ChatGPT ChatTree 🌳

ChatGPT ChatTree 🌳, 🚀stalno i neograničeno upravljanje vašim interakcijama sa ChatGPT🚀 🔄ažuriranja u realnom vremenu i vizualizacija stabla razgovora ChatGPT🔄 💡saveti za razgovore sa ChatGPT, prilagođene napomene, obeleživači💡🔍Pametna pretraga u ChatGPT: brzo lociranje specifičnih razgovora🔍 📋Panel za upravljanje interakcijama sa ChatGPT, korisnički prijatan interfejs, sveobuhvatne opcije za upravljanje interakcijama, kategorizacija, oznake i više📋

< Feedback on ChatGPT ChatTree 🌳


Posted: 21/11/2024

can't install

"URIError: malformed URI sequence"

Posted: 24/11/2024

Please check if you are using Tampermonkey to install the script.
This script works well on edge and chrome inside Tampermonkey.

Posted: 25/11/2024

Ok, sorry, I'm using violentmonkey on firefox (windows and ubuntu).

I see that my config is not supported, sorry.

Posted: 25/11/2024

I've intall tampermonkey, now I'll look for a way to make the font bigger in the ChatTree script

Posted: 30/11/2024

I've intall tampermonkey, now I'll look for a way to make the font bigger in the ChatTree script

Seen your comment! Do you mean the Chattree Button's font size? If so, I'll make it adapt to any browser (if I can) in next version. It is a problem that should be fixed, sincerely.

Posted: 30/11/2024

I've intall tampermonkey, now I'll look for a way to make the font bigger in the ChatTree script

Seen your comment! Do you mean the Chattree Button's font size? It is a problem that should be fixed, sincerely. But I'm interested how small is it in your browser. Could you post a pic about that?
Also, if you know some coding and how to edit the script, just look at line 1675 (which is inside function "additionalStyles", and the content is "zIndex: '9999',"), you can simply add a new line such as: "font-size: 1.2em,"(don't forget the comma) and save the script(ctrl+s). You can refresh the chatgpt page and see any different.
Hope you can figure it out, or just post a picture to let me figure it out.

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