Locks aim to the nearest player in krunker.io and shows players behind walls. Also shows a line between you and them.
Dessa är versionerna av skriptet där koden uppdaterades. Visa alla versioner.
Small code refactor and bug fix.
Added GUI.Added wireframe mode. Press K to toggle.Changed key for ESP from V to M.Removed unwanted code.
Fixed script sometimes being stuck on loading in Expert mode
Fix three.js library link. Apparently they removed three.min.js from latest threejs build.
Fixed script still getting detected after a few matches played.
Bypass krunker's script detector.
Bypased anti-cheat yet again
Fixed no damage (fr this time)
Fixed not causing damage
Fixed script
Bypassed anti-cheat
Fixed script.
Anti-cheat Patch
Added esp lines
Anti-cheat bypass
Fixed right mouse aimbot thingy not working.
Ad code fix
Version thingy
Aimbot on right mouse hold (key L)
URL matches updated.Feature status is now shown.H to toggle dialog box.
Sussy version issue fix
Added ESP (key V)
Ad code update #2
Ad code fixed- Replace = in base64 with _ to prevent unexpected results
Ad code update.Re-added more scripts button.
Removed adfly
Added ig and twitter links. Removed more scripts button
Antifeature header
Info dialog
Remove popup
Ad pop up