Maknyos AutoIn

Auto click to a link mostly for download purpose, iframe killer. Supported hosts: zippyshare, mediafire, sendspace, uptobox,,, and many more...

< Feedback on Maknyos AutoIn


Posted: 12/09/2016

datafilehost not working

Hi - seems that datafilehost isn't working now. Also, with the script enabled, if you try to manually get the file by clicking the download button (after first unchecking the "Download with Secured Download manager" of course), you get a message: "There seems to be a database error. Please try again." Disabling the script allows you to manually download. Thanks...

Posted: 13/09/2016

Cant reproduce it just yet,.
Using existing sample link seems still working.

Based on the snippet code of datafilehost, I dont think there's a check button there.
Maybe I was wrong, or maybe it behave differently based on filesize/browser whatsoever. Is there any sample link you can share that could raise the issue?

Posted: 13/01/2017
Edited: 13/01/2017

I also have this error so I went to the sample link provided in the Maknyos homepage and was surprised to see that working but another link was not working....I found what was really the issue...http site of datafilehost is working fine...but http(s) site is not working... so I just changed the my link from http(s)-->http and it works like a charm....
pls update
More Notes....
When i went to https site I noticed that firefox showing the "non-secured connection" i clicked there and it sayed "Connection not secure..firefox blocked some of the content..." I then clicked load insecured item...from now it works like a charm....

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