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Reddit - Top Comments Preview (old & new design)

Preview to the top comments on Reddit (+ optional auto-load comments and images, auto-hide sidebar)

< Spätná väzba na Reddit - Top Comments Preview (old & new design)


Pridaný: 26.04.2015

Open comments below expando

Is it possible to open the comments under the self-text expando? Right now the comments load above the self-text

Pridaný: 27.04.2015
Upravený: 28.04.2015

I added an option to choose the position for the different expandos.

Pridaný: 30.04.2015

On RES with Never Ending Reddit enabled, I'm seeing some posts' expandos below comments and some expandos on top of the comments. I set it so they come above the comments. This works for the first few pages with Never Ending Reddit, then starts to mix them on later pages. What's going on?

Pridaný: 01.05.2015

Should work in v1.89

Pridaný: 01.05.2015

Should work in v1.89

Pridaný: 14.08.2017

@"jesuis parapluie"
Could you please update the startpage script please? (Sorry for posting here)

Pridaný: 23.12.2018
Upravený: 23.12.2018

I didn't understand, how to make comments auto-expand? I was using this in the past and they were auto-expanded and I don't remember how to do it edit: ok, I've found it

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