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Nástroje YouTube Všetko v jednom miestne Stiahnite si MP4, MP3

Nástroje YouTube Všetko v jednom miestnom Sťahujte mp4, MP3

< Spätná väzba na Nástroje YouTube Všetko v jednom miestne Stiahnite si MP4, MP3

Hodnotenie: Zlé - skript nefunguje

Pridaný: 23.02.2024
Upravený: 23.02.2024

When the script is enabled, it is impossible to write a comment on Youtube. When I press the button to type, the letters do not appear, and pressing F turns on the full-screen video mode. Fix it. The first screenshot shows the problem of displaying the comment functions, the second one does not have a problem because the script is disabled

Pridaný: 24.02.2024

Hello, thank you for your comment, in a future update we will solve that problem.

Pridaný: 25.02.2024

Fixed in version 2.1.5

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