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Nástroje YouTube Všetko v jednom miestne Stiahnite si MP4, MP3

Nástroje YouTube Všetko v jednom miestnom Sťahujte mp4, MP3

< Spätná väzba na Nástroje YouTube Všetko v jednom miestne Stiahnite si MP4, MP3

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 19.05.2023

Excellent script!
I've got a few improvement ideas.
Could you please add support for this classic theme or perhaps add it to your script?
And see if you're able to add the like/dislike ratio bar.
And if you manage to do so, please also add this script which returns the colored bar:
This code currently only works for the classic un-rounded design.

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