Greasy Fork is available in English.

Image download helper

add keyboard shortcuts to open and download image files quicker

นี่คือเวอร์ชันของสคริปต์นี้ที่โค้ดมีการอัปเดต แสดงเวอร์ชันทั้งหมด

  • v0.09 27-07-2017 Adds original tumblr image file to a post in case there's a link attached to it and we can't grab its link. Fixes redirection analytics.
  • v0.06 26-07-2017 removed shortcut on Media display page (when a picture is opened in a tab) as ctrl+s is easy enough to reach (instead of just shift) plus it saves the original url in history.
  • v0.05 24-07-2017