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Color Picker

Color picker for Sketchful

Från och med 2020-07-29. Se den senaste versionen.

Dessa är versionerna av skriptet där koden uppdaterades. Visa alla versioner.

  • v0.7.5 2020-08-19 improved color well performance
  • v0.7.3 2020-08-14
  • v0.7.2 2020-08-12 you can paste a coolor palette link anywhere in the page to import the colors
  • v0.7.1 2020-08-01 big fix
  • v0.7 2020-07-30 added eyedropper cursor
  • v0.6.2 2020-07-29 added tooltips
  • v0.6.1 2020-07-09
  • v0.6.1 2020-07-09
  • v0.6.1 2020-07-09 Minor tweaks
  • v0.6 2020-07-01 Improved (potentially broke) importing ep. 2. Added a way to remove the current page. Arrow buttons now loop.
  • v0.5.3 2020-06-30 Eyedropper now updates the picker hex value
  • v0.5.2 2020-06-30 Now shows the hex when you pick a color
  • v0.5.1 2020-06-30 Improved importing
  • v0.5 2020-06-30 Added a way to export/import palettes and a way to lock the current palette
  • v0.4 2020-06-29 Refactoring
  • v0.3 2020-06-29
  • v0.2.1 2020-06-29 Changed the button combination to remove a color
  • v0.2 2020-06-29
  • v0.1 2020-06-29