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BT4G & Limetorrents enhanced search

Adds magnet links to BT4G and Limetorrents, filtering of search results by minimum and maximum size (BT4G only), keeping search terms in the input field in case of missing results (BT4G only), automatic reload in case of server errors every 5 minutes

< Spätná väzba na BT4G & Limetorrents enhanced search

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 03.11.2024

icon isn't loaded in violentmonkey, will you fix it?

Pridaný: 03.11.2024

I have tried Violentmonkey in several Chromium based browsers and Firefox and could not find any problem. To be on the safe side, I also tried Chrome and there I can see the error.

It's a Greasemonkey bug because:

  1. in other browsers it works and in chrome also with Tampermonkey
  2. during installation of the script in Greasemonkey the icon is visible
  3. workaround 1: edit the script, remove a line from the header, such as the @match line, save, remove another @match line and save, remove the @author line and save, then the icon is visible. The icon may disappear again with an update. Then use CTRL+Z in the script to restore the deleted lines.
  4. workaround 2: use Tampermonkey instead of Greasemonkey
Pridaný: 03.11.2024
Upravený: 03.11.2024

The bug will be fixed in Greasemonkey version 2.28.0.

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