Youtube watch page 2022 update reverter

Reverts the shitty watch page and all Youtube 2022 updates to the old layout (including icons)

< Spätná väzba na Youtube watch page 2022 update reverter

Hodnotenie: OK - skript funguje, ale má chyby

Pridaný: 03.11.2022

Issues with "YouTube Watch Page 2022 Update Reverter":

1. Dark Mode is still defaulted "On" on the watch pages of videos, along with the stupid background glow (YouTube's oh so "wonderful" Ambient crap).

2. Search bar and "Sign In", "Like/Dislike" and "Subscribe" buttons are still pill-shaped, button fonts are NOT all-caps like they used to be (not entirely a deal-breaker, but this is additional points for completion).

3. The Like/Dislike ratio bar is NOT centered under the "Like/Dislike" buttons, but is off to the right side of the three dots menu button.

4. The "Share" and "Save" buttons are lacking their original text altogether and the shaping and position of the "Like/Dislike" buttons is disjointed.

5. The "Screenshot", "Picture-In-Picture" and "Loop/Repeat" player option buttons are NOT in the video playback control bar where they're supposed to be, but are sitting next to the upload date and view count text underneath the video title text.

6. On the "Videos" page, the thumbnails are still oversized and still spaced too far apart, with only four entries to a row. The old look had at least six entries across in each row and the size and spacing of them was the exact same as on the channel's home page.

7. The sorting options are still button-ified, in pill shapes and still lack the ability to sort by oldest video first (a BIG change that NOBODY likes or wanted and should NEVER have been made to begin with). The old sorting options were a simple three-entry drop-down menu.

Things that are working correctly (at least in the case of my particular web browser/PC configuration):

1. Video thumbnails are back to their old sharp-cornered selves! YAAAYYY!!!

2. The button styles in the lefthand sidebar on the home pages of channels have been returned back to their old selves! YAAAYYY!!!

3. The font for the video title on the watch page has been restored back to its original Arial-like block font and is NO LONGER that ridiculous Roboto font it was RUDELY changed to (nothing personal against Roboto, mind you, but it DOES NOT fit the look of YouTube)! YAAAYYY!!!

4. The placement of the "Subscribe" button on the watch page has been returned back to where it was originally - the far right side of the player area, directly across from the channel name and right next to the righthand sidebar with the list of other videos to watch. YAAAYYY!!!

In summary, I'd have to say that this script seems to be the ticket. Just a few issues that need rectifying and I'd say you will have achieved what I was beginning to think was impossible.

Cat BotAutor
Pridaný: 03.11.2022

weird it stoppped working for me as well. youtube keeps changing things like everyday so im looking into this right now and will update the script soon

Pridaný: 05.11.2022

Hi Cat Bot,

Just writing to let you know that I did get your reply to my review. I didn't want to make you think I wasn't paying attention or ignoring you. And thank you very much for both creating this and taking the time in your busy schedule to both respond to my comments and making every effort to keep the script up to date. That engagement means so much to me. :-)

By the way, I have an addendum to post here regarding the situation with YouTube's UI blunder. I don't know if you are aware of this or have even discovered it yet, but shortly after posting my review, I made the interesting discovery that if I have your script running and I go into my browser settings and delete all the YouTube-specific cookies and then refresh the channel page or video watch page I am on, I can actually "force" it back to light mode again, like it is supposed to be for a logged out visitor. Unfortunately, I have to do that every time I either load a new tab (I tend to prefer watching videos in a separate tab so I don't lose my place in the huge list of videos on channels' Videos pages) OR I leave YouTube altogether and then return through a different channel. If I'm quick enough, I can get the channel's home page and Videos page to load in light mode without doing anything, though I'll still have to do the whole "delete cookies, refresh tab" maneuver to restore light mode and normalcy to the watch pages themselves.

I don't know if this is common to all users of your script or it's just endemic to my particular PC and software that I'm using. I don't have another machine to test or experiment with and the only other web browser I have, besides Brave (my preferred default), is Edge. I haven't used Firefox in years due to past frustration with their "Quantum" updates making that browser perform very poorly. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please feel free to share that with me. I am running NoScript as well as Ublock Origin and AdBlock Plus alongside Brave's native script and ad blocking features. Maybe some of my troubles stem from that and maybe there's a way that I don't know about to set these up so that your script and others like it can function they way they are intended while still providing that all-important security an ad blocker provides. I'm open to any suggestions you can provide and thanks again for the hard work you are doing, Cat Bot. :-)

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