Google Black Bar Returns Now Customizable!

This Script brings back the Google Navigation Bar with customizable options, and removes the App Grid navigation entirely. You can change the links on the bar, the colors of the bar, the background image of the bar, and if the bar is always visible, or not. Check for updates regularly for bug fixes, and new features!

Dessa är versionerna av skriptet där koden uppdaterades. Visa alla versioner.

  • v4.42.0 2018-09-15 added run-at, it should load faster now
  • v4.41.3 2017-01-28
  • v4.41.2 2016-07-24 fix videohp, again
  • v4.41.2 2016-03-21 put the semicolon at the wrong place, sorry about that
  • v4.41.1 2016-03-21 videohp was behind the black bar, it's fixed now
  • v4.41.0 2016-03-21 fix too low account/drawer button
  • v4.40.31 2015-09-15
  • v4.40.3 2015-09-15
  • v4.40.3 2015-09-15 seems like adding @grant data, breaks the script, so I have removed it. If anyone finds a way around this feel free to start a discussion
  • v4.40.2 2015-09-15 Fixed links, and display adjustments
  • v4.40.1 2015-09-15
  • v4.40.1 2015-09-15
  • v4.40 2015-09-15 Minor display changes
  • v4.39.1 2014-05-20
  • v4.39 2014-05-16