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GI AppSample Map - More Markable Markers

Gets the markers_all json file and change user defined markers to be markable.

< Spätná väzba na GI AppSample Map - More Markable Markers

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 24.12.2024

Hello, this work wonderfully, can you also post a script for GEO sigils?

Pridaný: 24.12.2024

You can easily add Geo Sigils by adding it to the list of markers to be changed markable. Geo Sigils is 'o128' so you want to edit the list to include it.

You'd want to update it like this:

const list = "o596, o128";

Pridaný: 01.01.2025

tks so much, this is the only thing I need hehe. figuring itself out now.

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