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Google Search Extra Buttons

Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Google search page

< Spätná väzba na Google Search Extra Buttons


Pridaný: 12.09.2017

No longer working

This is no longer working for me. Has google changed something to break this. I also switched to a Mac recently and had not used the script but when I wanted to use it today I noticed it was missing. So I am not sure if it is the Mac that is the problem or something google changed.

Pridaný: 13.09.2017
Upravený: 13.09.2017

Win10 - all OK
MacOS Sierra 10.12.4 through virtual macine, Chrome - OK (loaded as unpacked extension with manifest.json);
Firefox - OK (via Greasemonkey)
Safari (via TamperMonkey) - OK

Maybe, new layout in your region is inserted or another extension or script, or script from virus (see more in previous similar messages).

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