Shellshock.IO Aimbot & ESP

Locks aim to the nearest player in Comes with an ESP too. Press B, V, N, L to toggle aimbot, esp, esp lines, aimbot on right mouse hold.

< Spätná väzba na Shellshock.IO Aimbot & ESP

Hodnotenie: Zlé - skript nefunguje

Pridaný: 12.09.2023

the script doesn't work. i dont use tampermonkey and idk if its needed but the script doesnt work

Pridaný: 12.09.2023

Tampermonkey is indeed needed to run this script. The script still perfectly works fine.

Pridaný: 14.09.2023

oh okay. my school blocked extensions, is there anyway to get tampermonkey?

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