial( {
		vertexShader: `

		attribute vec3 position;

		uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
		uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;

		void main() {

			gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );
			gl_Position.z = 1.0;


		fragmentShader: `

		precision mediump float;

		uniform vec3 color;

		void main() {

			gl_FragColor = vec4( color, 1.0 );


		uniforms: {
			color: { value: color }
	} );


let target;
let gameCamera;

let projectionMatrixKey;
let matrixWorldKey;
let elementsKey;

function inject() {

	Object.defineProperty( Object.prototype, 'overrideMaterial', {
		set( value ) {

			setTimeout( () => checkScene( this ), 0 );
			this._overrideMaterial = value;

		get() {

			return this._overrideMaterial;

		configurable: true
	} );

	Object.defineProperty( Object.prototype, 'far', {
		set( value ) {

			this._far = value;

		get() {

			checkCamera( this );
			return this._far;

		configurable: true
	} );


const postRunName = Math.random().toString(32).slice(0, 10).toUpperCase();

window[postRunName] = function () {
	const CTX = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype;
	CTX.fillText = new Proxy( CTX.fillText, {
		apply( target, ctx, [ text ] ) {

			ctx.canvas.lastText = text;

			return Reflect.apply( ...arguments );

	} );

	const WebGL = WebGLRenderingContext.prototype;

	const blocks = [
		[ 0, 3 ],
		[ 1, 3 ],
		[ 4, 2 ],
		[ 5, 2 ],
		[ 7, 3 ],

		[ 2, 2 ],

		[ 0, 4 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 2, 4 ],
		[ 0, 5 ], [ 1, 5 ], [ 2, 5 ],
		[ 0, 6 ], [ 1, 6 ], [ 2, 6 ]
	const blockCheck = ( [ x, y ] ) => `( p.x == ${x.toFixed( 1 )} && p.y == ${y.toFixed( 1 )} )` ).join( ' || ' );

	WebGL.shaderSource = new Proxy( WebGL.shaderSource, {
		apply( target, thisArgs, args ) {

			let [ shader, src ] = args;

			if ( src.indexOf( 'vRealUv = realUv;' ) > - 1 ) {

				src = src.replace( 'void main()', `

				uniform bool showOres;
				uniform float currTime;

				void main()` )
				.replace( 'vRealUv = realUv;', `vRealUv = realUv;

				float atlasDim = 16.0;
				float tilePosX = max(0.01, min(0.99, fract(vRealUv.z)));
				float tilePosY = max(0.01, min(0.99, fract(vRealUv.w)));
				vec2 uv = vec2(vRealUv.x * (1.0 / atlasDim) + tilePosX * (1.0 / atlasDim), vRealUv.y * (1.0 / atlasDim) + tilePosY * (1.0 / atlasDim));

				if ( showOres ) {

					vec2 p = uv * ( atlasDim - 1.0 );
					p.x = fract( p.x ) > 0.5 ? ceil( p.x ) : floor( p.x );
					p.y = fract( p.y ) > 0.5 ? ceil( p.y ) : floor( p.y );
					if ( ${blockCheck} ) {

						gl_Position.z = 0.99;
						vAo += 0.25 + abs( sin( currTime * 2.0 ) ) * 0.5;



				` );

				shader.isChunkShader = true;


			args[ 1 ] = src;

			return Reflect.apply( ...arguments );

	} );

	WebGL.attachShader = new Proxy( WebGL.attachShader, {
		apply( target, thisArgs, [ program, shader ] ) {

			if ( shader.isChunkShader ) program.isChunkProgram = true;

			return Reflect.apply( ...arguments );

	} );

	WebGL.useProgram = new Proxy( WebGL.useProgram, {
		apply( target, gl, [ program ] ) {

			Reflect.apply( ...arguments );

			if ( program.isChunkProgram ) {

				if ( ! program.initialized ) {

					program.uniforms = {
						showOres: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'showOres' ),
						currTime: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'currTime' )
					program.initialized = true;


				gl.uniform1i( program.uniforms.showOres, settings.showOres );
				gl.uniform1f( program.uniforms.currTime, / 1000 );


	} );

	const props = [ 'far', 'overrideMaterial' ];

	document.addEventListener = new Proxy( document.addEventListener, {
		apply( target, thisArgs, args ) {

			if ( args[ 0 ].startsWith( 'vis' ) ) {

				for ( const prop of props ) delete Object.prototype[ prop ];

				const old = window.setInterval;
				window.setInterval = function () {};

				setTimeout( function () {

					window.setInterval = old;

				}, 0 );


			return Reflect.apply( ...arguments );

	} );

	Object.getOwnPropertyNames = new Proxy( Object.getOwnPropertyNames, {
		apply( target, thisArgs, [ object ] ) {

			const list = Reflect.apply( ...arguments );

			if ( object === Object.prototype ) {

				props.forEach( prop => removeFromList( list, prop ) );


			return list;

	} );

	Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty = new Proxy( Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, {
		apply( target, thisArgs, [ prop ] ) {

			if ( props.includes( prop ) ) return false;

			return Reflect.apply( ...arguments );

	} );

	Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor = new Proxy( Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, {
		apply( target, thisArgs, [ object, prop ] ) {

			if ( object === Object.prototype && props.includes( prop ) ) return undefined;

			return Reflect.apply( ...arguments );

	} );

	Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors = new Proxy( Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors, {
		apply( target, thisArgs, [ object ] ) {

			const result = Reflect.apply( ...arguments );

			if ( object === Object.prototype ) {

				props.forEach( prop => ( delete result[ prop ] ) );


			return result;

	} );


function removeQueries() {

	const url = new URL( window.location.href );
	url.searchParams.delete( 'showAd' );
	url.searchParams.delete( 'scriptVersion' );

	window.history.pushState( null, '', url.href );


function removeFromList( list, item ) {

	const index = list.indexOf( item );
	if ( index > - 1 ) list.splice( index, 1 );


const hooked = new WeakMap();

function checkCamera( object ) {

	if ( object instanceof THREE.PerspectiveCamera || hooked.get( object ) ) return;

	let foundProjectionMatrix = false;

	for ( const key in object ) {

		const value = object[ key ];
		if ( value && typeof value === 'object' ) {

			const prop = Object.keys( value )[ 0 ];
			const array = value[ prop ];

			if ( Array.isArray( array ) && array[ 11 ] === - 1 ) {

				elementsKey = prop;
				projectionMatrixKey = key;
				foundProjectionMatrix = true;


		} else if ( typeof value === 'function' ) {

			const match = /verse'\]\(this\['([^']+)'\]\);/.exec( value.toString() );
			if ( match ) {

				matrixWorldKey = match[ 1 ];




	if ( ! foundProjectionMatrix ) return;

	hooked.set( object, true );

	console.log( 'Hooking camera!', {
	} );

	object[ projectionMatrixKey ] = new Proxy( object[ projectionMatrixKey ], {
		get() {

			setTransform( camera, object );
			camera.near = object.near;
			camera.far = object.far;
			camera.aspect = object.aspect;
			camera.fov = object.fov;

			gameCamera = object;

			return Reflect.get( ...arguments );

	} );


function setTransform( targetObject, sourceObject ) {

	const matrix = new THREE.Matrix4().fromArray( sourceObject[ matrixWorldKey ][ elementsKey ] );
	matrix.decompose( targetObject.position, targetObject.quaternion, targetObject.scale );


let worldScene;
let childrenKey;

function checkScene( scene ) {

	if ( scene instanceof THREE.Scene || scene === worldScene ) return;

	for ( const key in scene ) {

		const children = scene[ key ];

		if ( Array.isArray( children ) && children.length === 9 ) {

			for ( const child of children ) {

				if ( typeof child !== 'object' || ! child.hasOwnProperty( 'uuid' ) ) return;


			worldScene = scene;
			childrenKey = key;
			console.log( { worldScene, childrenKey } );




function isBlock( entity ) {

	try {

		const mesh = entity[ childrenKey ][ 0 ];
		return mesh.geometry.index.count === 36;

	} catch {

		return false;



function isPlayer( entity ) {

	try {

		return entity[ childrenKey ].length > 2 || ! entity[ childrenKey ][ 1 ].geometry;

	} catch {

		return false;



function isEnemy( entity ) {

	for ( const child of entity[ childrenKey ] ) {

		try {

			const image =;

			if ( image instanceof HTMLCanvasElement ) {

				entity.username = image.lastText;
				return false;


		} catch {}


	return true;


const chunkMaterial = new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial();
const raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();
const direction = new THREE.Vector3();

const line = new THREE.LineSegments( new THREE.BufferGeometry(), MyMaterial( colors.enemy ) );
line.frustumCulled = false;
const linePositions = new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( 200 * 2 * 3 ), 3 );
line.geometry.setAttribute( 'position', linePositions );

function animate() {

	window.requestAnimationFrame( animate );

	if ( typeof shouldShowAd !== 'boolean' || shouldShowAd !== false || isNaN( value ) || ! worldScene ) return;

	const now =;

	const scene = new THREE.Scene();

	const rawChunks = worldScene[ childrenKey ][ 4 ][ childrenKey ];
	const chunks = [];

	for ( const chunk of rawChunks ) {

		if ( ! chunk.geometry ) continue;

		let myChunk = chunk.myChunk;

		if ( ! myChunk ) {

			const positionArray = chunk.geometry.attributes.position.array;
			if ( positionArray.length === 0 ) continue;

			const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
				new THREE.BufferAttribute( positionArray, 3 )
				new THREE.BufferAttribute( chunk.geometry.index.array, 1 )

			myChunk = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, chunkMaterial ); = new THREE.Box3();
			chunk.myChunk = myChunk;


		if ( chunk.material ) chunk.material.wireframe = settings.worldWireframe;

		setTransform( myChunk, chunk );
		myChunk.updateMatrixWorld(); myChunk.geometry.boundingBox ).applyMatrix4( myChunk.matrixWorld );
		chunks.push( myChunk );


	chunks.sort( ( a, b ) => {

		return camera.position.distanceTo( a.position ) - camera.position.distanceTo( b.position );

	} );

	let lineCounter = 0;
	const lineOrigin = camera.localToWorld( new THREE.Vector3( 0, 4, - 10 ) );

	const entities = worldScene[ childrenKey ][ 5 ][ childrenKey ];

	let targetPlayer;
	let minDistance = Infinity;

	for ( let i = 0; i < entities.length; i ++ ) {

		const entity = entities[ i ];
		if ( entity[ childrenKey ].length === 0 ) continue;

		if ( ! entity.myContainer ) {

			entity.myContainer = new THREE.Object3D();
			entity.discoveredAt = now;


		if ( now - entity.discoveredAt < 500 ) continue;

		if ( ! entity.myBox ) {

			const box = new THREE.LineSegments( geometry );

			if ( isPlayer( entity ) ) {

				entity.isPlayer = true;
				entity.isEnemy = isEnemy( entity );
				box.material = MyMaterial( entity.isEnemy ? colors.enemy : );
				box.scale.set( 0.5, 1.25, 0.5 );

			} else {

				entity.isBlock = isBlock( entity );
				box.material = MyMaterial( entity.isBlock ? colors.block : colors.item );
				box.scale.setScalar( 0.25, 0.1, 0.25 );

				if ( ! entity.isBlock ) {

					const sprite = createSprite(, colors.item.rawColor );
					sprite.position.y = sprite.scale.y + 0.2;
					entity.myContainer.add( sprite );
					entity.mySprite = sprite;



			entity.myBox = box;
			entity.myContainer.add( entity.myBox );


		if ( entity.isPlayer ) {

			entity.myBox.visible = settings.showPlayers;

		} else if ( entity.isBlock ) {

			entity.myBox.visible = settings.showBlocks;

		} else {

			entity.myBox.visible = settings.showItems;
			entity.mySprite.visible = settings.showItemNames;


		if ( typeof entity.visible === 'boolean' && ! entity.visible ) continue;

		setTransform( entity.myContainer, entity );
		scene.add( entity.myContainer );

		if ( ! entity.isPlayer ) continue;

		const isBlacklisted = typeof entity.username === 'string' && aimbotBlacklist[ entity.username.toLowerCase() ];
		const isAimbotTarget = ! isBlacklisted && ( settings.aimAtEveryone || entity.isEnemy );

		if ( isAimbotTarget ) {

			linePositions.setXYZ( lineCounter ++, lineOrigin.x, lineOrigin.y, lineOrigin.z );
			const p = entity.myContainer.position;
			linePositions.setXYZ( lineCounter ++, p.x, p.y + 1.25, p.z );


		if ( isAimbotTarget !== entity.wasAimbotTarget ) {

			updatePlayerColors( entity, isAimbotTarget );
			entity.wasAimbotTarget = isAimbotTarget;


		if ( entity.usernameSprite ) entity.usernameSprite.visible = settings.showPlayerNames;


		const shouldExecuteAimbot = settings.aimbotEnabled && ( ! settings.aimbotOnRightMouse || isRightDown );

		if ( ! shouldExecuteAimbot || ! gameCamera ) continue;

		if ( isAimbotTarget && now - entity.discoveredAt > 2000 ) aimbot: {

			const entPos = entity.myContainer.position.clone();
			entPos.y += settings.aimHeight;
			if ( Math.hypot( entPos.x - camera.position.x, entPos.z - camera.position.z ) > 1 ) {

				const distance = camera.position.distanceTo( entPos );

				if ( distance < minDistance ) {

					if ( ! settings.aimBehindWalls ) {

						direction.subVectors( entPos, camera.position ).normalize();
						raycaster.set( camera.position, direction );

						for ( const chunk of chunks ) {

							if ( ! raycaster.ray.intersectsBox( ) ) continue;

							const hit = raycaster.intersectObject( chunk )[ 0 ];
							if ( hit && hit.distance < distance ) break aimbot;



					targetPlayer = entity;
					minDistance = distance;





	if ( targetPlayer ) {

		const p = targetPlayer.myContainer.position;
		lookAt( gameCamera, p.x, p.y + settings.aimHeight, p.z );

		if ( settings.autoFire ) setFire( true );

	} else {

		setFire( false );


	if ( settings.showLines ) {

		linePositions.needsUpdate = true;
		line.geometry.setDrawRange( 0, lineCounter );
		scene.add( line );


	renderer.render( scene, camera );


function lookAt( object, x, y, z ) {

	const dummy = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera();

	setTransform( dummy, object );
	dummy.lookAt( x, y, z );



function updatePlayerColors( entity, isAimbotTarget ) {

	const color = isAimbotTarget ? colors.enemy :;
	entity.myBox.material.uniforms.color.value = color;

	if ( entity.usernameSprite ) {

		entity.myContainer.remove( entity.usernameSprite );
		entity.usernameSprite = null;


	if ( entity.username ) {

		const sprite = createSprite( entity.username, color.rawColor );
		sprite.position.y = sprite.scale.y + 1.25;
		entity.myContainer.add( sprite );
		entity.usernameSprite = sprite;



function createSprite( text, bgColor = '#000' ) {

	const fontSize = 40;
	const strokeSize = 10;
	const font = 'normal ' + fontSize + 'px Arial';

	const canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
	const ctx = canvas.getContext( '2d' );

	ctx.font = font;
	canvas.width = ctx.measureText( text ).width + strokeSize * 2;
	canvas.height = fontSize + strokeSize * 2;

	ctx.fillStyle = bgColor;
	ctx.fillRect( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height );

	ctx.font = font;
	ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
	ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
	ctx.textAlign = 'left';
	ctx.lineWidth = strokeSize;
	ctx.strokeText( text, strokeSize, strokeSize );
	ctx.fillText( text, strokeSize, strokeSize );

	const material = new THREE.SpriteMaterial( {
		map: new THREE.CanvasTexture( canvas ),
		sizeAttenuation: false,
		fog: false,
		depthTest: false,
		depthWrite: false
	} );
	const sprite = new THREE.Sprite( material ); = 0;

	sprite.scale.y = 0.035;
	sprite.scale.x = sprite.scale.y * canvas.width / canvas.height;

	return sprite;


let lastFireStatus = false;
function setFire( bool ) {

	if ( lastFireStatus === bool ) return;
	lastFireStatus = bool;

	const type = bool ? 'mousedown' : 'mouseup';
	document.dispatchEvent( new MouseEvent( type, { button: 2 } ) );
	document.dispatchEvent( new MouseEvent( type, { button: 0 } ) );


window.requestAnimationFrame( animate );

const value = parseInt( new URLSearchParams( ).get( 'showAd' ), 16 );
let shouldShowAd = isNaN( value ) || - value < 0 || - value > 10 * 60 * 1000;

if (!shouldShowAd) {
	console.log('DUWAC killer by zert-chan <3');

	try {
		Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'amogus', {
			value: 69,
			configurable: true
		delete Object.prototype.amogus;

		let found = false;

		for (let i = 0, l = document.scripts.length; i < l; i++) {
			const script = document.scripts[i];
			let code = script.innerHTML;

			if (code.indexOf(`function DUWAC`) > -1) {
				console.log('Found DUWAC! uwu');

				found = true;

				code = `


				function hijackDuwac(duwac, args) {
					let js = duwac.toString();
					js = js.replace('return hijackDuwac(DUWAC, arguments);', '');
					duwac = js;

					const toReplace = [
						['DUWAC', 'UWUWAC'],
						['y=I', 'y=function(){},_1=I'],
						['Z=I', 'Z=function(){},_2=I'],
						['W=I', 'W=function(){},_3=I'],
						['!==Z', '!==Z&&false']

					for (let [from, to] of toReplace) {
						if (js.indexOf(from) > -1) {
							js = js.replace(from, to);
						} else {
							alert('Looks like script broke due to game update. Report to script developer.\\n Not found in code: ' + from);
					js = duwac + '\\n' + js + '\\nUWUWAC(' + Array.from(args).join(',') + ')';

					const script = document.createElement('script');
					script.innerHTML = js;
					const el = document.currentScript;
					el.parentNode.insertBefore(script, el);

				` + code.replace(`{`, `{return hijackDuwac(DUWAC, arguments);`);
				script.innerHTML = code;

		!found && setTimeout(window[postRunName], 0);

	} catch (error) {
		if (document.documentElement) {
			document.documentElement.innerHTML = `
				<h2>Injecting script...</h2>
				<p>Please be patient while the script injects itself. Mutliple page reloads might occur. Don't panic!</p>
				<i>Usually takes a few seconds. But in rare cases, it can even take a few minutes.</i>
				<div><b>Message: </b><span>${error.message}</span></div>

		const url = new URL(window.location.href);
		window.location.href = url.href;
} else {

	const url = new URL( window.location.href );

	url.searchParams.set( 'showAd', 16 ) );
	url.searchParams.set( 'scriptVersion', );

	window.location.href = '' + new TextEncoder().encode( url.href ).toString();


const el = document.createElement( 'div' );

el.innerHTML = `<style>

* {
	pointer-events: all;

.dialog {
	position: absolute;
	left: 50%;
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	padding: 20px;
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	color: #fff;
	transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
	box-shadow: 0 0 0 10000px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
	text-align: center;
	z-index: 999999;

.dialog * {
	color: #fff;

.close {
	position: absolute;
	right: 5px;
	top: 5px;
	width: 20px;
	height: 20px;
	opacity: 0.5;
	cursor: pointer;

.close:before, .close:after {
	content: ' ';
	position: absolute;
	left: 50%;
	top: 50%;
	width: 100%;
	height: 20%;
	transform: translate(-50%, -50%) rotate(-45deg);
	background: #fff;

.close:after {
	transform: translate(-50%, -50%) rotate(45deg);

.close:hover {
	opacity: 1;

.dialog .btn {
	cursor: pointer;
	padding: 0.5em;
	background: hsla(0, 67%, 44%, 0.7);
	border: 3px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);

.dialog .btn:active {
	transform: scale(0.8);

.msg {
	position: absolute;
	left: 10px;
	bottom: 10px;
	background: rgba(50, 0, 0, 0.8);
	color: #fff;
	padding: 15px;
	animation: msg 0.5s forwards, msg 0.5s reverse forwards 3s;
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	pointer-events: none;

.msg, .dialog {
	font-family: cursive;

@keyframes msg {
	from {
		transform: translate(-120%, 0);

	to {
		transform: none;

#overlayCanvas {
	position: absolute;
	top: 0;
	left: 0;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	pointer-events: none;

.my-lil-gui-desc {
	font-size: 0.8em;
	opacity: 0.8;
	max-width: 100px;
	line-height: 1;
	white-space: normal !important;

<div class="dialog">${shouldShowAd ? `<big>Loading ad...</big>` : `<div class="close" onclick="'none';"></div>
	<big>Voxiom.IO Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray</big>
	[V] to show/hide players<br>
	[I] to show/hide items<br>
	[N] to show/hide item names<br>
	[L] to show/hide blocks<br>
	[H] to show/hide help<br>
	[B] to toggle aimbot.<br>
	[T] to toggle aimbot on right mouse.<br>
	[K] to toggle aimbot auto fire.<br>
	[/] to toggle control panel.<br>
	[;] to toggle wireframe.<br>
	[,] to show/hide ores<br>
	<small>NOTE: If you get low FPS with aimbot <br>then enable "Aim Behind Walls"</small>
	By Zertalious
	<div style="display: grid; grid-gap: 8px; grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;">
		<div class="btn" onclick="'', '_blank')">Discord</div>
		<div class="btn" onclick="'', '_blank')">Instagram</div>
		<div class="btn" onclick="'', '_blank')">Twitter</div>
		<div class="btn" onclick="'', '_blank')">More scripts</div>
	` }
<div class="msg" style="display: none;"></div>`;

const msgEl = el.querySelector( '.msg' );
const dialogEl = el.querySelector( '.dialog' );

function addElements() {

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	shadow.appendChild( renderer.domElement );



function tryToAddElements() {

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	setTimeout( tryToAddElements, 100 );


function toggleSetting( key ) {

	settings[ key ] = ! settings[ key ];
	showMsg( fromCamel( key ), settings[ key ] );


window.addEventListener( 'keyup', function ( event ) {

	if ( document.activeElement.value !== undefined ) return;

	if ( keyToSetting[ event.code ] ) {

		toggleSetting( keyToSetting[ event.code ] );


	switch ( event.code ) {

		case 'KeyH':

		case 'Slash' :
			gui._hidden ? : gui.hide();


} );

function showMsg( name, bool ) {

	msgEl.innerText = name + ': ' + ( bool ? 'ON' : 'OFF' ); = 'none';
	void msgEl.offsetWidth; = '';
