Hack Forums Add to Group - Archive JS - Adds people to groups
- - Clickable Titles In Message Tracking JS - Creates links to PMs listed in the tracking page
- - MultiQuote JS - Enables users to quote multiple posts at once, then incert them with a single click into their forum reply.
- - Automatic PM Retry JS - Automatically sends a PM after the cooldown timer reaches 0.
Hack Forums Ban reason on profile JS - Adds ban reason to a banned profile
HF Writers Features JS - Adds features for HF Writers team.
HackForums Moderation Packs JS - Moderation pack to help Mentors/Staff/Admins on HF.
Xerotic's Enhanced SYT JS - Let's you search anyone's threads instead of your own for SYT button.
HackForums Left Aligner JS - Removes HF right-aligned text.
HF Thread Citing JS - Makes citing threads convenient and useful!
Hack Forums Show post if you ignore person JS - Shows all posts by a person eventhough you have him on ignore list
Easy Report to xadamxk JS - Makes reporting posts/threads to xadamxk easy
Hack Forums - Notify xadamxk with reports JS - Adds buttons to post to 'quick report' them; sends PM of reported post.
Income. custom header JS - Adds custom headers.
Cyrus custom header JS - Adds various shortcuts
Hack Forums Quick report box JS - Pops up a report box instead of a window - updated by xadamxk
HackForums Post Helper Custom JS - Adds additional phrases that can be used in posts as a symbol for something else. This script is written by xerotic, Mr Kewl just updated it.
Hack Forums Wider Text Box JS - Changes the width of the current text box on newreply.php
HackForums Reputations Link Clickable JS - Makes links surrounded by either whitespace or dots (periods) clickable.
Frankie's Custom HF Header JS - Adds various forums to the HF heading.
Spirit's Custom HF Header JS - Adds various forums to the HF heading.
Kohi's Custom HF Header JS - Adds various forums to the HF heading.
Warren B's custom header JS - Adds "Buyers Bay | Website Construction | C/C++/Obj-C | PHP | Lounge | Groups"
One+ custom header JS - Adds "| Lounge | Zero | L'appel | Titans|"
Hack Forums - Request Warning Tool JS - Request Warnings Easier To Clipboard
OLD SCHOOL Hackforums Theme - made by Krew JS - This script replaces HF with the oldschool theme and images.
Flat Darkness Hack Forums Theme JS - Custom theme for Hack Forums. Base theme by Sasori.
Hack Forums Matte Black Theme (Style 1) JS - Changes Hack Forums to a dark, sleek theme! Style 1.
Hack Forums Matte Black Theme (Style 2) JS - Changes Hack Forums to a dark, sleek theme! Style 2.
Hack Forums Matte Black Theme (Style 3) JS - Changes HackForums to a dark, sleek theme! Style 3.
Hack Forums Matte Black Theme (Style 4) JS - Changes HackForums to a dark, sleek theme! Style 4.
Hack Forums Matte Black Theme (Style 5) JS - Changes HackForums to a dark, sleek theme! Style 5.
Joclings. custom header JS - Adds various hyperlinks to HF header
HF Add to Group - Zero Temp. JS - Adds people to groups
Group Management Header Script JS - Adds special links in header block for leaders of Archive. (Change GID for different groups)
Orchid's Post Helper JS - Adds additional phrases that can be used in posts as a symbol for something else. This script is written by xerotic, Mr Kewl, updated by xadamxk
TrustScan Update JS - Update for Hackforums Trust Scan
Understalker's Custom Add to Group (Echo) JS - Adds people to groups
HF Poll Counter JS - Counts polls properly when they are public (or mod of the section)
Hack Forums - Community Radio JS - Adds a link to start the Hack Forums Community Radio player in a new window.
Hack Forums - Multi Quote JS - Adds a multiquote button to the post management buttons.
Ren's custom header JS - Adds various shortcuts
Hack Forums - Profile Citation JS - Cite Profiles while on Mobile Devices using this UserScript.
HF Scripts - PM From Post JS - This will let you PM users from posts. -updated by xadamxk
Hack Forums - Unclutter JS - Removes statistics nobody gives a fuck about to make the postbit slimmer
Hack Forums - Fixed Quick Reply JS - Fixes the quick reply formula to the bottom of the viewport to make it easier to browse the thread while composing a reply.
HF News Auto Fill JS - Fills out textarea with the form
Custom Header JS - Adds various shortcuts to the HF toolbar. (Leave strings blank to exclude)
Hack Forums - Next/Previous page on left/right keypress JS - Goes to next or previous page when pressing arrows