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[TS] Schmoogle

Dated but most functions work; Google: Fully Customisable Skins (columns, font colors, bgc etc.) | AutoPaging with Lazy Load Support | Remove Tracking/Redirection | URL Cleaner | Quick Search Filter | URL Blacklisting | SSL Search | Multiple Search Services | Quick Links To Google Services | Ad Removal...

< Spätná väzba na [TS] Schmoogle


Pridaný: 18.05.2015
Upravený: 19.05.2015

[TS] Schmoogle : Why this search can't be handle by your script ?

This search don't work:

I test :
// @include*

but without result...

Strange ?

Pridaný: 19.05.2015
Upravený: 19.05.2015

Seems to work fine. What exactly does not work?

I should really finish updating this script. The "new" version been sitting on my pc for well over a year, unfinished. If only Microsoft had done the same with Windows 8.

Pridaný: 19.05.2015
Upravený: 19.05.2015


It's like the script not working at all with this search...
No settings panel, no columns formatting , nada...

I test
- with the Google Barre
- without it
- Change for
that's the same.

AND that's work for you : Strange, no ?

I have this problem for this search, the others are fine.

Pridaný: 19.05.2015

I click on the link and it works fine. Can you try it on a clean profile of Firefox?

Pridaný: 30.05.2015
Upravený: 30.05.2015

That's a problem from me :
I do a test the search on another pc and your script work like a charm......


Now i need to understand what's broken :-)

Pridaný: 03.06.2015

Most likely it's a clashing script.

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