Florr.io Chat with other Players

Simple chat application. Press [Enter] to type and send a message in the squad panel, in game, and your teammates will receive your message even if you are out of their range or dead. Useful if you want to encourage them! When someone also have this extension, you will recognize them because of their blue name. You can also click or press [Ctrl] / [Cmd] + [Enter] to talk with other chat users in a dedicated panel where you may join their squad! This application doesn't add lag to the game.

นี่คือเวอร์ชันของสคริปต์นี้ที่โค้ดมีการอัปเดต แสดงเวอร์ชันทั้งหมด

  • v1.7 10-09-2022

    - Fixed focus on invisible chat bug
    - Added clickable url in Global Chat messages, players can now share and click on links
    - On load, users will see the 10 last Global Chat's messages
    - Added shaking animation when there is a new message but the Chat Users panel closed
    - Tried to fix invisible squad message bug, we will see if it works

  • v1.6 08-09-2022

    Fixed a typo which made the game crashed when certain condition met

  • v1.5 08-09-2022

    - Fixed code which potentially created lag
    - Changed the way the information is updated:
    Each player now sends info in sync => no more message that don't send
    Wave and squad are now periodically updated so less code is executed each frame = more efficiency
    - Fixed horizontal chat scroll bar in some browsers
    - Added demo: on first use, the chat is opened
    - Fixed small setTimeout issue for a little more efficiency
    - Fixed message position next to the players' names which didn't update when a player leaves

  • v1.4 05-09-2022

    forgot to update version 🙄

  • v1.3 05-09-2022

    forgot to remove a console.log

  • v1.3 05-09-2022
  • v1.2 01-09-2022

    changed chat server

  • v1.1 31-08-2022

    Increased message display time and hide the text bar when pressing escape

  • v1.0 31-08-2022