Gates of Survival - Combat Assist JS - A collection combat things. Highlights and enlarges your post-modified health at the end of each round (and only the last of the health totals) in order to make it very easy to see at a glance. Will play a sound effect if your health is "red". Also tracks many combat stats (thanks to dangnabbit for greatly increasing the number of things it tracks) and provides an export button to export that data to a CSV.
Gates of Survival - Gathering Data Scraper JS - Auto-scrapes data about gathering values as you visit the skill pages and actually start gathering items.
Gates of Survival - Boost Box Maintainer JS - Does stuff with the collapsable boost box in the game. Right now that just means saving, and continuously re-applying, the collapsed (or not) state of the box.
Gates of Survival - Handout Clearer JS - This script will add a button to the Kingdom experience handout page. When pressed, the script will zero out every experience field on the screen.