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Telegram Speaker

[SNOLAB] Speak latest telegram message With TTS technology just in your browser. @deprecated Use my new script [SNOLAB] I Heard Telegram Speaking

// ==UserScript==
// @deprecated       Use my new script [SNOLAB] I Heard Telegram Speaking
// @name             Telegram Speaker
// @namespace
// @author           [email protected]
// @version          0.1.3
// @description      [SNOLAB] Speak latest telegram message With TTS technology just in your browser. @deprecated Use my new script [SNOLAB] I Heard Telegram Speaking
// @match            https://*
// @grant            none
// @run-at           document-start
// @license          GPL-3.0+
// @supportURL
// @contributionURL
// ==/UserScript==

# the legacy way needs you to install and run an saying pipe service in your computer, in which situation that you don't have latest browser with TTS technologies.

npm i -g piserve snosay
piserve | snosay --voice "Microsoft Huihui Desktop"


async function say(s) {
    if (!s) return; // console.error('say empty msg')

    // new method to say
    console.log("saying " + s);
    if (globalThis.speechSynthesis) {
        // wait for voices
        while (speechSynthesis.getVoices().length === 0) {
            await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1e3));
        const utter = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(s);
        utter.voice = speechSynthesis
            .filter(({ lang }) => navigator.languages.includes(lang))
        utter.rate = Math.min(Math.max(1, s.length / 60), 4);
        if (speechSynthesis.speaking) speechSynthesis.cancel();
    } else await fetch("http://localhost:25971/?text=" + encodeURIComponent(s));
const lastMsg = () =>
    [...document.querySelectorAll(".Message:not(.own) .text-content")]
        .map((e) => e.textContent)
const chagnedFilterMaker = (init) => (e) => e !== init ? (init = e) : undefined;
const changedFilter = chagnedFilterMaker("");
const looper = () => (say(changedFilter(lastMsg())), 1);

(async function () {
    while (looper()) await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1000));