🏆 [#1 Chess Cheat] A.C.A.S (Advanced Chess Assistance System)

Enhance your chess performance with a cutting-edge real-time move analysis and strategy assistance system

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Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 01.09.2023

Great Script!
2 suggestions:
1) Castling Option
2) If it could be possible to reduce resource usage. Uses too much sometimes that the pieces on chess.com itself starts to get buffered! I have a powerful system tho.

Pridaný: 01.09.2023

Great Script!

Thanks so much :)

Castling Option

Yup, will do at some point for sure.

If it could be possible to reduce resource usage.

Yeah, I think the longer you play, the more it uses resources, since they don't get cleared properly. Will have to look into that.

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