html-utils JS (Knižnica) - utils for DOM manipulation and fetching info of a webpage
camamba-utils JS (Knižnica) - utils for modifying the DOM and fetching info of a webpage of camamba
object-utils JS (Knižnica) - inheritance, mixins and other stuff, mainly to encapsulate objects
test-utils JS (Knižnica) - primitive assert-methods for unit-testing
Camamba User JS (Knižnica) - User represents a camamba User, UserSearch represents a search-request for one or many users
Camamba Chat Settings JS (Knižnica) - creates a settings - object with getter and setter - property for every in-chat settings and with a save and restore method
Camamba Hook Into OnMessage JS (Knižnica) - allows to add handlers for onMessage requests
Camamba Chat Helpers Library JS (Knižnica) - decorates "knownUsers" and "rooms" objects with functions useful for console and other scripts
Camamba Forums Search Library JS (Knižnica) - fetches forums, threads and posts
Camamba Users Search Library JS (Knižnica) - fetches Users