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Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 05.11.2023

Did you ever though of close sourcing your code?

Shortlink owners can check your code and block it again and again because its open source.

Pridaný: 06.11.2023

Please you must encrypt your source code quickly ...

Shortlink owners can check your code and block it again and again because its open source.

Pridaný: 06.11.2023

Did you ever though of close sourcing your code?

Shortlink owners can check your code and block it again and again because its open source.

Sorry I don't want to do that , from beginning i try to make my script easy to understand for everyone , so they can learn and know how my script works.
I allow everyone to replace the selectors if they know , The important thing is don't delete or replace my blogs, because i know someone doing this , and pretending like he made it.

when i have time , i will fix every bugs if i know .

Pridaný: 07.11.2023

Did you ever though of close sourcing your code?

Shortlink owners can check your code and block it again and again because its open source.

Sorry I don't want to do that , from beginning i try to make my script easy to understand for everyone , so they can learn and know how my script works.
I allow everyone to replace the selectors if they know , The important thing is don't delete or replace my blogs, because i know someone doing this , and pretending like he made it.

when i have time , i will fix every bugs if i know .

Thank you for doing god's work!.

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