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Torn Custom Race Presets

Make it easier and faster to make custom races - Extended from Xiphias's


คุณอาจชื่นชอบ Race Filter

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Torn Custom Race Presets
// @namespace
// @version      0.2.1
// @description  Make it easier and faster to make custom races - Extended from Xiphias's
// @author       Cryosis7 [926640]
// @match        **
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

 * Modify the presets as you see fit, you can add and remove presets,
 * or remove individual fields within the preset to only use the fields you care about.
 * {
        name: "Appears as the button name and the public name of the race",
        maxDrivers: 6,
        trackName: "Industrial",
        numberOfLaps: 1,
        upgradesAllowed: true,
        betAmount: 0,
        waitTime: 1,
        password: "",
var presets = [{
        name: "Quick Industrial",
        maxDrivers: 2,
        trackName: "Industrial",
        numberOfLaps: 1,
        upgradesAllowed: true,
        betAmount: 0,
        waitTime: 1,
        password: "",
        name: "1hr Start - Docks",
        maxDrivers: 100,
        trackName: "Docks",
        numberOfLaps: 100,
        waitTime: 60,
        password: "",

(function() {
    'use strict';
    $('body').ajaxComplete(function(e, xhr, settings) {
        var createCustomRaceSection = "section=createCustomRace";
        var url = settings.url;
        if (url.indexOf(createCustomRaceSection) >= 0) {

function fillPreset(index) {
    let race = presets[index];

    if ("name" in race) $('.race-wrap div.input-wrap input').attr('value',;
    if ("maxDrivers" in race) $('.drivers-max-wrap div.input-wrap input').attr('value', race.maxDrivers);
    if ("numberOfLaps" in race) $('.laps-wrap > .input-wrap > input').attr('value', race.numberOfLaps);
    if ("betAmount" in race) $('.bet-wrap > .input-wrap > input').attr('value', race.betAmount);
    if ("waitTime" in race) $('.time-wrap > .input-wrap > input').attr('value', race.waitTime);
    if ("password" in race) $('.password-wrap > .input-wrap > input').attr('value', race.password);

    if ("trackName" in race) {
        $('#select-racing-track-menu > li:contains(' + race.trackName + ')').mouseup();
    if ("upgradesAllowed" in race) {
        $('#select-allow-upgrades-menu > li:contains(' + race.upgradesAllowedString + ')').mouseup();

function scrubPresets() {
    presets.forEach(x => {
        if ("name" in x && > 25) =, 26);
        if ("maxDrivers" in x) x.maxDrivers = (x.maxDrivers > 100) ? 100 : (x.maxDrivers < 2) ? 2 : x.maxDrivers;
        if ("trackName" in x) x.trackName.toLowerCase().split(' ').map(x => x.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + x.substring(1)).join(' ');
        if ("numberOfLaps" in x) x.numberOfLaps = (x.numberOfLaps > 100) ? 100 : (x.numberOfLaps < 1) ? 1 : x.numberOfLaps;
        if ("upgradesAllowed" in x) x.upgradesAllowedString = x.upgradesAllowed ? "Allow upgrades" : "Stock cars only";
        if ("betAmount" in x) x.betAmount = (x.betAmount > 10000000) ? 10000000 : (x.betAmount < 0) ? 0 : x.betAmount;
        if ("waitTime" in x) x.waitTime = (x.waitTime > 2880) ? 2880 : (x.waitTime < 1) ? 1 : x.waitTime;
        if ("password" in x && x.password.length > 25) x.password = x.password.substring(0, 26);

function drawPresetBar() {
    let filterBar = $(`
  <div class="filter-container m-top10">
    <div class="title-gray top-round">Race Presets</div>

    <div class="cont-gray p10 bottom-round">
        ${, index) => `<button class="torn-btn preset-btn" style="margin:0 10px 10px 0">${("name" in element) ? : "Preset " + (+index + 1)}</button>`)}

$('#racingAdditionalContainer > .form-custom-wrap').before(filterBar);
$('.preset-btn').each((index, element) => element.onclick = function() {fillPreset(index)});