Greasy Fork is available in English.

YouLikeHits Bot

Interacts with YLH automatically whereever possible.

Detta skript bör inte installeras direkt. Det är ett bibliotek för andra skript att inkludera med meta-direktivet // @require

// ==/UserScript==

(() => {
    const J = jQuery.noConflict(true);
    const globalInterval = 2000;

    solveCaptcha = (imageEl, outputEl, captchaIdentifier, callback = () => {}) => {
        if (window[captchaIdentifier] == undefined) {
            window[captchaIdentifier] = true; //solving takes some time, so we'll lock a duplicate solver instance out
            let note = attachNotification(imageEl, "Please wait while your captcha is being solved. Don't worry if the code does not seem to match; that's because a new captcha image has been generated!");
            Tesseract.recognize(J(imageEl).attr("src")).then(equation => {
                var formula = equation.text;
                if (formula.length = 3) {//the exact length of the fomula
                    if (formula.substr(1, 1) == 7) { //2-1 gets recognized as 271
                        formula = formula.substr(0, 1) + "-" + formula.substr(2);
                    formula = formula.replace(/x/g, "*"); //x is just the human version of *
                    formula = formula.replace(/[} ]/g, ""); //a random char being the result of misinterpretation; occasionally happening on the login form
                    //console.log(formula); //re-enable this to debug how the captchasolving is doing so far
                    window[captchaIdentifier] = false; //not really necessary IF directly triggering a classic non-ajax post request

    attachNotification = (identifier, notification) => {
        el = "<p style='color: red;'>" + notification + "</p>";
        prevEl = J(identifier).prev()[0];
        if (prevEl == undefined || prevEl.innerText != notification)
           return J(el).insertBefore(identifier);

    removeNotification = (el) => {
        if (el != undefined)

    alertOnce = (message, identifier) => {
        localIdentifier = (identifier != undefined) ? identifier : message;
        if (shownWarnings.indexOf(localIdentifier) == -1) {

    //runtime vars
    let previousVideo = "";
    /** indicates if a warning/message has already been shown. Happens once per window. Use alertOnce() */
    let shownWarnings = [];

    setInterval(() => {
        if (J("*:contains('503 Service Unavailable')").length) {
            console.log("Server Error! reloading...");
        } else if (J("*:contains('not logged in!')").length) {
            window.location.href = "login.php"
        } else if (J("*:contains('Failed. You did not successfully solve the problem.')").length) {
            J("a:contains('Try Again')")[0].click()
        } else {
                switch (document.location.pathname) {
                    case "/login.php":
                        if (!J("#password").val().length) attachNotification("#username", "Consider storing your login data in your browser.")
                        captcha = J("img[alt='Enter The Numbers']");
                        if (captcha.length)
                            solveCaptcha(captcha[0], J("input[name='postcaptcha']"), "ylh_login_captchasolving");
                    case "/bonuspoints.php":
                        if (J("body:contains('You have made ')").length && J("body:contains(' Hits out of ')").length) {
                            attachNotification(".maintable", "Not enough points. Reloading the website in 2 minutes to check again...");
                            setTimeout(() => location.reload(), 1000 * 120);
                        } else if (J(".buybutton").length) J(".buybutton")[0].click()
                    case "/youtubenew2.php":
                        if (J('body:contains("failed")').length) location.reload(); //captcha failed?
                        if (J(".followbutton").length) { //if false, there is likely a captcha waiting to be solved
                            let vidID = () => { return J(".followbutton").first().parent().children("span[id*='count']").attr("id") };
                            let patienceKiller = (prev) => { setTimeout( () => { if (vidID() == prev) { J(".followbutton").parent().children("a:contains('Skip')").click(); newWin.close(); }}, 1000 * 135)}; //max time: 120s + 15s grace time (max length:
                            //console.log(previousVideo + " " + vidID() + (previousVideo != vidID() ? " true": " false"));
                            if (vidID() != previousVideo) { //has a new video has been provided yet? This will overcome slow network connections causing the same video to be played over and over
                                previousVideo = vidID();
                                if (window.eval("typeof(window.newWin) !== 'undefined'")) {
                                    if (newWin.closed) {
                                        console.log("Watching one Video!");
                                } else {
                                    console.log("Watching one Video!");
                            } //else do nothing and wait (until the video gets replaced or our patience thread tears)
                        } else {
                            captcha = J("img[src*='captchayt']");
                            if (captcha.length) //captcha? no problemo, amigo.
                                solveCaptcha(captcha[0], J("input[name='answer']"), "ylh_yt_traffic_captchasolving", () => J("input[value='Submit']").first().click());
            GM.getValue("ylh_traffic_tab_open", false).then(state => {
                switch (document.location.pathname) {
                    case "/websites.php":
                        if (J("*:contains('There are no Websites currently visitable for Points')").length) {
                            alertOnce("All websites were visited. Revisit/reload the page to start surfing again.")
                        } else {
                            if (!state && window.eval("typeof(window.childWindow) !== 'undefined'")) {
                                if (!childWindow.closed)
                            } else if (state && window.eval("typeof(window.childWindow) == 'undefined'")) {
                                console.log("no child window is actually open. let's create a new tab as if we came here for the very first time!");
                                state = false;
                            var buttons = J(".followbutton:visible");
                            if (buttons.length) {
                                if (!state) {
                                    console.log("setting the tabstate to true...");
                                    GM.setValue('ylh_traffic_tab_open', true).then(() => {
                                        console.log("Visiting a new page...");
                                } else {
                            } else {
                                console.log("We ran out of buttons! requesting more...");
                                //GM.getValue("ylh_traffic_reloadlimit", false).then(rlimit => {
                                if (window.eval("typeof(window.childWindow) !== 'undefined'") && childWindow.closed) //without this we would not wait for the last link of the page to be visited successfully
                    case "/viewwebsite.php":
                        if (!J("*:contains('been logged out of YouLikeHits')").length) {
                            if (J(".alert:visible:contains('You got'):contains('Points')").length || J('body:contains("We couldn\'t locate the website you\'re attempting to visit.")').length) {
                                console.log("setting the tabstate to false...");
                                GM.setValue('ylh_traffic_tab_open', false).then(() => { //free the way for a new tab
                                    /*window.close(); //might not always work in FF
                                    setTimeout (window.close, 1000);*/
                            } else if (J("*:contains('viewing websites too quickly!  Please wait')").length) location.reload();
                        } else alert("Please reload the website list, and make sure you are still logged in.");
    }, globalInterval);