"use strict";
// ==UserScript==
// @name BikePortlandFilterByRecommended
// @namespace http://namespace.kinobe.com/greasemonkey/
// @description Greasemonkey script that allows the user to select which
// bikeportland.org comments they wish to view based on how many times it has
// been recommended.
// @include /^https?://bikeportland\.org/.*$/
// @include /^https?://bp/Sites/bikeportland/index.html$/
// @version 1.6
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
This copyright section and all credits in the script must be included in
modifications or redistributions of this script.
BikePortlandFilterByRecommended is Copyright (c) 2017, Jonathan Gordon
BikePortlandFilterByRecommended is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
License information is available here:
BikePortland is owned by PedalTown Media Inc.
BikePortlandFilterByRecommended is not related to or endorsed by PedalTown
Media Inc. in any way.
This script borrows from Jimmy Woods' Metafilter favorite posts filter script
Dead link: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/75332
Also from Jordan Reiter's Metafilter MultiFavorited Multiwidth - November
Dead link: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/61012
Uses eslint (eslint:recommended and google) for coding style with minimal
Uses underscore in variables that represent html-related entities.
Version 1.6
- Heavily rewritten, updated to ECMAScript 6
Version 1.4/1.5
- Updated to work with https
Version 1.3
- Enhancements
Version 1.1
- Added additional recommended styling on left, ala the Metafilter
MultiFavorited Multiwidth script.
Version 1.0
- Initial Release.
/* global
GM_addStyle, Map, HTMLCollection, window
/* jshint
globalstrict: true, browser:true, devel: true, esnext: true, newcap: false
* Allows us to use the for(var x in y) construct on array-like objects but
* has two advantages:
* 1. Does not need to be guarded with <code>hasOwnProperty</code> if
* statements.
* 2. Faster {@link https://jsperf.com/fastest-array-loops-in-javascript/24}
* @param {Function} fn The function to run each loop, receiving value and
* zero-indexed position.
let arrayLikeForeach = function(fn) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-invalid-this
let arrayLike = this;
let len = arrayLike.length;
let i;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
fn(arrayLike[i], i);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-extend-native
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "customForEach", {
enumerable: false,
value: arrayLikeForeach,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-extend-native
Object.defineProperty(HTMLCollection.prototype, "customForEach", {
enumerable: false,
value: arrayLikeForeach,
* ----------------------------------
* Config
* ----------------------------------
* Script CONSTANTS and state variables
let Config = {
selected_row: null, // Reference to the currently selected div in the chart
posts: [], // Stores info about each post
numRecsCountMap: new Map([[0, 0]]),
maxFavorites: 0, // Highest favorite count so far.
CHART_BG_COLOR: "#CCC", // Background color for the chart rows
CHART_SELECTED_COLOR: "#F2A175", // Selected color for the chart row
HOVER_COLOR: "#F2A175", // Hover color for the chart row.
FAVORITE_COLOR: "#FF7617", // Main color for favorites.
IS_DEVELOPMENT: false, // Are we in development mode?
ROW_PREFIX: "summary_id_", // Prefix ID for each row in chart
CHART_ID: "CHART_ID", // ID for the chart
CHART_LINK_ID: "CHART_LINK_ID", // ID for link to chart,
LOG_LEVEL_NAME: "DEBUG", // What level should we log at?
* ----------------------------------
* Logger
* ----------------------------------
* Simple console logger with log levels
let Logger = {
Enum-like variable to help with logging
Not serializable. If we want to do that, consider this slight modification
LogLevelEnum: {
DEBUG: {value: 0, name: "Debug"},
INFO: {value: 1, name: "Info"},
WARN: {value: 2, name: "Warn"},
ERROR: {value: 3, name: "Error"},
getByName: function(name) {
return this.hasOwnProperty(name) ? this[name] : this.DEBUG;
log: function(message, logLevelEnum) {
logLevelEnum = logLevelEnum || this.LogLevelEnum.INFO;
if (Config.IS_DEVELOPMENT && logLevelEnum.value >=
this.LogLevelEnum.getByName(Config.LOG_LEVEL_NAME).value) {
switch (logLevelEnum) {
case this.LogLevelEnum.ERROR:
console.error(logLevelEnum.name + ": " + message);
case this.LogLevelEnum.WARN:
console.warn(logLevelEnum.name + ": " + message);
console.log(logLevelEnum.name + ": " + message);
}, debug: function(message) {
Logger.log(message, this.LogLevelEnum.DEBUG);
}, info: function(message) {
Logger.log(message, this.LogLevelEnum.INFO);
}, warn: function(message) {
Logger.log(message, this.LogLevelEnum.WARN);
}, error: function(message) {
Logger.log(message, this.LogLevelEnum.ERROR);
* ----------------------------------
* Util
* ----------------------------------
* Various utility functions, not specific to this particular script.
let Util = {
* Returns an array of DOM elements for a given tag and class
* @param {string} tag Name of the tag element to search on (e.g., "span",
* "div", "ul", etc.)
* @param {string} className Name of the css class to search for
* @param {HTMLElement} [from] DOM element to search under. If not specified,
* document is used
* @return {Array} Found nodes (if any)
getNodesFromTagWithClass: function(tag, className, from) {
let path = "//" + tag +
"[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' " + className +
" ')]";
return Util.getNodes(path, from);
* Returns an array of DOM elements that match a given XPath expression.
* @param {string} path Xpath expression to search for
* @param {HTMLElement} from DOM element to search under. If not specified,
* document is used
* @return {Array} Found nodes (if any)
getNodes: function(path, from) {
from = from || document;
let node;
let nodes = [];
let iter = document.evaluate(path, from, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
while ((node = iter.iterateNext()) !== null) {
return nodes;
* Deletes a DOM element
* @param {HTMLElement} element DOM element to remove
* @return {Node} element the removed element
removeElement: function(element) {
return element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
* Returns y position of given DOM element
* @param {HTMLElement} element DOM element to find position
* @return {number} y position of given DOM element
findPos: function(element) {
let currentTop = 0;
if (element.offsetParent) {
do {
currentTop += element.offsetTop;
} while ((element = element.offsetParent) !== null);
return currentTop;
* Tests whether DOM element has a given class
* @param {HTMLElement} element The DOM element to test
* @param {string} classname The name of the class to check
* @return {boolean} true if class name is found, false otherwise.
elementHasClass: function(element, classname) {
return element !== null && element.classList.contains(classname);
* Gets or creates a DOM element with a particular id
* @param {string} tagName The type of DOM element (e.g., "span", "div", etc.)
* @param {string} id The id of the element to get/create
* @return {HTMLElement} The element, either created or found.
getOrCreateElementWithId: function(tagName, id) {
let element = document.getElementById(id);
if (null !== element) {
return element;
element = document.createElement(tagName);
element.id = id;
return element;
* Returns an array containing the HTML nodes that have the specified class
* name. Private method, should only be called by
* {@link getElementsByClassName} in the case that it is not supported
* natively.
* @param {HTMLElement} node The HTML node to search under
* @param {String} className The CSS class name to search for
* @return {Array} An array containing the HTML nodes that have the
* specified class name.
* @see {@link getElementsByClassName}
* @private
legacyGetElementsByClassName: function(node, className) {
if (node === null) {
node = document;
let classElements = [];
let els = node.getElementsByTagName("*");
let elsLen = els.length;
let pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)");
let i;
let j;
Logger.debug("Total elements: " + els.length);
Logger.debug("Looking for" + className);
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {
let elsClassName = els[i].className;
if ("" !== elsClassName) {
Logger.debug("Class of element: " + elsClassName);
if (pattern.test(elsClassName)) {
classElements[j] = els[i];
return classElements;
* Returns an array-like object containing the HTML nodes that have the
* specified class name.
* @param {Element} node The HTML node to search under
* @param {String} classname The CSS class name to search for
* @return {*} An array-like object containing the HTML nodes that have the
* specified class name.
getElementsByClassName: function(node, classname) {
if (node.getElementsByClassName) { // use native implementation if available
Logger.debug("Using native implementation...");
return node.getElementsByClassName(classname);
} else {
return Util.legacyGetElementsByClassName(node, classname);
* Highlight the show text for those comments who have been recommended count
* many times.
* @param {Number} count The number of recommendations that are currently being
* highlighted.
let highlightClick = function(count) {
Util.getNodesFromTagWithClass("span", "click_count").forEach(function(val) {
let recommendedCount = val.dataset.count;
if (count === recommendedCount) {
} else {
let simulateChartRowClick = function(count) {
document.getElementById(Config.ROW_PREFIX + count).click();
* Event handler for when user clicks on a chart row. Highlights the row, hides
* all comments below the threshold, and highlights the show text for comments
* that have the same count threshold as clicked.
* @param {Event} event The click event associated with the chart row.
let onChartRowClick = function(event) {
Logger.debug("Start onChartRowClick");
// Get the clicked element
let row_div = event.target;
while (!Util.elementHasClass(row_div, "chart_row")) {
Logger.debug("Getting parent of div: " + row_div.innerHTML);
row_div = row_div.parentNode;
// Determine its ID and extract the number from it.
let filterCount = row_div.dataset.count;
Logger.debug("filterCount is: " + filterCount);
// Hide/unhide all posts that don't match the chosen fav count.
Config.posts.customForEach(function(post, j) {
let isShowing = (post.div.style.display !== "none");
let doShow = (post.recommendedCount >= filterCount);
if (doShow !== isShowing) {
post.div.style.display = (doShow ? "" : "none");
// Reset the color of the previous row to be clicked on.
if (Config.selected_row !== null) {
Config.selected_row.style.background = Config.CHART_BG_COLOR;
// Set the color of the row we just clicked on
row_div.style.background = Config.CHART_SELECTED_COLOR;
Config.selected_row = row_div;
Logger.debug("End onChartRowClick");
* Event handler that filters comments when a user clicks "Show: Top x
* recommendations" or "Show: all". Scrolls the page so the comment appears
* in the same place regardless of filtering.
* @param {Event} event The click event that is being responded to.
let onShowClick = function(event) {
let clicked = event.target;
while (!(/SPAN/i).test(clicked.tagName)) {
clicked = clicked.parentNode;
let count = clicked.dataset.count;
Logger.debug("Count is: " + count);
Logger.debug("clicked is: " + clicked);
let prevPos = Util.findPos(clicked);
Logger.debug("clicked pos before: " + prevPos);
let diff = prevPos - window.pageYOffset;
let newPos = Util.findPos(clicked);
Logger.debug("clicked pos after: " + newPos);
window.scrollTo(0, newPos - diff);
// renaming function to comply with eslint "new-cap" rule
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
let gm_addStyle = GM_addStyle;
let addCustomStyles = function() {
// make sure we have the fonts we need
let link = document.createElement("link");
link.type = "text/css";
link.rel = "stylesheet";
link.href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:light";
gm_addStyle("#comments { margin-bottom: 1em; }");
gm_addStyle("#" + Config.CHART_ID + ",.chart_link, .chart_title, .chart, " +
".heading, .chart_right,.chart_row, .comments, .favs, .all_favs, " +
".click_count, .show {" +
"font-weight: lighter !important;" +
"font-family: 'Open Sans' !important;" +
gm_addStyle(".chart_link {" +
"font: 16px !important;" +
"color: " + Config.FAVORITE_COLOR + " !important;" +
gm_addStyle("span.is_not_selected a {" +
"font-weight: lighter !important;" +
"color: " + Config.HOVER_COLOR + " !important;" +
gm_addStyle("span.is_selected a {" +
"font-weight: normal !important;" +
"color: " + Config.FAVORITE_COLOR + " !important;" +
gm_addStyle("#" + Config.CHART_ID + " {" +
"white-space: nowrap !important;" +
"padding: 3px 0 !important;" +
gm_addStyle(".chart_title {" +
"padding: 3px 0 !important;" +
"margin: 0px 4px !important;" +
"font-size: 200% !important;" +
"color: " + Config.FAVORITE_COLOR + " !important;" +
gm_addStyle(".chart {" +
"background-color: " + Config.CHART_BG_COLOR + " !important;" +
"width: 90% !important;" +
"font: 14px !important;" +
"margin: 0px 4px !important;" +
"color: black !important;" +
"border:1px solid white !important;" +
"border-collapse:collapse !important;" +
gm_addStyle(".comments {" +
"margin-left: 1em !important;" +
"float: left !important;" +
"width: 10% !important;" +
gm_addStyle(".favs, .chart_right, .all_favs {" +
"float: left !important;" +
"margin-right: 4px !important;" +
"padding-left: 4px !important;" +
"text-align: left !important;" +
gm_addStyle(".favs {" +
"background-color: " + Config.FAVORITE_COLOR + " !important;" +
"color: white !important;" +
gm_addStyle(".chart_right {" +
"font-size: 160% !important;" +
gm_addStyle(".chart_row, .heading {" +
"display: block !important;" +
"padding: 3px 0px !important;" +
"margin-bottom: 6px !important;" +
gm_addStyle(".chart_row:hover {" +
"background-color: " + Config.HOVER_COLOR + " !important;" +
gm_addStyle(".comment_highlight {" +
"border-top: 0px !important;" +
"border-bottom: 0px !important;" +
"padding-left: 5px !important;" +
gm_addStyle(".clearfix:after {" +
"content: '.' !important;" +
"display: block !important;" +
"height: 0 !important;" +
"clear: both !important;" +
"visibility: hidden !important;" +
let processPosts = function() {
Config.posts.length = 0;
// Get posts and compile them into array
let idRe = /^div\-comment\-(\d+)$/;
let comment_divs = Util.getNodesFromTagWithClass("div", "comment-body", null);
comment_divs.forEach(function(comment_div) {
let comment_div_id = comment_div.id;
// we ignore the reply comment div, which doesn't have an id
if (comment_div_id === undefined || !idRe.test(comment_div_id)) {
// aside for the "respond" div we would be surprised to find a non-
// conforming div id
if ("respond" !== comment_div_id) {
Logger.warn("Unexpected ID found for comment: " + comment_div_id);
let id_num = idRe.exec(comment_div_id)[1];
let recommended_span = document.getElementById("karma-" + id_num + "-up");
let recommended_text = recommended_span.textContent;
let recommendedCount = parseInt(recommended_text);
let numComments = Config.numRecsCountMap.get(recommendedCount);
numComments = undefined === numComments ? 0 : numComments;
Config.numRecsCountMap.set(recommendedCount, numComments + 1);
Config.maxFavorites = Math.max(recommendedCount, Config.maxFavorites);
"div": comment_div,
"recommendedCount": recommendedCount,
"id_num": id_num,
* Simple event handler for when a user clicks on the label for the mutation
* observer field
* @param {Event} event The click event of the span surrounding the tester text.
let onTesterClick = function(event) {
let element = document.getElementById("modify_tester_target");
element.innerHTML = String(parseInt(element.innerHTML) + 1);
let modifyPosts = function() {
Config.posts.customForEach(function(post, j) {
// we only highlight 3 and above
if (post.recommendedCount > 2) {
let size = (Math.round(post.recommendedCount / 2) + 1);
let border_left = size + "px solid " + Config.FAVORITE_COLOR;
post.div.style.setProperty("border-left", border_left, "important");
// add the highlight class if it does not already exist
if (!Util.elementHasClass(post.div, "comment_highlight")) {
post.div.className += " comment_highlight";
let rec_span = document.getElementById("karma-" + post.id_num + "-up");
let show_span_id = post.id_num + "_show";
let show_span = Util.getOrCreateElementWithId("span", show_span_id);
show_span.className = "show";
show_span.innerHTML = " Show: ";
let all_span = Util.getOrCreateElementWithId("span", post.id_num + "_all");
if (null === all_span.parentNode) {
all_span.className = "click_count";
all_span.dataset.count = 0;
all_span.innerHTML = " <a>All</a>";
rec_span.parentNode.insertBefore(all_span, rec_span.nextSibling);
if (post.recommendedCount > 0) {
let count_span_id = post.id_num + "_count";
let count_span = Util.getOrCreateElementWithId("span", count_span_id);
count_span.className = "click_count";
count_span.dataset.count = post.recommendedCount;
let top_count = Array.from(Config.numRecsCountMap.entries()).
filter(function(entry) {
return entry[0] >= post.recommendedCount;
}).reduce(function(total, entry) {
return total + entry[1];
}, 0);
count_span.innerHTML = " <a>Top " +top_count +
" recommendations</a> |";
if (null === count_span.parentNode) {
rec_span.parentNode.insertBefore(count_span, rec_span.nextSibling);
if (null === show_span.parentNode) {
rec_span.parentNode.insertBefore(show_span, rec_span.nextSibling);
let drawChart = function() {
Logger.debug("Creating chart for total counts: " + Config.numRecsCountMap);
let chart_div = Util.getOrCreateElementWithId("div", "chart_div_parent_id");
let data_rows_html = "<div class='chart'>";
let commentSum = 0;
let keys = Array.from(Config.numRecsCountMap.keys());
// we want a descending sort
keys.sort(function(a, b) {
return b - a;
data_rows_html += "<div class='heading clearfix'>" +
"<div class='comments'> </div>" +
"<div class='chart_right' style='width: 80%;'>" +
"Minimum # of recommendations</div>" +
keys.customForEach(function(key, i) {
commentSum += Config.numRecsCountMap.get(key);
let recommendedWidthSize = (Math.round((key / Config.maxFavorites) * 80));
let commentCountLabel = key === 0 ? "All " : "Top ";
let num_recs_style = key === 0 ? "all_favs" : "favs";
data_rows_html += "<div id='" + Config.ROW_PREFIX + key +
"' class='chart_row clearfix' data-count='" + key + "'>" +
"<div class='comments'>" + commentCountLabel + commentSum + "</div>" +
"<div class='" + num_recs_style + "' style='width: " +
recommendedWidthSize + "%;'>" + key + "</div>" +
// Insert table into page
chart_div.innerHTML = "<div id='" + Config.CHART_ID + "' class='clearfix'>" +
"<span class='chart_title'>Most Popular Comments</span>" +
"</div>" +
let page_div = document.getElementById("comments");
page_div.insertBefore(chart_div, page_div.firstChild);
let addEventListeners = function() {
Util.getNodesFromTagWithClass("div", "chart_row").customForEach(
function(val, i) {
val.addEventListener("click", onChartRowClick, false);
let initializeEventListeners = function() {
// Add the event listeners.
document.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
// pressed alt+g
if (e.keyCode === 71 &&
!e.shiftKey &&
!e.ctrlKey &&
e.altKey &&
!e.metaKey) {
// pressed alt+c
if (e.keyCode === 67 &&
!e.shiftKey &&
!e.ctrlKey &&
e.altKey &&
!e.metaKey) {
}, false);
Util.getElementsByClassName(document, "click_count").customForEach(
function(val, i) {
val.addEventListener("click", onShowClick, false);
// create an observer instance
let observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
let key = Config.selected_row.dataset.count;
// if we no longer have a row for the previously selected count, find
// the row for the next lower count.
if (!Config.numRecsCountMap.has(key)) {
let keys = Array.from(Config.numRecsCountMap.keys());
// we want a descending sort
keys.sort(function(a, b) {
return b - a;
keys.some(function(val) {
if (val <= key) {
key = val;
return true;
let config = {attributes: false, childList: true, characterData: false};
Config.posts.customForEach(function(post, j) {
let karma_id = "karma-" + post.id_num + "-up";
observer.observe(document.getElementById(karma_id), config);
if (Config.IS_DEVELOPMENT) {
let element = document.getElementById("modify_tester");
element.addEventListener("click", onTesterClick, false);
observer.observe(document.getElementById("modify_tester_target"), config);
let init = function() {
Logger.info("Starting init() for BikePortlandFilterByRecommended script...");
// if we can't find comments, it's probably because this is being called for
// a page we haven't excluded
if (undefined === document.getElementById("comments")) {
Logger.info("No comments founds. Exiting.");
// Create a link to the chart
let entrytext_div = Util.getNodesFromTagWithClass("div", "entrytext")[0];
let chart_link_div = document.createElement("div");
chart_link_div.className = "chart_link";
chart_link_div.innerHTML = "<a href='#" + Config.CHART_ID + "' id='" +
Config.CHART_LINK_ID + "'>> > Comment filter</a>";
if (Config.IS_DEVELOPMENT) {
chart_link_div.innerHTML += " <span id='modify_tester'>" +
"Number of times clicked: </span>" +
"<span id='modify_tester_target'>0</span>";
entrytext_div.parentNode.insertBefore(chart_link_div, entrytext_div);
Logger.info("Ending init() for BikePortlandFilterByRecommended script.");